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Posts posted by SeaMonkey

  1. This is mostly opium and narcissus on me. I was having a particularly wonky body chemistry day one day while wearing this and my body ate everything but the opium.


    The ex: You smell like my grandmother

    me: Your grandmum smells like opium??

    The ex...............

  2. This is all warm, buttery pumpkin and the slightest bit of nutmeg. I get more butter than pumpkin. I'm not much of a food scent person, but this is nice to smell. I never wear it, but I like to frequently sniff my imp :P

  3. I had to hold my breath when I tried this. My body has the super power of amplifying anything rose.


    Thankfully, this blend was primarily sandalwood. The rose is a light tea rose that sweetens the sandalwood without screaming its presence loudly. I didn't smell too much patchouli.

  4. oh I love this.


    Its very grassy. I used to wear Grass, from the Gap. This is its deeper, more mature cousin. Its slightly smokey, a little dryer, but with hay on top. Maybe the hay from the scarecrow himself on top of the grass.


    This is just beautiful

  5. I got this as a freebie in my last order. In the vial this is all lemongrass and sandalwood. Its spicy and uplifting. I'm going to use this in the morning when I do sun salutations.


    On my skin, its still lemongrass, but the sandalwood gets deeper and the patchouli starts to peek out, but it still remains lemongrass, which is nice :P

  6. In the vial, its minty anise


    On my skin, its the same. The mint/anise definately wakes me up and opens up my sinuses. This is a good scent for when I have a headache. It seems to just make it go away.........which is kind of funny because drinking it GIVES me a headache

  7. I get all lime and a little lavender. The lime is really taking over WAY too much and it smells like my house after its been scrubbed and mopped and smelling like clean.


    It doesn't work on my skin, but I'm keeping for a baby thats on the way in case he winds up needing quieting. It does have a calming affect on me.

  8. I got something called a Migra-Stick at Whole Foods. Its a little 3mL greenish roller ball bottle with a peppermint lavender oil in it and you rub it on your temples and whatever when you have a headache. It gets cool and minty and really helps. I've been having sinus pain and have been putting it over my sinuses.



    I look like an ass at work rubbing a blue stick on my nose, but whatever

  9. This is very aquatic. I;m from Louisiana so I guess I was expecting more marsh and Spanish moss.


    This is a little too perfumy, but there's just something about it that makes me want to keep smelling it

  10. When I do swaps, most of the time, I'll tell people to just surprise me, because it gives me the chance to try things I might normally not.


    This was one of those.


    Its a minty lemony vanilla coconut.


    It really opens up my sinuses and makes me feel very alert. I put it on for the days I'm dragging a little

  11. The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices.

    This is definately evil Gingersnaps

    It makes me want to dress naughty and dance.
    Don't ask me why, it just does.

    Vanilla, Ginger, and spices

  12. very much an Irish coffee scent. I get a little dust and a little wood. I use it more as a room scent than on my skin.


    I get more of the dust and oakwood when I wear it on my skin. I have to be in a special mood to wear it on the skin. I use it in an oil burner in an amber mosiac lamp I have. I like to read by that light
