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Posts posted by arabella

  1. First Impression: Light jasmine.


    Dries down to: Musk arrives on the scene then it all changes to a soft, yet complex, spicy floral.


    Additional Comments: Since jasmine and I are still working on our relationship, this oil goes a long way to promoting harmony. I can't really pick out any of the other notes inidividually (sandalwood, especially, surprises me on that score) but they marry beautifully with the jasmine to make this one of the prettier jasmine blends yet. I'm glad I got a bottle.


    Lasted: Quite a few hours.


    Rating: 3.5 out of 5

  2. First Impression: Spicy caramel.


    Dries down to: Almost immediately, mellows to a very soft, caramel-ly amber sprinkled with spices.


    Additional Comments: I can sense rather than smell the tobacco, opium and coconut but I get no hint at all of the currant or delphinium. I had high hopes for this one - it has so many notes I love - but, although it's very lovely, it's just too faint on me. Within 5 minutes, I can barely smell it at all and it's gone within 1/2 an hour. I really had to resist ordering more than one bottle but now, I'm really glad I only ordered the one.


    Lasted: 1/2 an hour.


    Rating: 2 out of 5 (because it's so fleeting)

  3. 2005 Version


    First Impression: Incense and rose.


    Dries down to: Soapy rose.


    Additional Comments: Unfortunately, rose over-powered everything as she quite often does and wouldn't leave.


    Lasted: Most of the day.


    Rating: 2 out of 5

  4. First Impression: Strong tea with a squirt of grapefruit.


    Dries down to: The linden blossom slowly emerges but stays tempered by the papyrus, orris and coffin wood.


    Additional Comments: I had hoped for the linden blossom to be more prominent since it's one of my favorite florals. When I smell the actual flowers, they're not 'grapefruit-y' at all but I think that's what I'm getting initially. The scent I'm familiar with doesn't appear until later. This is also very "dry" on me. It's nice but disappointing. Overall, though, DiMV has been a pleasant surprise. There were only a couple of them that I wouldn't wear. I'm so pleased I got to try them all.


    Lasted: A couple of hours.


    Rating: 2.5 out of 5

  5. First Impression: Sharp jasmine.


    Dries down to: Still very jasmine but it becomes much more refined.


    Additional Comments: The other notes are indiscernible but harmonize beautifully in support of the jasmine. I'm surprised by how much I like this oil since jasmine is not usually a favorite - but, when it works on me, it really works.


    Lasted: 3-4 hours.


    Rating: 3.5 out of 5

  6. First Impression: Oily dirt.


    Dries down to: A bit of a smoky note creeps in, making it feel like scorched earth a week after a brush fire started with a gasoline accelerant.


    Additional Comments: I'm not sure what vetiver actually smells like but I'm guessing it's the note I'm not crazy about in this. I wish the other notes came through more - I don't get them at all.


    Lasted: Most of the day.


    Rating: 2 out of 5

  7. First Impression: Ambrosia and nectar.


    Dries down to: Bright and sparkling fruit compote topped with whipped cream.


    Additional Comments: This is another one where the sum is so much more than the total of the parts. For once, the rose is hiding in the wings instead of insisting on being center stage and the gardenia and red musk are supporting players, allowing the amber, toasted vanilla, heliotrope and especially, the blood orange to really shine. I'm so glad I got a bottle of this.


    Lasted: Several hours (an added bonus for me).


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5

  8. First Impression: A beautiful, creamy floral.


    Dries down to: Doesn't change from the initial impression.


    Additional Comments: I don't usually prefer floral scents but when Beth hits the mark, as she so often does, there's nothing better - and, this is one of the best. I can see this being an all-purpose floral for me. It can go to the office; then, out to dinner and finally, slip between the sheets at the end of the day. This is one I'll reach for when I'm not in a particular mood and don't know what to choose - a great, fall-back scent. I'm so glad I got a bottle. I probably should have ordered more than one, since it needs frequent reapplications.


    Lasted: About 3 hours.


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5

  9. First Impression: Ozone, floral, pale green.


    Dries down to: A haunting whisper of lilies.


    Additional Comments: The cucumber gives this blend a green, airy feel and the moss grounds the florals. This is, yet, another lovely oil. DiMV is turning out to be a great series for me. This would have warranted ordering a bottle if only it lasted longer.


    Lasted: Barely a couple of hours.


    Rating: 4 out of 5

  10. First Impression: A slightly fruity breath of fresh air - like walking through an orchard.


    Dries down to: A beautiful crystalline floral.


