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Posts posted by izile

  1. Upon first squirt, the sugarplum is definitely the most prominent smell. Rose is quick to follow, but doesn't linger long for me. The red patchouli marches in and dominates the whole lot in very short order. I think it's nicer than a lot of patchoulis, with the sweetness of the sugarplum, a hint of fruit and a light floral note around the edges, but this is way too patchouli heavy for me. And when it dries down, I almost get nothing but patchouli. Will be passing this one on.

  2. went out of my comfort zone on this one.


    In the vial: kinda musky patchouli with black currant sour-fruity in the background.


    wet: patchouli, not too strong, but nothing else is coming out to play with it at all. :-( maybe maybe a little vanilla if I sniff real hard.


    dry: and the red musk killed it. It smells like a slightly patchouli scented old woman's panty drawer. Powdery, the word "skanky" keeps coming to mind, but not like THAT, like, literally, you had to go find something in grandma's underwear drawer and the dusty, musty, old smell, maybe there's a patchouli sachet in there, but it's old and not strong enough, bit of a sour funk in the background...



  3. 2015 version:


    in the vial: patchouli, spicy and some dark fruits


    wet: hellow black cherry! is that cinnamon? It smells a lot more like cinnamon than cardamom, no verbena, and the cassis seems to have blended into the black cherry, definite patchouli.


    dry: spice up front, fruity in the back now. I still smell cinnamon, which is weird. The verbena is hanging out way in the background, but is there if you look for it. Black cherry and cassis seem to be blended, but still slightly distinctive. Fairly sweet, but not overly so, and the patchouli has calmed down nicely.


    I'll keep my decant, but that's enough for me.

  4. 2015:


    In vial: super fruity and sweet, mostly guava and orange peel, and sugar sweetness


    Wet: reminds me of a few of the butterfly blends, fruity and sweet, there's developing a little softness, guessing the apple blossom - not really getting the white pepper - but it isn't giving me a headache, which is a great win for something with a sugar note. It's not that super sugary, but very fruity/sweet


    dry: candy, but not in a bad way. I think the guava is dominant, still not getting any white pepper, and the apple blossom has receded almost completely. Like orange candied guava. Won't need 5ml but will keep my decant!

  5. I totally agree with dementia - from first spritz to the morning after, this is heavy spicy carnation right up front and through and through. As it mellows after the first 30 minutes or so, the milk and honey do add a creamy kind of softness to the smell - though I never get much in the way of bergamot or rose - just like 90% spicy carnation - like the SN Spanish Red Carnation - which I love, so for me, this is great!

  6. Never an easy task! Thankfully, this spray will eliminate the scent of even the most sulphrous dragon dooky residue: lemon and lemongrass with lavender, sweet orange, pink grapefruit, pimento, and a drop of rosemary.

    This is just what I was hoping for! Super clean, sharp, not too sweet with a little herbaceous edge. It's not as strong or overpowering as I was worried it might be, but a couple of test squirts were pleasantly light. this is very heavy on the citrus, at first lemon peel, then later a bit of sweet orange, and grapefruit rolls through last. I'm not sure what pimento smells like, but I don't really pick up anything undefinable. I think the rosemary and lavender are very light, and I'm not really sure where the lemon/orange/grapefruit zest smells end and lemongrass might begin. But overall, very nice, very clean, super-citrus with just a little subtle edge of herbs.

  7. "Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them."

    Full disclosure - I hadn't tried to TKO oil prior to trying the TKO atmosphere spray.

    This is a sweet, but not too cloying or candy-ish sweet (more like creamy soft sweet) with a lavender note that isn't exactly dominant, and is softer and more mellow than standard herbal lavender that can be a bit sharp. There's not so much a vanilla note, as it seems to have that kind of soft roundness vanilla kind of has to it. It's not an overly strong spray, but when sprayed on my sheets before leaving for work, my sheets were very nicely lightly scented for bed that night.

    I'm not sure it's necessarily for me, but it's not unpleasant at all, and think this could grow on me.


    Just wanted to swing by and give a huge thank you to izile and sunlitgarden for taking on spreadsheet stuff way back when. I'm embarrassed that I fell off the face of the earth when I had a major depressive episode. I'm so glad to be able to come here and get back into things (and with izile's updated spreadsheet to help me out after all the updates over the last few years!) :smilenod:


    Welcome back, rayvn1! :D And thank you so much for all the work you did on the spreadsheet!


    Absolutely! Glad you're back! And yeah, I just picked up and kept going what was already built because it was such a useful invention, I didn't want to do without it!

  9. mlyn - I admit, when it comes to things like the dates/discontinued status, etc... I haven't even bothered to try and keep that clear. The original creator was much more in depth - I sometimes am pressed to just get the titles, category and description in and right. I do keep hoping that, yes, if I am missing a scent, please tell me, I at least want to keep all the titles and scent notes in, if at all possible... other things like date of release, date of discontinue, etc.. is just a bit much for me at this point.



