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Posts posted by The_Merf

  1. In the bottle: Wow, this smells a lot like caramel. I'm picking up something else that smells nutty--perhaps a mix of the tobacco and coconut.


    Wet: Wow, this continues to smell like caramel, with an undertone of...peanut butter? This is giving me a bit of a headache. The caramel is also going a little stale on me.


    Drydown and wear: Well, I guess it had to happen eventually--this is the first LE bottle I've ordered that just struck out on my skin. This situation is my own fault--this blend has coconut in it, which nauseates me when it is used in food. I try to avoid blends that have any mention of coconut, but the other notes in here sounded so nice that I decided to give it a try. Oh well, my loss will be someone else's gain, I guess. :P

  2. In the imp: This smells very sweet and fruity. As I'm not much into the fruit scents, this put me off a bit. Plus, I have had absolutely no success with the Voodoo Blends category...:P


    Wet: Well I'll be darned, I like this! The fruitiness doesn't bother me at all. It is certainly a happy scent, and smelling it did make me smile.


    Drydown and wear: I'm with whoever said Bubblelicious gum. This dries down to a cheerfully sweet (but not stale, thank God) and fruity perfume. I like the initial explosion more, but this remains nice on dry-down. This will go on my "B buy list."

  3. The first thing I noticed about this blend is that, much like Dragon's Milk, it did not absorb into my skin...


    In the imp: Honest-to-God, I thought I smelled patchouli (this was a lovely frimp from the Lab, so I didn't have a list of notes on hand). I suppose I was picking up on the rosewood or something.


    Wet: I had a really difficult time coming up with an adequate description, as this scent almost seems without odor when it is wet on my skin. I tried this next to Eos, which lit up on my skin, so it was difficult to detect anything. After trying another spot on my arm, I detected the sandalwood, and something that contributes a bit of a kick.


    Dry-down and wear: This is truly a RED perfume (even though it is more brown in the imp). Sandalwood is one of those notes that tends to dominate with my skin chemistry, but it is spiced up here--just lovely. In fact, this perfume reminds me of the Djinn/Magus blend I concoted for myself. I just wish it was stronger. I think I will have to try this one on again--all alone--so I can get a better idea of the throw. That will help me determine whether or not it goes in the "A list" for buying bottles or the "B list."

  4. The Rising Sun. She is Ostara, Easter, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and the dawn. She is a protector and friend to all children. Her scent is that of softly glowing skin, jasmine, buttercup and honeysuckle.

    Oooh, it's a kissing cousin to the amazing New Orleans!

    In the imp: Ah, sunny spring beauty. Lots of people have hit the nail on the head--it smells like Easter, it smells yellow. It reminds me a lot of NO. The honeysuckle is strong, and oddly enough, I can't really pick up on the jasmine.

    Wet: Wow, this is strong! I'm trying on a few things at a time (because I am bereft of patience), and this overwhelms them at first. I should not be surprised, as my skin ratchets up jasmine. However, I still smell honeysuckles as the predominant note.

    Dry-down and wear: I'm with SeaMonkey; this really is a less-intense NO. Eos doesn't quite have the intensity--the "humidity"--of NO, but it has those lovely honeysuckles. Since I just got a bottle of NO, I will probably hold off on placing this on my bottle list, but it is beautiful, and I am sure I will turn to this imp a lot during late March and April.

  5. I hearts me a mint julep, so I'm interested in what happens here...


    In the imp: This smells quite nice, and quite familiar, if you know what I mean...LOL


    Wet: It's hard for me to get a handle on this one--I smell mostly alcohol. I don't pick up on the mint at all.


    Dry-down and wear: The mint and sugar begin to emerge upon dry-down. Sadly, this one is going slightly stale in reverse. The evidence is starting to mount; sugar scents do not work well with my skin chemistry. It's not unbearable, and indeed, this one does not have a lot of throw on it. I can barely detect it after thirty minutes. I will probably gift this imp, as I know quite a few people who might enjoy it. :P

  6. In the imp: Wow, this smells absolutely gorgeous! I pick up on the honey, vanilla, cherry and wine. I'm quite excited about this, as I love wine scents.


    Wet: This is unexpected--this perfume has gone "stale food" on me. This is the same problem I have with Grog and Devil's Night, though with DN, the problem goes away. I assume that something sugary--perhaps the vanilla--is causing the problem. (One of the biggest lessons I've learned with BPAL is that there is a drastic difference between commercialized vanilla scents and scents with pure vanilla notes on my skin.)


