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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ephemera

  1. And as though they know I am wroth with them, they're both cuddling up to me in bed now. Sigh.

  2. Sometimes you gotta bare your heart... http://twitgoo.com/230l7t

  3. Shazam does not recognize any jazz, I swear. Sad Kate. I want to know who this is doing "Just My Imagination".

  4. Some days it's worth the discomfort to wear the sexy, sexy shoes.

  5. I have "A Small Victory" by Faith No More stuck in my head. Mike Patton, I do kind of love you.

  6. Is it sad that I just got my @SockDreams order, and I'm wishing I could have afforded to do a silly stripey order with my sober work order?

  7. RT @tikva Can't wait for the day when "openly gay" sounds as awkward as "openly straight", because the closets are all empty. #weshalloverco

  8. Free tip: Before the appraiser gets to your house make sure the vibrator is hidden because they take pictures of your bedroom...

  9. Co. owner comes in tomorrow. Such a neat freak that all the blinds have to closed exactly the same way tomorrow.

  10. Mildly hungover but wide awake at 10:00a. Not sure how I feel about that.

  11. Well, that thunder may explain the horrific sinus headache today.

  12. There is laundry in the dryer. Why isn't it folding itself?

  13. Today's #bpal is Sparkling Apple Cider in a scent locket. Nom nom.

  14. Wow, #tmobile. Forced update on my MyTouch 3G 3.5mm jack phone to Froyo, and it booted Swype off my phone?! I'm so annoyed right now.

  15. Oh no! I forgot my ipod at home! I'm going to lose my mind today without music.

  16. turn the head of a Fundamentalist and give him a hard-on all at the same time." My dad rocks.

  17. Gifted my stepmother with some @paintboxsoaps soaps for Christmas. Bet she gets hooked!

  18. Feeling a touch melancholy

  19. Seriously Cute Animals That Will Fuck You Up. http://is.gd/jfpHt

  20. Whoa. #bpal Mother Ginger has some spice to it!!

  21. RT @ScorpioSeason You want to do more, but you are powerless in this situation. Let things unfold. More: (cont) http://tl.gd/7hfse4

  22. Trying to name my worgen mage. Amazingly difficult! #wow

  23. Reaaallly.... RT @whedonesque [ Post ] 'Torchwood' adds Whedonverse producer. http://bit.ly/hV3ajM

  24. OMG Arcana re-released Ooomph AND made sugar scrubs!

  25. Been a long time since I've gone to see a band at a bar. Glad I did, lots of fun.
