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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by izile

  1. It showed up the day after I posted this (ha!) of course, now I have new issues to figure out how to address, like part of my order was wrong. but that's for another thread.
  2. Has there been any more news since the last update regarding express postage upgrades for those who purchased prior to Dec 13th? I'm getting a little antsy, as the shipment is being delivered to Mississippi, and I *really* need it to show up BEFORE my plane takes me back to New York after the holidays are over. I can cope with it not making Christmas, but showing up *after* I've shipped back out would be a giant pain in the ass. *frets*
  3. izile

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Am I the only one who doesn't know how to say this one? Bensiable It's the end bit that gets me, I don't want to say a man's name that ends in "bell" So, is it Ben-syble? as in the old Hebrew thing of "Ben" meaning "son" and the witch being named "Syble"? or Ben-see-able? or Ben-see-ah-bull?
  4. izile

    Where is this scent?

    Speaking of bat's day. I cannot find a review of Chiroptera *anywhere* I've got an imp of it coming, and would like to know what to expect. I keep trying to use bpal's forum search, but it gives me bubpkis. anybody?
  5. izile

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    This is just the topic I needed! So, knowing that I'm a rabid BPAL-er now, my boss's boyfriend brought me a smelly dilemma today. He brought in his old roller ball of Nag Champa that he used to get from some place that apparently stopped making it (it was just a random indian shop here in the city). He's tried ordering from other places and it's not the same. He brought me his recent order of Nag Champa from a place off the internet (having already been around the city and not found the same scent) and the difference was HUGE. Thing is, his old Nag Champa smelled a bit like Snake Oil to me. It was resinous, woody but very warm with a kind of buttery vanilla tone to it. But, not being able to bring his precious few remaining drops back to my lab, er, I mean apartment, it's hard to compare what's under my nose now to what was under my nose several hours ago. Just got a sniffie of Cottonmouth in today as well, and again, it smells *similar* I guess I'm just hoping the ow wise gurus of the forum will know more than me and be able to make recommendations and suggestions.
  6. How about the winter LE "Rose Red" compared to the new Marchen "The Rose" both their descriptions sound like they should smell mainly the same. is it too soon for anyone to know the answer to this one?
  7. izile

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    *curious* does anyone know if there's Cinnamon oil in Snake Oil? I think it was Hellfire that I had, and it BURNED. I mean, heat, inflamation, redness at the site. It wasn't even me (I knew better) the guy who gave it to me warned me not to apply it to the skin, because he'd had that reaction, and then I told the girl I gave it to the same thing, and she didn't listen and almost immediately went running to the bathroom screaming "ow ow hot hot hot!" I know straight cinnamon oil can do that, not just as an allergy, but just because it's that way (it's the burny/tingly/plumpy oil in a lot of lip plumpers) -Izile
  8. izile

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Allgeries are the main reason I've stayed away from perfume my whole life. BPAL had been amazingly non-sneezey for me. . . until. I got an imp of Midnight in, I liked the smell, tested it on my skin, and all night, headache, runny nose, sneezing, watery itchy eyes. DEFINITELY allergic. It's the only one I've had that reaction to, and there's so many notes in it, it makes me wonder which one is the most likely culprit.