    Dry-down and wear: Sadly, I get nothing but the stale food smell--rotting sweets. It smells like someone left candy corn out in the sun for too long. If you like foody smells with a buttery or sugary edge, you should love this. I'm really quite disappointed that I have to move this to the swaps pile, because it is absolutely stunning in the imp. Maybe I'll try it on my hair or something...

  7. In the imp: I was having a really hard time pinning this down until I read voodoobaby's review above mine: yes, this is almonds. I know this is a spin on bay rum, but I can't smell a hint of booze.


    Wet: This immediately becomes boozy upon touching my skin, but not in the 'I'm-gonna-retch' way that Grog and the first 10-15 minutes of Devil's Night react, which leads me to believe that there isn't anything buttery in here.


    Drydown and wear: I was on the fence about this one when I tested it, but now that I wear it on its own, I quite like it. It certainly has excellent throw, and I am becoming more of a fan by the minute, quite honestly. I'm also detecting something smoky in here (I would say frankincense, but...) and it becomes stronger as the scent dries. Really lovely--thanks to the Labbies for the frimp. :P

  8. In the imp: I smell some sort of fruit, which I guess must be the pear, and the lillies. I also detect the musk note.


    Wet: I think that white musk is a note that rarely works on me. This takes the same sharp turn that Dorian did on my skin. It's not soapy in the traditional sense, but it is quite astringent.


    Drydown and wear: The astringent phase is rather quick, and this oil does not last long on my skin. I can smell the lillies, with some other indistinct notes in the background. I will probably have to swap this one. The soft smell is pretty, but I don't like the initial phase, and it just isn't strong enough for me.

  9. In the imp: This has an orange note. I'm not exactly in love with this as I smell it, but my recent experiences with some lemon scents have given me a more open mind in re: citrus.


    Wet: Oh Lord this is sharp! I'm not getting a headache, but I do feel a little queasy when I smell the test spot on my skin. There is something in addition to the citrus notes that does not agree with me.


    Drydown and wear: This lasts for quite some time, and has good throw. However, the citrus combination is not for me. I love the name though! :P

  10. In the imp: I smell all florals. It's pretty, but I have a bad feeling it will not be strong on my skin.


    Wet: This has a (very brief) soapy stage on me--I believe that is due to the honey element. However, it moves very quickly to soft, pretty florals.


    Drydown and wear: My initial suspicions were correct; this does not last very long on my skin. I could barely detect it after twenty minutes. I wore it on its own yesterday, and the same thing happened. It is pretty, and a nice thing to wear when I'm lounging around and want to smell nice, but I may swap it, I'm not sure.

  11. In the imp: I can detect the frankincense and the herbs here. I am completely unfamiliar with ambergris, but I don't think it is strong, as nothing smells unfamiliar.


    Wet: The frankincense is strong, but something is mediating it. So far, this scent is much, much more dignified than its namesake. :P


    Drydown and wear: This isn't terribly strong, but I like the scent. The frankincense is still the most prominent note--and I think the ambergris might be coming out on dry-down, because there is something that I cannot pinpoint. It's a lovely oil...but I'm afraid I have to swap it. Mark Antony may seriously be my least favorite historical figure of all time (Non Mass Murderers Division), and silly as it seems...someone else gets to benefit.

  12. In the bottle: This is quite interesting. It's very strong and strikes me as an oil that would bring about clarity. Smelling Mercury allows your mind to cut through the fog that can, at times, envelop it, and focus on what is necessary. In terms of particular notes, I get more cinnamon than most people, but the lavender is obviously strong.


    Wet: I honestly feel sharper in mind when I smell this. The cinnamon is not as strong on my skin as it was in the bottle. This is a unique, and yes, "mercurial" scent. :P


    Drydown and wear: I'm disappointed in the throw on this scent. I love it--it's got great character--but it doesn't last too long on my skin. However, I tried this on at the same time that I tried on Herr Drosselmeyer, so I may need to try it again to re-evaluate it.

  13. I have a new favorite BPAL scent...:P


    In the bottle: Yes--sweet, sweet tobacco!


    Wet: Sweet, sweet tobacco. I'm reminded of a cigar.


