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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by absinthe21

  1. I cannot believe that I am the first to recieve this scent....but I will try to be the first to review it and do it justice.


    I got an imp of this in the order that arrived today.


    I can't pick any one scent out of this blend....it is so well blended.

    But I will give impressions as they come.


    In the vial: Very incensy....with a sharpness to it....almost citrusy. I smell spice..dark spice like cardamom. Interesting.


    Wet on skin: Very strong.....but not alot of throw, which is wierd. You would expect it to smell strong everywhere, but it's only strong when it is next to your nose. Right now it smells the same as it did in the bottle.


    Dry for 30 minutes: sweet orange and clove incense....this blend is amazing.....I wish I could buy a bottle of this.....the more I wear it, the more it develops this creaminess to it. Oh this is wonderful!!


    If Beth ever makes it to where this is available to buy....I will be the first in line!


    Merged with existing Tum review thread. --Shollin

  2. smells sweet and tangy in the bottle. I can't quite pick out which fruit it smells like....it's more like a cacophany of ripe fruits to me. On dry down, it becomes a sexy skin scent to me and I love it. So have to get a big bottle of this!

  3. Ok, I got this in a swap, and it was a decant......and I am sitting here thinking that this might be the reason why I smell NOTHING AT ALL in this vial! I put it one, and again, a very faint whiff of something and then poof! it's gone. WTH? I will have to get a fresher imp and try this one again!!!

  4. OMG...... this smells absolutely fabulous on the guy!! I am stockpiling imps until I can afford a big bottle purchase. It smells so sexy on him and makes me want to snuggle into the crook of his neck, which I am sure he doesn't mind at all!! lol

  5. :P I absolutely adore Mi-Go Brain Cannister!! I got an imp today and it was the first thing I put on. It doesn't last very long on me, but it smells amazing....very freah and sexy and yes, pink......plus the fiance was snuggling my neck after I put it on and that's ALWAYS a good thing!! :D This is definately a keeper. Now, where oh where can I get a bigger bottle? ::walks off with stick to rouse one up::

  6. I got this scent yesterday in my order from the lab, and as soon as I opened it I knew I loved it. There is a store in my town called bath junkie where you can go and mix and match oils to make your own custom scent and then scent all manner of bath and body things with it. Not too long ago I went and made a custom blend for myself that I called Fairy Glen and it smelled just like this Bewitched. I am so inlove, this will definately be a big bottle. The berries and sage and tea all combine into this absolutely wonderful fragrance that reminds me of being in the forest. Wonderful! :P

  7. Okay, I got this from the lab yesterday and I hope I can get this review in before the thunderstorm cuts out my electricity.... here goes!


    In the bottle it was green and nice, and I could smell the sweet pea, and a slight spiciness. When I put it on my skin however, all I smell is sunscreen. Heavy sunscreen. That sucks, because I really wanted to smell the tonka, as it is one of my favorite scents. As it dries, I still get the sunscreen, although now it is starting to smell like a men's aftershave. Argh, this one is not working with my chemistry at all. I guess it will be going into the swap pile, and my search for the perfect tonka scent will be continuing. How disappointing. :P

  8. I just got this in an imp pack today, and when I opened the bottle, I had to put it on. I simply adore this oil. The plums come out really strong in the bottle and when I first put it on my skin, and that is wonderful, but then it dries down to this smooth, smoky sweet, sexy smell that I have already fallen completely in love with. I must own a big bottle of this. Must. Own. :P

  9. I guess that the cheap new age incense comment wasn't exactly needed....it was just the only thing I could come up with at the time.....and yes I am PMSing, so that could have something to do with it.....maybe I am just not a big musk fan and didn't know it......i love some of the lighter scents I got, such as ultraviolet, which is soooooo different than anything I have ever smelled before......but I am so used to wearing what the rest of the world deems "darker" scents (ie: Shalimar, the new Prada, Indecence by Givenchy....even a MAC fragrance that I would kill to find now), that I thought I would love some of the muskier scents, but maybe it's not musk in those perfumes.....I am rambling.....I so do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I feel as if I have....weird. :P It's the mood swings!

  10. Wet on skin: WHOA floral city! lol


    Slightly dry: Okay, much better, it starting to warm up and becoming much more friendly...smells very aquatic and almost forlorn in a way...can't quite describe it...but I am getting a whiff of the ginger.


    Dry: it seems still watery, but in a warm way, thanks to the ginger....it's not cold at all, and I rather like it, but it's already fading fast...you should see me rubbing my nose all over my arm...lol


    This will be a keeper, but I might not order abig bottle of this......not sure

  11. I loved this scent yesterday when I got it from a swap, and since I am wearing it right now ( :P ) I thought I would review it!


    In the bottle: I have been having troubles with that as of late, so I won't even comment about what it smells like in the bottle!


    Wet, on skin: I do get that sharp "bite" that someone referred to when they first put it on.....very sharp green, with a slight sweet note, very nice


    Slightly dry: The bite tones down rather quickly, and the fruits start coming to the foreground....can't place the fruits, but I also think there is something a little spicy in there


    After waving arm around like a lunatic: very fruity, but not in a cloying way....love this love this love this!!


    Dry, about 15 min later: oh yes....warming up nicely, this is such a keeper and going on my big bottle list!!

  12. I don't think so, but here are a few of them....maybe you can tell me!!





    the unicorn

    danse macabre




    love me



    There are a few others, but this should give you an indication....the only thing I can think of is that something leaked in shipping and flavored all the lids, because I usually have a VERY sensitive nose......argh....wish I knew... :P

  13. Can somebody please explain to me why all the BPAL imps I have received over the last week all smell the SAME when they are in the bottle? Everything I got smells like cheap new age store incense, until I put it on my skin and it dries down a bit. WHY is that? It's freakin' annoying and I wonder if it's my nose or if the imps have turned or what it is? These were all from swaps...my imp order from the lab should be here today!! YEA!! I know i sound awful....just wondering what's wrong with my nose!!!!!! :P

  14. This was the first BPAL oil I have tried.....and I really like it! I have looked through the reviews, so I am going to give this a go.


    IN BOTTLE: I smell the astringent qualities that others have, but I also smell something that smells slightly spicy....kind of like a nutmeg. Not as heavy as clove, but there is a definate spicyness to it


    WET, ON SKIN: Okay, the spice is still there and the sharp bite has escalated, but there is a sweetness starting to peek it's head out.


    30 min DRYDOWN: Oh no! Thought I liked this one, but for some reason it's starting to smell like an old lady's parlor. I will try it again another day. Maybe it's my mood!
