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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by swansong

  1. People with tart warmers: How do you store tarts you've used, but want to keep for later?

  2. I am somewhere in this picture! RT @KeithOlbermann Here we go. http://yfrog.com/h0lavooj

  3. According 2 ANTM wikipedia page, 1 of the models has "feminist beliefs". Can't wait 2 see how that plays out. @jennpozner #realitybitesback

  4. Trigger warning for drivers: There is an anti-choice billboard on NY Rt 17, near Monticello. Watch out, and drive carefully.

  5. Today 3 different adults referred 2 me using a phrase that involves the words "cow","milk", and "free". Repeat after me: I AM NOT LIVESTOCK.

  6. Friday sucked. Hope Saturday will be better.

  7. Now that @Etsy is safe again, I'm back to browsing and counting down the days til I can buy pretty things for mine and Jeff's new apartment.

  8. I cried my eyes out during Landslide, and laughed my ass off during Afternoon Delight. Well done, #glee

  9. Oh no, it's not him, it's his real-life guy....whatever, can I ask him to sing Santa Fe anyway?

  10. Twitter is currently suggesting that I follow Charlie Sheen on twitter. The redonkulousness overwhelms me.

  11. This bandaid on my finger is making me very aware of my typing. #owchie

  12. I can't believe that #tigerblood is a trending topic on Twitter right now, I just can't.

  13. I am totally wiped out from today. I did SO MANY THINGS!

  14. GOP War on Women: If You Have Sex, Republicans Want to Pry In Your Private Parts | | AlterNet http://bit.ly/fkRQJJ

  15. 26 minutes til Stella's closes. Gotta get this paper gotta get it get it get it done. #feminist #theoryishard #actionisbetterIMO

  16. (cont.) The irony, it burns.

  17. This just in: @justinbieber's foot was actually even further in his mouth than we thought: http://tinyurl.com/66yestg

  18. Fat activists, what say you? http://fb.me/V51jD0aJ The whole thing smells of monkey poo to me.