    Drydown and wear: Oh, the beautiful tobacco lasts and lasts and lasts. I cannot tell you how much I love this (though people might be able to tell from this review :D). It reminds me of my father's pipe tobacco, and there is the slightest hint of leather.


    I have never considered doing the swaps thing, even for my beloved Geek, but I'm going to have to consider it for HD.

  14. In the bottle: This is light and warm. Oh, amber, you do such wonderful things! I'm very excited about this, given the positive reviews and the fact that I am always on the lookout for lighter oils that don't simply disappear on my skin.


    Wet: I can't distinguish much besides the amber, but this is so classy and elegant.


    Drydown and wear: This is a lovely scent, and as I said, it is classy, but it doesn't have a lot of staying power on me. I fear I will have to slather (and silly me, I have only one bottle), so I will have to save this for special times. It is, however, absolutely gorgeous and ethereal, and I'm so glad that I have the one bottle.

  15. In the imp: Oh long-awaited, radiant oil that we call Lenore! My nose is longing nevermore!

    Erm...yes. Lovely, lovely, lovely vetiver. Such a deep, dark green smell, made all the more earthy by patchouli.


    Wet: Actually, the patchouli is surprisingly strong while this is wet--it smells like freshly overturned dirt. The greenery of the vetiver is the background, but the patchouli is strong.


    Dry-down and wear: The vetiver re-emerges after the oil dries down. As the oil goes through its stages, the other notes, which are numerous, begin to emerge. I'm picking up the plum and thyme--there's also a note here that is not familiar, which I am assuming is saffron (something I don't have a lot of experience with). I'm glad that the lemon, which I don't normally like, isn't too strong here, as that was the only thing that worried me about this particular oil. There is an aura of the grave about this scent that pretty much nails the figure of Lenore.

  16. In the bottle: This does a great job of recalling its description. It smells artificial and futuristic. I mean those terms as compliments, as I see them related to the theme of the perfume. I think I can smell some of the less common florals, like the jonquil.


    Wet: I can see where people get the "hairspray" description, but to me, that smells more like unusual flowers soaked in alcohol.


    Dry-down and wear: I like the way this is turning out--it's certainly unlike most of the other BPAL scents I like. It is quite modern and makes me think of "the clubbin' eighties" (which I did not experience in actuality, as I was too wee for such things). I certainly would feel like I should be wearing synthetic fabrics, or at least glitter, when I choose this oil. The choice of florals and the way they are layered over the champagne notes give this its distinctive character. I was a bit worried about this after I read some of the reviews, but I'm so glad to have this bottle to go to.

  17. In the bottle: OK, this is not at all what I expected--I'm used to smoky incense. However, I think this is because most of my experience with incense comes from sitting in the back with the incense burner on Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil trying to make sure it doesn't go out--the smoke lingers and is most memorable. This smells much more like my sister's unused incense sticks--I think its the cedar.


    Wet: It still smells like the cedar--it's a lovely resin, but not quite evocative of the Mass. It reminds me more of Cathedral than of Hymn or Penitence.


    Dry-down and wear: Ahh, now the familiar scent of church is starting to draw itself out. Patience is a virtue with this scent; it has turned into a more complex and evocative scent than any of the (lovely) Sin and Salvation scents I mentioned earlier. Yes, yes, yes--I will keep this on hand for special Mass days, so I can make it last longer! Absolutely lovely.

  18. In the imp: Clearly the folks at the Lab have psychic powers...as I was looking at upcoming Moon oils, I said to myself, "Gee, I wish I could have a go at something with a lotus note, because I don't know what that's like." Sure enough, I was generously gifted this imp with my last purchase. I can certainly see where the "bubblegum" reputation comes from, though compared to some of the other scents I tested, this one is not nearly as sweet. Perhaps I'm looking extra hard for the lotus note, but it dominates in the imp.


    Wet: Yes, the bubblegum is strongest at this stage. It is still not as overpowering as I would have expected it to be, given the reviews. I'll bet this is because my skin amps myrrh and sandalwood like nobody's business! However, I don't smell either of those notes distinctly.


    Dry-down and wear: This is another perfume that really fits its description. After the initial stage of dry-down, I can really start to smell the myrrh (and I may detect a hint of the sandalwood). I quite like this; I will definitely use up the imp, and proceed from there.

  19. In the imp: This smells nice and warm--my only previous experiences with dragon's blood are Dragon's Hide and Wrath. This blend certainly resembles the latter in terms of the sweetness.


