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Posts posted by Morrighana

  1. :P I would've been mortified too!


    I can totally see myself forgetting something like that, though, so I'm always extra anal when I'm typing up my orders. I always show all of my math, as if it is a grade school math test! :D The bottom of my order always has something to the effect of


    (__5mLsx$12.5=___)+(__10mLsx$19.5=___)+(___items shipping=____ ala Nella's international shipping calculator)=$______


    which I go over about eight times before sending it in. :D :D

  2. I'm not a Labbie, but here's my best guess:


    1)Continue to email the answers (at) blackphoenixalchemylab (dot) com address until there is an official announcement instructing us to do otherwise, which I doubt there will be.


    2)Give the Labbies at least a week to respond to your email. It boggles the mind how many emails they receive each day, and sending panicked "Did you get my email?!??!" emails two days after you sent the first one really aren't going to help! :P


    3)Send all of the positive vibes that you can the Lab's way, so that they find some fantastic new people to take over Nella's role and help out with filling orders!

  3. I had a review of this all written up, but then my computer ate it. So, the Coles Notes version:


    I :P dragon's blood, and so I expected to like Rage, but I didn't expect it to be this...nice. I was expecting something more...biting and harsh, mostly due to the name, but the currant and mandarin add a near edible sweetness and the florals round the blend out. It's not exactly a light scent, though. The amber and dragon's blood work together to keep a smoldering fire going beneath everything else...if anything, this is repressed rage, buried under a veil of sweet amicability.

  4. I honestly don't know how people get "foody" out of All Saints'...I know it all comes down to skin chemistry, but it never fails to baffle me how these wonderful oils can smell so different on people! :D


    In the bottle and when wet on my skin, All Saints' smells very much like Jack II to me, which also isn't foody in my mind. Instead, it is hot and dry and...acrid. Not fun. But, I waited it out, and All Saints' bloomed into a wonderful bouquet of soft florals...I can't pick out individual flowers, but I assume this is the rose, gardenia, cassia, and lily of the valley coming forth. Not too much rose, though, which is great as sometimes rose can be overpowering. There are traces of other notes, which I cannot for the life of me put my fingers on, but I certainly cannot detect any of the frankincense or myrrh in the description on my skin.


    I think...All Saints' is everything I was hoping it would be, and then some. My review here isn't really doing it justice, and I will try to refine it at a later date, but rest assured All Saints' is such a lovely, calm, sweetly serene blend that if there is any possible way you can lay your hands on some, you'd be a fool to not!



  5. I'll try to do a full review of this at a later date, but I just had to say that I received my 5mL of Vinland yesterday, and am currently in the midst of a love-at-first-sniff relationship with it. I ordered it scent-unsniffed because it is quasi-Canadiana, and I am so very glad I did!


    Vinland is crisp and cool and sweet (without being sugary-sweet), and herbal but not astringent. It is atypically floral in that it doesn't really seem floral, but it is, and the woody notes are more well behaved than any other woody notes I've ever encountered. It is so bloody gorgeous, and entirely unlike anything else out there, though it does remind me of Red Devil and Follow Me Boy in its "feel" if not at all in its notes.


    In short, I :P Vinland!

  6. I don't have much to add to what everybody else has written, so I'll keep this brief:


    Oh GODS, I love this scent.


    It is warm and sultry and boozy without being overbearing or in-your-face, and its staying power is supreme. I can still detect it the next day, even, in a soft, subtle tobacco and musk permutation. I don't get any cherry notes at any point during this scentual experience, but I don't consider that a loss, either. F'54 is perfect as is! I really will cry when I run out, but then again, that is part of the beauty of it, isn't it?

  7. It depends on which stage you like the perfume best.


    Do you like the scent straight out of the bottle best? Then focus on the top notes. Do you like the scent the most a few minutes to an hour after application? Then focus on the heart notes. Do you prefer the final scent, hours after application, that you have to get your nose right close to your skin to detect? Then focus on the base notes.


    Personally, most of the commercial perfumes that I at all like are due to the base notes, so that is what I zoom in on.


    I hope that was helpful! :P

  8. I can't speak for last year's Yule LE's, but none of the other LE's from this year (Lunacy, June Gloom, etcetera) have had special labels.  The new ones sound cool, though!


    The chaos theory & k/s ones did! The Chaos Theory bottles had all white labels and had little multicolored snow flakes on them, and the King & Queen had their card on them. And if I'm not mistaken (too lazy to run up and check), the Lunacy oils had a different color border on their labels. Most scents (minus the celestials) with the standard label have blue borders, but I'm pretty sure that at least my bottle of Red Moon had a red border. Which isn't much of a change, but it's something. :P


    Ha! You're right. I forgot about the fractal pattern on the Chaos Theory, and I didn't order k/s. But, one could argue that the King and Queen labels werent' "special" anyway, because they are similar to the Tarot card labels.

  9. Have all LE's had their own special labels?  My first LE order is Yule 2004.

    I can't speak for last year's Yule LE's, but none of the other LE's from this year (Lunacy, June Gloom, etcetera) have had special labels. The new ones sound cool, though!


    the les i ordered last yule didnt have special labels BUT they were in green bottles


    Ooh. My first 10mL of Snake Oil was in a green bottle. It's so pretty, in with my other blue bottles.

  10. And actually this is an idea I had which I posted in the Pronouncing BPAL thread, because a bilabial fricative would be somewhere between the 'w' sound and the 'v' sound...

    Ha! So you did! I totally forgot about that conversation.


    In any case, I do think you are right about 'mh'. I was on crack about it being a glottalic. I still haven't found my notes, though. I think that there is something there about glottalics, I just can't for the life of me remember what at the moment. :P My brain is so fried...too much damn studying! :D