    Additional Comments: I'm not familiar with the individual scents of the florals in this blend (although I've noticed that moonflower is in other blends I like) but this is absolutely gorgeous - a totally romantic oil. I'm so glad I was in time to order a bottle after testing the imp.


    Lasted: Several hours


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5

  11. First Impression: Aquatic, floral, seaweed.


    Dries down to: The impression I get is tidal pools full of water lilies.


    Additional Comments: It's actually violets, not water lilies in here. It must be the combination with ivy, kelp and wood that changed the way violet presents itself in this blend. I can usually recognize it. This is a young scent - April showers vs. bleak November rain - and a haunting one. I'm strangely drawn to it and keep returning to it. This is the scent I imagine the mermaids to be wearing in HP4: Goblet of Fire.


    Lasted: 3 to 4 hours.


    Rating: 3.5 out of 5

  12. First Impression: Sandalwood and spice.


    Dries down to: Vick's Vapo-rub creeps in and smears itself all over the wood, offending the cardamom and chasing it away.


    Additional Comments: Sandalwood really amps up in this one. I wish I got more cardamom instead. This is one blend where patchouli, usually a favorite, doesn't work for me. Neither do the mandarin or muguet notes that I usually love. I'm not familiar with angelica or labdanum and it's a rare blend where gardenia isn't offensive - this isn't one of them. On the whole I can't complain - this is one of only a couple of DiMV scents that didn't work for me; the rest I loved.


    Lasted: Quite a few hours.


    Rating: 2 out of 5

  13. First Impression: Aquatic, floral, a bit of lime and a touch of honey.


    Dries down to: A lighly sweetened floral with an edge.


    Additional Comments: I really like this blend; lily and lotus both work well on me. Honey usually doesn't but it's perfect here. There's also a sharp edge to the blend, which gives it interest. I usually prefer a stronger scent but that would somehow be inappropriate here.


    Lasted: Several hours.


    Rating: 4 out of 5

  14. First Impression: Very fresh, sharp and green.


    Dries down to: Still fresh and green and the tea has now come to the forefront. It feels more like white tea than green tea to me.


    Additional Comments: This one was a huge surprise. I don't normally like tea scents but this one blew me away. The oude really adds "heart" to this blend - it's like the "secret ingredient" in a great recipe. Another plus is the staying power. My skin seems to absorb scent, especially if it's light, so I was surprised at how long it lasted. This will be a fabulous summer scent - it's so crisp, yet rich. I almost passed on this one but got it only because it's a Lunacy LE. I'm so happy I did.


    Lasted: Around 3 hours (which is great - light scents are usually gone in less than an hour on me).


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5

  15. First Impression: A green, oily floral with a hint of fruit.


    Dries down to: This doesn't change much from the start - the sage remains the dominant note throughout.


    Additional Comments: This is a puzzling scent. It's almost like a floral plasticine but strangely it's not repulsive at all. Maybe because it's so light.


    Lasted: Several hours.


    Rating: 2.5 out of 5

  16. First Impression: Very strong and dry - pepper, resin, pickles and tar.


    Dries down to: A dusty, slightly sour, unpleasant tarry scent.


    Additional Comments: This smell evokes memories of the street I lived on in London when I was very young. It was crushed gravel over tar and on the rare very hot day, we neighborhood kids used to sit on the curb with our sticks poking around in the soft tar. I remember hating the smell but enjoying the poking around in the gooey mess. I don't know what the components are but this just isn't working for me whatsoever.


    Lasted: Just a couple of hours.


    Rating: 1 out of 5

  17. First Impression: Rich, Sweet, Creamy with a hint of strawberries.


    Dries down to: Doesn't change much - except the strawberries fade even more into the background - just stays yummy.


    Additional Comments: This really does smell like cheesecake - the one you used to be able to get at Lindy's restaurant in NYC. This is a big time nostalgia scent for me - a defitinite keeper.


    Lasted: A few hours.


    Rating: 4 out of 5

  18. First Impression: Bitter almonds - very strong - fleeting thoughts of cyanide entered my head.


    Dries down to: Something creeps in and softens the almonds; a short while later they get sugar glazed and musk reins in the sweetness.


    Additional Comments: I love this one. It doesn't stay harsh like some bitter almond blends, it's more like almond butter cookies. Checking the description, I see it's frankincense not musk in here, which probably explains why it works so well for me - I love frankincense in the right blend. The vanilla is giving it the creamy sweetness along with the heliotrope but I'm not sure where the cinnamon is hiding - which is just as well, cinnamon can be overpowering on me. This is definitely another one for the "big bottle" list - maybe even a top 10 - and, it's definitely a "must" or at least a "must try" for LUSH Snowcake fans.