    Wet: Like many others, I had to blot this oil down so it would start absorbing. This smells very sweet while wet--clearly the dragon's blood is being altered by something, but it doesn't quite smell like vanilla to me. That must be the effect of the honey.


    Dry-down and wear: This is sweet and candied. I wish it would turn the corner and become a bit spicier (I guess I wish the vanilla was deeper), but I still like it. I can't put my finger on exactly what it reminds me of, but I guess the association is pleasant. This is a definite "use the imp" and see if I decide to bottle it. It's amazing what can be done with the same note--this is not even in the same universe as Dragon's Hide, and yet they are both quite lovely.

  20. In the imp: Stash India spiced chai tea.


    Wet: See above.


    Dry-down and wear: It retains the "tea" quality. I'm having a hard time picking out anything besides the general "tea" and the cinnamon, because the immediate association with chai is hard for me to shake. This scent does not have a lot of throw on my skin--it was one of the last ones I tried on, but I can tell that it has entered its final dry-down stage. Because it doesn't last too long on my skin, and because I think there are others who would like this more, I'm probably going to send this one off to swaps.

  21. In the imp:--I smell tea more than tea rose--Dorian, is this your cousin?


    Wet: It still smells like Dorian, but dustier and less sweet. I'm quite fond of it, so far.


    Dry-down and wear: I don't have the aversion to rose that others have--Rose Cross was one of the first imps I ordered. This scent is nowhere near as strong--or as feminine--as RC. I could imagine this on a man. There is a "don't mess with me" edge to this perfume, and it does strike me as rather "British." Thanks to the Lab for gifting me with this one, as I would never have selected it on my own. The imp will be used with care, and this may even move up to the bottle list, depending on the consistency of its throw.

  22. In the imp: Quite sharp--I didn't get any of the sweetness that other people described. The "citrus" notes of orange blossom and lemon verbena stand out the most to me. However, there is something intriguing about it.


    Wet: The lemon verbena immediately jumps to the forefront. I can't smell the honeysuckle--which I love so very desperately in New Orleans--or the heliotrope at all. Right now, this is reminding me of Belle Epoque, even though that scent features mandarin, not lemon.


    Dry-down and wear: This gets much, much softer, and more difficult to detect on my skin. It has gone through a few stages of dry-down. For a short while, it smelled a bit like Mr. Clean, but then it entered its longest stage, which is soft, clean and innocent (embarassingly, I have never read Lolita, even though Glory is one of my favorite novels)--it seems fitting. This is not a bottle scent, but I think I will use up the imp, which would not have been my guess when I first smelled the oil.

  23. In the imp: I think my reaction was an exclamation of "Jesus Christ!" This is a strong foody scent with a lot of butter, and it triggered a gag reflex for me. With the exception of vanilla, I don't have a lot of experience with foody notes, and they often surprise me. I had a similar reaction to Devil's Night, which ended up lovely on my skin.


    Wet: Exactly as it was in the bottle. Unless this morphs a lot, it will not work out for me.


    Dry-down and wear: Much like DN, this becomes much more palatable on my skin after it dries down a bit. The buttered scent goes away very quickly, and leaves the smell of quality alcohol (as someone commented upthread, this is top-shelf stuff). However, I don't like the drydown quite as much as I like the smoke of DN--I'm not a rum person (gin and single malts are my preference). I think this one will go to the swap pile.

  24. In the imp: Berries, berries, berries. Perhaps a hint of the opium.


    Wet: Lovely, creamy berries. I'm surprised I like this as much as I do.


    Dry-down and wear: I can smell the berries and plum (and I think the rose and opium in the background, but they are faint). This is quite pretty--another perfume that doesn't seem to be my usual, but is up on my "keep it in mind list."

  25. In the imp: This is actually sharp--the pretty era with an edge. I don't know the dominant scent, which makes me believe it is mandarin, as I haven't tried anything with that note before.


    Wet: This is extremely sharp--the mandarin and the lillies are prominent.


    Dry-down and wear: This loses a bit of the edge on dry-down, but to my surprise, the vanilla and red sandalwood are absent. This remains lillies and mandarin all the way--I think I can catch a bit of the opium in the background on some test sniffs. It smells like nice soap--I don't mean that as an insult at all. It's not for me, but I have a feeling that many people will like this.
