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Posts posted by rubymulligan

  1. :confused:


    All of the reviews I've read have been like: CAKE, cotton candy, marshmallows, buttercream, butterscotch, funnel cake, etc. Everything a foodie lover would dream about. Alas. I sniff the bottle. What IS that? Cedar. I put it on. Cedar. After a few hours, the cedar fades a bit, but it's SO STRONG. It's like Madame Lapin went a little crazy with some dessert. My chemistry amps cedar to the point of headache and nausea. So sad.

  2. CLX


    I got this from TrailerTrashPrincess. She said that it smelled like a cross between Cracker Jacks and Dorian.


    Here's my take on it:


    In the bottle: Creamy, caramel-y, foody goodness. I get that caramel popcorn description, I do. The pumpkin pie, not so much. No spice for me, just caramel corn.


    Wet: More toasted corn, less caramel. No caramel, really. It's more of a Corn Pops cereal smell. Sweet, corn-y, creamy. Still delicious, but a completely different sweet corn smell.


    Dry: Still sweet, still toasted, less corn.

    Hours later: It's still sweet, but now I can see where the Dorian reference is coming in. It's taken on this totally herbal-powdery quality, but now that pumpkin pie spice description is evident, too. It's hard to put my finger on. The Corn Pops is gone, but what's left behind is still nice.


    Overall: Starts off foody. Corn Pops. NOM. Dries a soft, powder-y, lightly spiced sweetness. It's nce. Total morpher.

  3. Princess Leia would have inherited a large case filled with crystal bottles of the Warrior Queens series, from her mother. After testing them all, she would settle upon Boadicea as her signature: "Rebel Queen of the Iceni, she led an uprising of the tribes against the Roman Empire." I mean, come on, how perfect is that?! The notes are: Amber, fig, vanilla flower, oak, patchouli, vetiver, dragon’s blood resin, leather, and neroli.


    Whereas her mother Queen Amidala, would have preferred Jingu: "Although she was pregnant with the future emperor of Japan, she donned armor and rode into battle." Notes: Sakura, white orchid, mandarin, bamboo, red sandalwood, plum blossom, and lilac.


    Luke would've been raised on Coyote but developed a fondness for Tristan whilst training with Yoda: "Dust on your trousers, mud on your boots, and stars in your eyes: redwood, tonka bean, white sandalwood, lemon peel, patchouli, rosewood, coriander, and crushed mint."


    Yoda himself would go for Sea of Glass or something zen like Namaste. Or maybe Mag Mell: "The Plane of Joy, eternal reward for a lifetime of valor and glory...The warmth of amber, the puissance of white ginger and the clarity of verbena, with fresh green grass, lush sage and cleansing droplets of summer rain."


    Han Solo would *have* to wear Casanova: "A rakish blend of leather, anise, lavender, bergamot and amber with tonka, lemon peel and lusty patchouli." Rakish = scruffy nerfherder. :P


    Aaaand I've officially put too much thought into this.


    These are abso-bloody-lutely PERFECT. Bravo.

  4. Rubymulligan, I understand that your concern is because you are seeing other orders which were placed at the time your order was placed and the CnS notices are passing you by. I'm wondering if those other orders were much smaller than yours or if one or more of your bottles is holding it up a bit. It's still early, so I wouldn't be too worried about it, but if it eases your mind, I would just send them an email. Bear in mind, though, it isn't yet 10 business days from when your order was placed. :D


    No, no. I'm not going to bother them with an email. I've never ordered directly from the Lab so I can only go by what I'm seeing around me. I'm seeing orders large and small placed at the same time as mine getting CnS's left and right, so that's my only uncertainty. It's very possible that your suggestion of a certain bottle(s) holding it up, but seeing as I placed the order moments after the update and everything I ordered was from this update, that may or may not be the case.


    I'll just continue to watch how things progress. If the 14-21 days goes by and I haven't heard a word, maybe I'll send them an email then. I'm really not being impatient or complaining. I hope no one gets that vibe from me. I'm just comparing what/when/how I placed my order to other people with similar orders and wanted to know how the whole process worked. :D

  5. All shipped means (on CCNOW) is that your account was charged and the order was "shipped" (we refer to it as "harvested") to the lab for fulfillment. Don't expect a CNS for a few weeks after harvesting. :D


    A few weeks? WOW. I guess that is all well and good, and I'm normally semi-patient, but I couldn't help having a little case of curiosity-kills-the-cat when I see the most recent posts in the CnS thread look like this:


    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/14, Shipped: 8/14

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/18, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/17

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18


    I know I should at least give it another few days before questioning it, but still... I can't help but be curious as to how it all works. What determines some people getting a CnS before others?

  6. I have been in the BPAL community for a while, but I'm sad to say that I haven't placed my own Big Girl Lab Order until this Halloween release. :/ That being said, I'm kind of lost. I placed my order (7 bottles) on the 5th of August, my bank card has been since charged and it has come out of my account (last week!), and I am seeing CnS's for orders placed the same day and (I think) later, but I haven't heard anything.


    I went to the CCnow site and entered all of the info in so I could check on my order and this is what it said:


    Order History:

    05 Aug 2009 - Received

    11 Aug 2009 - Order Shipped


    There are plenty of people who ordered on the 5th who have already gotten a CnS as well as some that have received their orders. Halp?
