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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Banyangirl

  1. At first there's an almost floral quality to it: I sniffed it from the imp and went, "Um, citrus? No, wait, florals Gardenias!" And then I put it on.


    OH HI SALT I HAVE A CAT NAMED AFTER YOU. Salty creamy floral. Huh. Weird. After a few minutes the floral note goes away, leaving me with a scent not unlike those bar soaps you find in beach-themed stores, the ones that are shaped like sea shells. Sort of fresh and clean but still salty.


    Having gotten this as a frimp from the Lab, I would never have picked this out on my own, but it's definitely interesting. Not sure if it's a keeper, as the "clean" smell is kind of generic, but I guess it'd be good for those days when I want to smell obnoxiously clean and scrubbed.

  2. Bastet may well become my signature blend. It's warm, sexy and comforting, but it also says, "Hey, don't worry, I've got it, I'm in control." The almonds and honey and amber come out to say hello most prominently on me. The lab-fresh bottle I picked up has a good deal less throw to it than the tester bottle I tried on. It's more of a skin scent, more personal, quieter. This isn't a blend that says, "Come and sex me up." This is a blend that says, "Hey. I smell good. Don't I smell good? Don't you want to come closer? Bit closer, still, lad. Right there."

  3. So can I say, first of all, that I nearly started jumping up and down because the Whole Foods behind my school has some of the 'Weenies, including this one, and I didn't know until tonight? You go Whole Foods.


    Anyway. This is delicious! I wasn't planning on getting any of the Pumpkins because none of them really appealed to me on paper but I tried this one on for the hell of it. It starts out super sweet on me; the honey and sweet aspect of the pumpkin really come through. This was almost too sweet at first, but then the brown musk and almond combine with the honey and pumpkin to create something that's sweetly spicy, like a honey spice cookie.


    Bottle purchase, immediately. I have a feeling this is going to age beautifully.

  4. Oh yay. When I first put this on yesterday, it was a battle on my skin between the rose and the orange blossom. Eventually rose won and I had to wash it off, because me + old-lady rose = headache. And there is definitely an older lady element to this blend, but luckily I put it on more sparingly today after letting it sit for the night and it's much more together with itself. The rose and orange blossom are melding nicely to create a very fresh, unique rose scent, and the sandalwood's making it just a touch dry and powdery. The honey is nowhere to be seen, unfortunately, but this will be nice for an elegant, grown-up evening out. it's not the Sexy McSexers scent that I'd hoped for, but it's nice. 3/5 stars.


    Edit: September 3rd: I let this hang out since writing this review and just put some on and it is *fantastic*. It's sophisticated, is what it is. The honey has come out and combines really, really beautifully with the rose and orange, and the sandalwood creates this sort of dry backdrop to all that juiciness. So glad I hung onto this!


    Edit again: February 23rd, next year: this has become one of my favorites. It's become that sexy yet understated scent I wanted it to be. It hovers in a cloud of candy sweetness from the orange and honey, backed up by the rose. This is gorgeous.

  5. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet! This was in my last imp pack and I rather love it, though I think I'll be getting more use out of it when autumn rolls around. On me it's cinammon and apples and mulled wine, with a hint of dark ink if I really snuffle. The carnations just turn to more spice on me so it's a very autumnal scent. I think this one will come in handy during NaNoWriMo in November!

  6. I've got all the fresh scents I could ever need from the GC: Embalming Fluid, Whitechapel, The Ghost (which says "fresh summer floral" on my skin). However, Midnight on the Midway sounds really interesting too. And I'm worried that Agrat would be too sweet on me, what with the caramel being dominant in some reviews. I know I tend to amp sweet things anyway, but... argh. :D

  7. Hi there. I've been in BPAL land for about six months now, and since the CD is limited, I really want to try some, but I have no idea where to start. I know that most of the Snake Pit is kind of out (I'm still aging my first bottle of Snake Oil and I'm not sure if I'd like fresh from the lab Snake Pits, because lab-fresh SO is much too incensey for my tastes). My absolute favorite scents are: Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Eden, Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal, Hetairae, Whitechapel and Dee. Strawberry notes really *don't* work on me, and neither does red musk. I prefer sweeter, fresher, younger scents. Any reccs from the CD based on what I like?

  8. When I first tested this, all I could smell was the opium, so I decided that my skin chemistry was out of whack and re-tested. Gosh, I'm glad I did. This is just gorgeous. It's by far the strongest and most traditionally perfumey blend I've tried, maybe even a little too mature for 21 year old me, but it's good. There's the heady floral aspect, but it's tempered and darkened by the plum and berry notes, and the opium is almost headache-inducing, but stops just short of doing that. This is sophisticated and powerful.

  9. When I first opened the vial, I stood there for a good thirty seconds sniffing, going, "What IS this?" And then it hit me: Watermelon pop rocks. So I said, "Yum!" and put some on. And then it turned into watermelon pop rocks plus honey plus cigar smoke. A very, very confusing, conflicting scent, but I kind of like it! It dries down and fades into a very sweet cigar smoke. It's very different and very strange, but very good!

  10. It's perfumey and heady on me, but not headache inducing. Just a bit thicker than I really like. I want to like this one, it's sex but not really in my face. Re-test?


    Re-test next day: Less heady, more sweet, and almost innocent in its sexiness, batting big blue eyes while wearing a smirk on painted lips. Love!

  11. I love the lab's sense of things sometimes. This came as a frimp and I couldn't be happier about it. It's lime with just a hint of soapy lilac underneath and it mingles very well with the smell of my shaving cream. It's a very clean, happy, simple scent, and I love it! The one downside is that it doesn't seem to want to last very long, but that's all right. I don't mind re-applications of a perfume this awesome.

  12. Ladon and Dragon's Milk are definitely purple on me, although Ladon is more amethyst colored, and DM is a soft lavender color. It's the fact that dragon's blood reads as lilac on me, which I definitely don't have any grounds to complain about: I love lilacs!

  13. Thanks for all the suggestions, guys! I'll need to look up Obalata (I'd forgotten about that one). That sounds so goood! And I've been wanting to get into the Snake Pit anyway, so I might have to hunting for a decant of Death Adder (along with Boomslang, which I've been coveting for quite a while!).

  14. Brown Jenkins did this utterly heavenly vanilla/coconut mixture on me for about five minutes before it morphed into woods. Does anyone have any suggestions for a blend that won't morph? I don't mind florals being included if they're light. I love what Eden does with its coconut, for example. I'll take "darker" vanillas and coconuts, like the vanilla in Black Opal. Any suggestions?
