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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by SeaMonkey

  1. ooh, this is SO NICE in the imp. Like sitting down to a huge fresh fruit salad. I want to drink the imp. Someone stop me from drinking this.



    A little too fruity for my skin, but damn, is the imp fun to smell! Its all watermelon, guava, apple, and kiwi on me.

  2. This is definately an odd scent. I had to keep sniffing myself to decide if I liked it or not. I decided that I did and kept sniffing myself and giggling. I definately looked like a geek!


    Its all dry grass, patchouli, and cinnimon on me.


    I couldn't figure out what the odd note was that was showing up on me, then I realized it was the cinnimon

  3. This is a very beautiful, sad floral. In the imp, I smell peony.


    On my skin, its cucumber, sweet pea, and moss.


    Its sweet and sad at the same time. It smells like something I've smelled before, but can't place, like a memory I'm trying to remember.

  4. This is very herbally. Pine and anise. Its an odd combination, but it works really well. I had been having a bout of lexapro inspired fucked up dreams and the first night I tried this, no more bad dreams.

  5. This smells like this almond lotion my grandmother had when I was growing up. It was in a bottle that looked like an ear of corn. So an old woman from Louisiana uses a lotion that smells like this.....It is definately almondy. Its a good scent and it reminds me of being young

  6. It starts out with wine.....then goes to wine and chocolate......then wine, chocolate, and flowers.........then a cigarette for afterwards.



    Which is as it should be....... :P

  7. This smells like doeskin and dried grass in the imp. On my skin, the amber takes over and it gets a little perfumy. I think i need to try this again later in hopes that i was just having a wonky body chemistry day because this is gorgeous in the imp

  8. This is all amber, almond, and saffron on me. I immediately ordered a bottle of it. I've noticed on certain days, like when I'm pms'ing, it can go a little too perfumy on me, but otherwise, its such a warm scent. It does start out being a little strong, but warms up immediately when it started to dry.

  9. *drools*


    As a lover of tobacco scents, I had to try this. Its smokey coconut, sweetened by rum. Its more of a fresh coconut scent, not tanning lotion at all. The tobacco blends so well with the coconut and rum. My sister kept saying how good I smelled when I tried this for the first time.

  10. This blend as incredible staying power. The orris makes the dragons blood dry and very woody. It reminds me of using the sander in the woodshop in the art lab. When I got into a hot bathtub, the woodiness intensified and the whole bathroom smelled of sweetened dry wood.

  11. One of the 5 musks doesn't like me. I've come across it in other blends. It smells like a smell man who tried to spray deoderant over the stench.


    Its not the blend, its my wonky body chemistry. This starts out beautiful, like a smokey dragons blood, but as it dries, thats when the stinky man comes out. I was so heart broken that my body reacted that was because I was so excited about it for the first 30-45 minutes :P
