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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. vintage3d: San Francisco burning after the earthquake of 1906. http://t.co/BtaXd1r5

  2. I think I'm finally feeling human enough to make it to the lab. Let's hope that lasts all day. Damn you, Cold from Hell!

  3. Neighbor kid's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star toy has been going all morning. Other neighbor is blasting Gangnam Style on repeat. Send help!

  4. Today is the anniversary of the M6.6 1971 San Fernando earthquake.

  5. We have just coined a term in bluegrass rehearsal: a short gig is a “gigglet.”

  6. Oh. This must be that cold everyone has been talking about.

  7. Today is the 201st anniversary of the largest of the New Madrid, Missouri earthquakes.

  8. And now, a deliberately terrible Powerpoint about Riverside. http://t.co/60zjeg20 (warning: ironic use of Comic Sans)

  9. Also, just approved the page proofs for my BSSA paper! Looks like it'll actually be in print in the May issue.

  10. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the rupture geometry of the Santa Cruz Islands M8, given the sharp bend in the trench right there.

  11. Abstract submitted for the meeting in Sweden!

  12. (But as a Steelers fan first and a Niners fan second, I would like to say, “Graaaaaarrrrghhhdamnyoubaltimore!!!”)

  13. Riverside is definitely going for the 49ers.

  14. Overheard in Riverside: “It’s no big deal, still gonna need a snuggie, though.”

  15. I’m pretty sure this is not correct, even though it /could/ happen in February… #Riversideproblems http://t.co/TzCzV8Wc

  16. Oh hey, it's February. Resume obsessive checking of email in hopes of hearing from the NSF about that fellowship.

  17. (The meeting is in Sweden. Definitely do want, even if it means spending the whole weekend on an abstract...)

  18. Holy fancypants conference hotel, Batman!

  19. Definitely having some earthquake rupture model data visualization envy.

  20. Ohhh, pretty multi-strand rupture model!

  21. Apparently all the fault dimensions for the stochastic stress generator need to be in powers of two. Who knew? (But at least it works now.)

  22. Sutro Tower lurking behind Bernal Hill, 20 January 2013 http://t.co/5Ct5tPyd

  23. Aw, I have to miss a talk on Eocene zombie ants because it conflicts with my differential equations class.

  24. That moment when you're running a new code that you know takes a while, but you don't know exactly how long, so you start worrying it broke.

  25. Someone brought an accordion to gamelan, but then didn’t use it. I’m disappointed! I was so curious what would happen!
