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Status Updates posted by swansong

  1. .@MMFlint Post his bail, but no need to turn into a rape apologist while you do it. #mooreandme

  2. People need to stop prescribing what #femalesneedto do. It's really sexist and hateful.

  3. Get Carbon Leaf's song Christmas Child for free in exchange for one tweet: http://trkurl.com/R7Ue5a #TFAT

  4. The fact that Rick Warren can tweet this without an ounce of irony or self-reflection is mindboggling: http://tinyurl.com/2w9ze79


    #somethingaintright when Lizzy Seeburg's rapist isn't prosecuted and rape allegations only get attention when they're against powerful men.

  6. Right now, the best and bravest person on the Internet is @sadydoyle. Please stand w/her by using #mooreandme & donating 2 anti-rape orgs.

  7. Still standing w/rape survivors, still tweeting with #mooreandme hashtag. This holiday season, consider donating to an anti-rape org.

  8. The We're Not Weaker Than Anyone's #GOPBands

  9. Happy that @Maddow said that she didn't completely agree with @MMFlint - wonder on what? #mooreandme

  10. In Boston for the MIT Xmas day Israeli folk dance marathon. For now, going to kosher chinese with friends. #easytobeajewonxmas

  11. Some1 broke into my friend's apt & stole 3 comps,a tablet,my ipod, and 2 sets of headphones...hope some junkie is having a merry effing xmas

  12. One woman got a judicial bypass - that can be extremely traumatic and a deterrent...#16andLoved #noeasydecision #provoice

  13. This episode was inspiring. positive. really great. I am so impressed w/MTV. #16andLoved #noeasydecision #provoice

  14. Happy new year 2 all, esp 2 my #feminist #womanist #prochoice #antioppression friends & allies. Keep fighting the good fight!

  15. My mother and I bear an uncanny resemblance to Mother Gothel in #Tangled...it's all the black curly hair.

  16. Guess what, Douchehat? Women are more than their uteruses: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/03/opinion/03douthat.html

  17. .@ayeletw You are my new heroine. Thank you for your voice. #prochoice

  18. Wishing all the happiness in the world to @neilgaiman and @amandapalmer. Mazal tov!

  19. Warning: Many people on the internet are assholes. >.<

  20. Watching @eddieizzard's Dressed to Kill. That shit is STILL fuckin' hilarious.

  21. Gah, my @sweetlibertine pot of Brass Monkey exploded all over my makeup box!


  23. I nominate @antitheistangie for a Shorty Award in #socialmedia because shes a heroine who won't be bullied into silence http://bit.ly/shorty

  24. People who think they are #feminists but aren't: Christina Hoff Sommers, Camille Paglia, Kate Roiphe and...Naomi Wolf? :'-(
