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Posts posted by Morrighana

  1. :P Yup, same notifications upon shipping.


    ETA: Voleuse, that is quite interesting about your two orders. I've never heard of that happening before, but I guess most people just stick with one or the other! :D It could still have been a component or batch thing, though (i.e. the one that arrived first happened to be things that they had already made up, and they had to blend a new batch of something that was in the one that arrived second, or whatever), so it's hard to tell if the method of payment was the actual cause of the order of arrival, eh?

  2. CCNow doesn't make your order slower, it just takes a huge cut, so less of your dollars are actually going to the Lab. You still have the option of using CCNow directly, but the Lab specifically says on their site that if you want to pay by Paypal, do not use the CCNow cart. And, when you consider the fee aspect (which doesn't affect you, just the Lab), it's really just nicer to them to use Paypal!


    Paypal is super easy to use...I was hesitant to start using Paypal at first, but now I really do prefer it and select it as my method of payment at every site I shop that accepts it.


    All you need to do is go to paypal.com, set up an account, and add a credit card or bank account (this is a really easy process; they walk you through everything). Then, to order from the Lab, you just click "Send Money". That brings you to a form that lets you fill in the recipient's email addy (paypal [at] blackphoenixalchemylab [dot] com), the amount you are sending (cost of everything you want plus shipping...a lot of people use the CCNow shopping cart to add everything up, and then just copy/paste the amounts into Paypal), and a "note", which is where you tell the Lab what you are ordering.


    I usually break the note portion down by bottle size (i.e. "2x10mLs: Snake Oil and Embalming Fluid(19.5x2=39), plus 1x5mL: Vinland(12.5) plus shipping (7---I'm Canadian, though, so your shipping will be different) equals 58.5") just so that I can be sure I'm not missing anything and that I am calculating correctly!


    Then you click "send money", and it lets you choose the source of the $ you are sending from your Paypal balance (if you have any $ stored in Paypal already), or your CC. If you want to pay from your bank account, you have to transfer the $ to your Paypal balance in advance, but they walk you through that too, so it's very easy.


    Hope that helps!

  3. Probably a silly question, but does this include the following situation;

    I placed an order the last full moon, I am not wanting to change the order at all, but I would live the drippers put in (do they still do this on request?) Is it too late to ask if they will still do this or does that count as an order change?


    Reducers? I don't know if they'll be able to, but it wouldn't hurt to email answers (at) blackphoenixalchemylab (dot) com and ask. The worst that can happen is that they say they don't have reducers anymore or can't get your order out of the queue...and in that case, there are probably more than a few forumites who could help you out in getting some reducers and caps to swap yours out with. :P

  4. Hey Bagfish--

    Just a comment related to the customs issue: I am currently waiting for an imp swap with someone from Canada and they will not ship it to the U.S. I have never had a problem with it before this transaction, and I have no idea why they are suddenly flipping out about this, but they are, evidently.

    I suppose the lab will find out if this starts happening very often.


    Um...really? I'm in Canada, and I've never had a problem shipping stuff to the US. How is your swapper labeling their customs forms?

  5. You should be ok; if you are concerned though, you can always email the Lab's Customer Service department. :P I just wanted to answer this part:


    I know for some reason it is preferable to directly paypal the lab (and I normally do.)


    I think that the reason is that when you pay Paypal through CCNow, BOTH services deduct fees. CCNow already deducts an obscene amount from each order, and then Paypal takes its bit too, so the Lab loses a lot of money on your order.

  6. How were you paying via debit? Is this through your Paypal account or CCNow? I assume CCNow, given the thread you posted in :P but I'm just not sure what you mean.


    If you were talking about a credit card, I would think that previously authorized charges would still go through...

  7. [Merged]



    I haven't smelled Hellcat or Perversion in some months, and don't have any on hand to compare atm, but the colours you described are definately the same as my imps were, in the correct order.


    Do they have Lab labels, or are they handlabeled decants?

  8. Honestly, I'd just do the order as is and add a comment in the notes section stating that you intended to order Musk and the cart won't let you.


    You could try PMing Quantum Spice, if you'd like another option...I don't know if she'll be able to help you, but she does some webstuff for the Lab, so she might have another idea. :P

  9. I would be happy to re-post my initial post in a separate thread.  I did not do so initially, because I figured that it would be merged with this one (which I understood to be on the same topic) and I would be warned for creating a duplicate thread.



    No worries; I think your post belongs quite nicely here. :P Blackrayne said it nicely:


    this thread isn't so much about infertility as it is about producing the appropriate mood to get the most out of that fertile time.


    So, anybody else have any suggestions to help with the baby-makin'? Even if their descriptions aren't very fertility-centric, I would think that any scent that invokes a maternal vibe (i.e. Antique Lace, or perhaps Dana O'Shee) could be used in conjunction with fertility work...

  10. How could I have possibly missed this thread?!? :D


    I heartily second the Vinland recommendation...I wore it quite frequently during this past winter. I tend to gravitate towards clean, neutral scents during the day in winter, and hot, spicy scents at night, so Dirty, Aizen-Myoo, Snow White, and a few others were right up there with Vinland, with Snake Oil, Formula 54, Bloodlust, Blood Kiss, and more in that family coming out at night. :P

  11. I've only had one BPAL package opened by customs in the year and a bit that I've been ordering. There is no duty charged, since the product is made in the USA, but they charge something like $5 for handling and then GST based on the value declared when they do this. The Lab usually declares very minimal amounts (I *think* the highest I've seen declared was $20, but I could be wrong), so even the GST isn't very much.


    It is really really rare, though.

  12. theshapeshifter -


    If you have a personal account, you can accept payments from a Paypal balance and a bank account.  You can't accept money from a credit card -- if someone tries to pay using a credit card, Paypal will send you an email asking you to upgrade your account to verified (that is, add a bank account).  However, you're given the option to deny the payment if it comes from a credit card.



    Actually, for international accounts, you don't have to add a bank account to get a verified premiere account. Due to the logistical problem of international bank accounts, you only have to have a credit card on your account, and then click the "upgrade to premiere" (I think that's what it says, I don't remember exactly. Upgrade somethingorother at least), and follow the prompts, and it will upgrade your account for you.


    The downside of doing this, though, is that Paypal treats you like a business once you're accepting credit cards, and takes a percent fee out of every transaction (credit card or no). It is a very low fee, though, so I don't personally care.

  13. My BPAL orders over the past year have all been handled by Canada Post. Only one thus far was searched and charged GST...cost me about twenty bucks. That's one order in dozens, though, and it was a biggun!




    Weeellll... I know I"m likely going to get demerited for this, asking another shipping Q and all.... but I swear up and down that for the past three/four weeks I can NOT find this info on any search, forum or BPAL homepage FAQs.


    While I am going to merge this with the International Shipping thread in the FAQ (doing so keeps all the pertinant info in one place so inquiring minds like yours can find it easier, eh?), I'd like to point out that if you spend three or four weeks searching something because you really believe it should've been discussed already, you're searching too much! :P If you're worried, PM a mod. We'll check it out for you and either recommend an existing thread or give you the go-ahead to post a new one.


    And, warnings aren't 'demerits', they're just reminders to search and to utilize the mods if you are unsure, so you guys really don't need to preface every post with disclaimers like this...we're really not going to hunt you down and bitchslap you for posting! :D
