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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lark

  1. This was my first ever BPAL scent. In the bottle, the scent smelled kind of medicinal and acridly sweet. On, it was sweet without being medicinal and had a hint of rose.


    I don't love how it smelled on me, but there was something very soothing about this scent. Within 15 min of putting it on, I felt calmer and happier. I had had an exhausting month and a bad day. I put this one on and suddenly my mind stopped racing and I was able to push some thoughts that have been making me none too productive to the back of my mind. However, I felt so calm and peaceful I didn't end up making any progress on my essay. Ever since last night I've been calmer, more centered, and have felt more capable of dealing with everything. It's like the scent has helped me bust through the craziness that has taken over me this last month and kept me from being productive and feeling like myself. I didn't expect such a huge change in just one night (but I suspect some of the longer-term change is also due to the fact that I put on some Van Van after Blockbuster faded and did a very therapuetic dance).


    Unfortunately, the scent only lasted just under three hours until it completely disappeared. However, the lasting effects have been amazing.

  2. Wore this one today and loved it. There was something sweetly spicy about it. I kept surreptitiously smelling my wrists in class. Unfortunately, a few hours after putting it on, the scent faded a lot. Soon there after, it was all gone; it didn't even last an afternoon! Very disapointing since I loved it so much.
