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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by partypenguin123

  1. "Ah yes, every town needs a fool or two. Especially the glorious town of Your Mouth." -Megan Renew, on "wisdom" teeth.

  2. "How about, I will just slowly steal your possessions and pawn them off. That will be my job." -Peter Merrick Turner III

  3. "I always thought people with birth defects were unfortunate, but now I realize they're hilarious."

  4. "I could use some pants." -Slowking

  5. "It will be just like a scene from Moby Dick! Wind, rain...whales." --Chris Turner

  6. "Jane Austen is like the 18th Century Stephanie Meyer," said someone whose name I failed to ask before I strangled them with my bare hands.

  7. "Man, it is so cold out there my sac actually deflated!"-some guy on my hall.

  8. "OK, got to get my buns in the oven!" -Peter Merrick Turner

  9. "See? The sac doctor makes house calls." --Leslie Abshire

  10. "They ate her...and then they're going to eat me...oh my god!"

  11. [As policeman] Ask me what my favorite food is. "Lancashire hotpot." Why? "Lancashire hotpot" you in the name of the law!…[aside] Oh, "Irish Stew"!

  12. A man who can't piss in his own front yard lives to close to town.

  13. Alexander Pope, you think you're so clever. Why don't I cut off a lock of your hair, see how you like it? I bet you'd cry. Jerk.

  14. All I can think of today is food.

  15. All I want is a place to live for Fall Semester. Why does no one want me to be happy?

  16. Are you an Immanuel Kant or and Immanuel CAN?

  17. Are you not, like me, an autumnal sun, O my Marguerite, so white and so cold?

  18. Back from Carrollton in one piece thanks to Alexander, Leslie, Heather, and the Applebee's.

  19. Beancakes for breakfast.

  20. Became a Second Place Trivia Champion at Johnny's Pizza; climbed Stone Mountain; witnessed Gotham's reckoning.

  21. Being pathetic is hard work.

  22. Beirut with Perfume Genius tonight with Alexander Yarber!

  23. brb, going to Quebec.
