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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by angelicruin

  1. We upgraded our home wireless router day & the speed is like 3x what our old router was & hopefully no more stalling out. :)

  2. Wearing #BPAL Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple today. Perfect Autumn scent for me today.

  3. Well, crap. I missed all the Cancer zockets from #BPAL #BPTP.

  4. Well, enough procrastinating & back to work...

  5. Well, It's past 6pm and I'm still here. #rapture

  6. Went to bed sick, woke up feeling the same way. Some kind of stomach virus, I think. Why do I always get sick on a weekend?

  7. Wide awake @ 5:30am. Guess my body still believes we're in Eastern time zone.

  8. Woke up this morning after a zombie nightmare. Whenever I have these, it totally unsettles me, even after being awake for a while.

  9. WooHoo! My #BPTP Inquisition Order is shipping today. :D And my #BPAL Lilith B-Day bottles should arrive tomorrow.

  10. WTF #Starbucks. You advertise Pumpkin Spice Latte & then none of the stores around me have it. Grrrrr.

  11. WTF?!? Texas judge warns of civil war if Obama is re-elected http://t.co/xFAHTMy #cnn

  12. Yay for loooong weekends. #needabreak

  13. Yay, for the #BPAL forum being back up again. :)