    (Speaking of, someone just asked about the old original elemental massage oils, I went to look them up, and they weren't there! arg! So, I know there's holes, probably especially on the BPTP tab, I just can't find them all - that hole, though, is now fixed.)

  10. In the decant: woo, murky/swampy in a not-overly-green way. Lots of violet leaf, muguet - surprised the jasmine isn't stronger


    wet: there's the jasmine and a hint of peach blossom, and the aforementioned "murkyness" I'm ascribing especially to the violet leaf


    dry down (4 hours later): sweet, light, kind of powdery, probably from the jasmine which can go baby powder on me, but it's not just baby powder, I think the sweet-flower smell is a combo of carnation and peach blossom - nothing murky about it now. Maybe the orris root is giving it that really soft/light feeling... I'm not as familiar with these notes, so I'm trying to ascribe aspects as best I can figure. I can see how this might go a little granny's parlor, depending skin reaction. Think mine is keeping it JUST out of the "grandma's house/purse" funk range.

  11. In the decant: weird, musky, not very attractive, something "off"


    wet: honey, and something weird in the background, no coconut


    dry: I'm getting coconut now, but it's just an overall odd scent. Don't think this is for me.

  12. In the decant: I've barely opened it and it's such strong sweet peach tea


    wet: champaca and sandalwood take over immediately, tea falls way to the back and peach is buried, but trying to peek out


    dry: weird - still more champaca and sandalwood than anything, peach tea is just about gone. Sad.

  13. In the decant: wow, it does smell like a field of wildflowers and dandelions!


    wet: green green green dandelion - wildflowers are gone, and no honey for me


    dry: oh, there's the honey and wildflowers. Very nice. A little on the powdery side, am missing the dandelion sharpness now, would have balanced well, but my skin has other ideas I guess. I don't think this is something I'd wear that much. swap it.

  14. In the bottle: wow! pear! juicy, succulent, pear juice!


    Wet on skin: still mostly pear, maybe a hint of soft lemon?


    Dry: I can understand the candle comparison, but it smells like a really nice one, though! The pear is still dominant, but now not overwhelming a soft musky lemony base. Lovely!

  15. In the decant: sweetened green tea - but not very distinctive beyond that


    dry down - hour or so later - I started noticing this smells like it's in the same family as one of my all-time favorites: Dawn: Maiden - but with green tea instead of tea rose. I'm not saying they smell the same, they don't, they barely have any notes in common. But just sitting here, not actively trying to smell myself, to me, it instantly reminds me of Dawn: Maiden, but just not rosey.


    I'm mostly sad I get no plum - I had hoped for plum. But it's a very nice kind of creamy-floral honeyed green tea.

  16. In the decant: dried, intense, super sweet apricots, maybe a little vanilla?


    Wet on the skin: powerful apricot jam and smooth creamy vanilla, bit of spice, oh this is luscious - *slathers*


    Dry down - 2+ hours - it's still there, but a lot calmer than it was when I left the house - it's a slightly creamy apricot, maybe a hint of spice, but fairly indistinct at this point, if I hadn't been sniffing it through it's evolution, at this point it might just smell faintly like fruity-sweet something.

  17. In the decant: Apple - full on, no one is kidding above, just APPLE


    Wet: Apple still, maybe honey? am I imagining it? maybe just really sweet apple, like a pink lady, not anything too hard or crisp, spicy or tart


    Dry: still predominantly apple, there might be an edge of cardamom, and I'm still not sure if the honey is there or if it's just a warm-sweet apple note - hard to sort these notes out. I'm getting almost no noticeable blackcurrant


    very pretty apple scent.

  18. In the decant: woah - black cherry candy!


    wet: cherry candy and a little rose peeking around the edges


    dry: getting much more balanced, though I might way to see how it continues to dry down after an hour or so, not just like 5 minutes. The cherry is still there, but not as dominant, the rose water is way up at the front, there's something a little creamy and powdery (orris?), though I'm not sure about bourbon... interesting.. may be undecided on this for a bit - if the rose water calms down a bit further, this could be nice.


    Edit: much more time goes by - yes, much better, rose has calmed down and is not overpowering anything anymore.

  19. when I put it on this morning, I was thinking it was kind of herbaceous rosewater, now that it's a few hours dry, it's soft and classic, definitely floral, but more of a violet-rose hybrid than just rose, it's soft, but there's something still "water" smelling, though I wouldn't call it aquatic, just makes it seem lighter. I don't get rosemary especially once it's dry, but it has a nice garden-y smell. Nice!

  20. I knew this was risky, because of the amber and patchouli, but I thought they were "red" so I would try them, because I love honeysuckle and gardenia and I was curious about diamond accord.


    Wet: Smells musky and heady, sweet and floral. There's something sexy and dark underneath, but not too dark, really complex and interesting.


    Dry: the amber has won - it smells like slightly floral, but mostly baby powder... apparently doesn't matter what color the amber is, it is baby powder of doom color.


    le sigh. Smelled gorgeous wet.
