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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by swansong

  1. Yet another former camp counselor married to someone from camp. #ramah #berkshires #iwanttosayitsacultbutitsnotreally

  2. via @feministing A handy questionnaire for street harassers. - http://bit.ly/hopBI0

  3. Just started using @Offermatic...so far it's great!

  4. Real people my age/education cohort/SES are engaged. THE PRESSURE. IT IS ON.

  5. People with whom I am selling/swapping: Packages are going out THIS WEDNESDAY 2/10

  6. Dammit, Fergie, stop ruining "Time of My Life". #superbowl

  7. Is there a hashtag for tweets about bigoted #superbowl commercials yet?

  8. It would almost be better if they were "joking", bc then at least it wouldn't be #badfaith.


    #feminist, not #vegetarian. There is a difference.

  10. Rabbi Dena: "Do you know a Jewish pianist?" *gigglesnort*

  11. They made a statue of us / and put it on a mountaintop


    #DearJohn If you pass HR3 you are supporting rape. Period.


    #dearjohn Taxpayers barely pay for federally funded abortions as is. Why victimize women twice?

  14. This is what racism looks like \\ RT @feministing Why isnt media talking abt 9yrold girl killed by pol violence in AZ? http://bit.ly/hz6SS2

  15. Re RT below by @modeshift: That's my uncle, people!!


    #Tosh is a douchenozzle RT @DaddyFiles "Pedestrians are like wmn: theyre given way 2 many rights in this country." #Tosh is a funny bastard.

  17. Another wk,another misogynist hashtag.This wk,it's #donttrusther.It's simple, ppl: Some ppl r trustworthy, some r not. Gender is unrelated.


    http://www.abortionisprolife.com/faq.htm #prochoice #tweet4choice <-- I like this link, tho don't agree w/everything on capmag.com

  19. A man cannot be legally compelled to give organs or tissue to his dying child. Neither should a woman be forced. #prochoice #tweet4choice