    Lasted: Several hours.


    Rating: 5 out of 5

  19. First Impression: Flowers and fruit (yuzu? pear?).


    Dries down to: Carnation?, rose?, lilac? - can't distinguish any particular note, they're so well blended.


    Additional Comments: Gorgeous. Another scent (like Bearded Lady) with stargazer lily and honeysuckle in it that works wonderfully on me. Have to add stargazer lily and honeysuckle to my "holy grail" notes. Sweet pea, white musk and pear are also favorites of mine. This is one of the nicest florals on me.


    Lasted: A few hours.


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5

  20. First Impression: A clean, lemony floral.


    Dries down to: Stays pretty much the same until it starts to turn a bit soapy before disappearing.


    Additional Comments: This is a clean, fresh and happy scent. It reminds me of the smell of clean laundry just as you hang it outside to dry in the sunshine and something else that I can't quite pin it down. After reading other reviews, it's the plumeria that I couldn't quite pinpoint. A great nostalgic scent.


    Lasted: About an hour.


    Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (would be higher if it lasted longer)

  21. First Impression: Floral, Lavender maybe.


    Dries down to: Develops an undertone of amber and patchouli; then, finally turns to spiced marzipan.


    Additional Comments: Initially, I find it nice but very assertive - a bit too masculine for me. Then, it dries down to a gorgeous spiced marzipan that I can't get enough of. On reading the description, I'm officially declaring my nose "out of order". I got nothing right on this one at all - no leather, tonka, parchment or wood - and maybe just a hint of the incense. What I do know is that this is what I would want Jamie Fraser (the Outlander series) to wear - absolutely irresistible.


    Lasted: Several hours.


    Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (on my man)

  22. First Impression: Rose dipped in fruit sauce - maybe, strawberry.


    Dries down to: It seems there's amber here, too.


    Additional Comments: This is absolutely gorgeous and I was completely wrong on the notes - not unusual for me lately. The absence of rose explains why it wasn't "screaming in my face". The red clover would have added sweetness to the blend. The fruity note would be the hawthorn. I'm not familiar with meadowsweet, rue and Irish moss but they're probably what's keeping the florals from being too flowery. I love orchid and, in combination with the other notes, this is one of the prettiest oils yet. It's going on my "big bottle" list.


    Lasted: Several hours.


    Rating: 4 out of 5

  23. First Impression: Vaseline and eucalyptus (hyssop?).


    Dries down to: The same with fresh dirt on top.


    Additional Comments: This oil has so many components but I don't seem to be able to pinpoint any of them. The black patchouli would be the fresh dirt, but other than that the rest just merge into oily plant compost. Frankincense, lavender and cardamom are usually good notes for me. My skins seems to amp cypress, though, and that seems to be part of the problem here - along, with the vetiver, rosemary and fig (I usually like fig but the lab's fig doesn't seem to work for me). I'm unfamiliar with hyssop but it said "minty" and/or "anise" when I looked it up, which makes sense. I can't detect tamarind or oakmoss but I think they're contributing to the "compost" feel.


    Lasted: Thankfully, less than an hour.


    Rating: 1.5 out of 5

  24. First Impression: Grapefruit, Chinese pear and mandarin orange - plus ozone and aquatic.


    Dries down to: A light citrus sprinkled with a tiny bit of ginger/basil and frosted with a very light floral - maybe cherry blossom.


    Additional Comments: This is a very fresh, pretty scent - very clean without being soapy - will be lovely in the summer. I didn't pick up on the orchid note but I love orchid so I'm not surprised that it's contributing to the overall beauty of this scent.


    Lasted: Several hours (very rare for me).


    Rating: 4 out of 5

  25. First Impression: Sharp herbs and wood, a tad medicinal.


    Dries down to: A mild Vick's Vapo-rub with a hint of sage and cedar plus a dollop of chutney.


    Additional Comments: Initially, I think it's the cypress and ginger that I'm getting. Rose usuallly amps on me but I'm not picking it up at all so the other notes are masking it well and I can't find the patchouli anywhere. The "chutney" note must be the fig coming through. For some reason, this becomes very light on me after the first five minutes. Unfortunately, this particular combination of notes on my skin doesn't do much for me.


    Lasted : Less than an hour.


    Rating: 1.5 out of 5
