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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by swansong

  1. It's my birthday!

  2. In addition to being my birthday, it is apparently also #equalpayday. It would be a really nice present if the wage gap were closed, world.

  3. Via @sherights: #rapeisrape http://sherights.com/2011/04/13/rape-sex-romp. Tell NYDailyNews to apologize for irresponsible reporting!

  4. Also, in adtn2 wht I wrote below, being able 2 buy name brand labels is a privilege! Not everyone can afford LV or Dior or whatever.

  5. Limbaugh gets his directionality all wrong: http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201104190015 (hint: the 1CP did not CAUSE sexism)


    http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/35528?in=24:54 LOL Daniel Foster's feminizm. Lucky @AmandaMarcotte can tell him what's what.

  7. I'm w/@peggyorenstein WRT the I <3 Boobies bracelets. I think they are sexist & ineffective. Wmn r more than breasts. http://lat.ms/gIjoHb

  8. Dear Lady Gaga, You did a really good thing when you stood against DADT. Now please do us a solid and lose the (cont) http://tl.gd/9vnuej

  9. Also, I am BEYOND excited that @cher has twitter!!

  10. Thinking about going vegetarian, but I really don't like tofu. Vegetarians and vegans, what are your fave tofu alternatives?


  12. A quick reminder via @IAM_SHAKESPEARE that Juliet was thirteen years old.

  13. There seems 2 b some confusion abt what birth control is. BC prevents birth. All contraceptives r BC,but not all BC is contraceptives. Easy!

  14. Tonight someone put a megaphone in my hands for the first time and I realized I was born to do community organizing. Next stop, White House.


    #bpal help needed! if you were a hipster, what scent would you wear?

  16. On 9/11 I was at my 4th day of 7th grade at ESMS NYC...I never thought this day would come...

  17. You guys @hanneblank is following me on twitter, I'm a little bit starstruck.

  18. I stand in solidarity with @Womenofthewall as they daven at the Kotel today on Rosh Chodesh Iyyar. You can see their pix on their page!

  19. I just used the phrase "woe betide" in my thesis. Ack.

  20. My fancy blue glowing sword is out of batteries. #middleearthproblems

  21. Thinking about statistics is actually giving me a panic attack. #help
