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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by swansong

  1. Got a free hug that was really crappy. That's what I get for taking free stuff.

  2. Got a manicure then went into the rain. My nails are wrecked but my hands are soft. #firstworldproblems

  3. Graduation in 2 days ahhhhhhh

  4. Guess what twitterverse? I'm getting married!!! Me and boy are very happy :D

  5. Guess what, Douchehat? Women are more than their uteruses: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/03/opinion/03douthat.html

  6. Happy new year 2 all, esp 2 my #feminist #womanist #prochoice #antioppression friends & allies. Keep fighting the good fight!

  7. Happy that @Maddow said that she didn't completely agree with @MMFlint - wonder on what? #mooreandme

  8. help me rambam, help, help me rambam #suchajew

  9. Here is how wondrfl my fiance is: He bought a 3 pack of Ironman/CaptAmerica/Hulk masks for Purim. I get the Hulk 1 so I can b @feministhulk

  10. Here is your kyriarchy run amok: House GOP would rather shut down the government than let a poor brown woman get a free pap.

  11. Hey #bpal folks, I just did a big update! Reply or DM for the link!

  12. Hey @MikeBloomberg, #streetharassment isnt a compliment&making NYC streetsafe is UR JOB.http://t.co/Mu7FVcJ @ihollaback No <3, a former fan

  13. Hey East Coast #bpal - ers, Touched Twice is UP!!!

  14. Home from PPSFL gala w/@CornellWRC. Saw Cecile Richards & Michelle Goldberg. May have died and gone to #prochoice #feminist heaven. Awesome.

  15. How can feminism be "polluted" by the idea that sexism is everywhere? Sexism IS everywhere. The empowering part (cont) http://t.co/9WR2j9l

  16. I am on Pottermore! PM me your username and we can be friends!

  17. i am so close to being done with my thesis for real real that i can taste it...

  18. I am so glad that whatever their differences, Ann and Michelle can agree that pink suits are the best.

  19. I am somewhere in this picture! RT @KeithOlbermann Here we go. http://yfrog.com/h0lavooj

  20. I am totally wiped out from today. I did SO MANY THINGS!

  21. I can't believe that #tigerblood is a trending topic on Twitter right now, I just can't.

  22. I can't believe that the S*rah P*lin Battle Hymn is a real thing in the world.
