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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. /Rolling/ down the plain? Those are the Rayleigh waves. RT @dezcom: O-o-o-o-o-o-klahoma where the WTF was that? keeps rollin down the plain!

  2. $388 to go now! Hoping it'll hit $3000 before Saturday, when I'll be in SF to ask shops if they want to carry the calendar.

  3. 1:45 AM conversations about aseismic creep are go.

  4. 102 degrees in Menlo Park today?! I SEE YOU SNEAKING UP HERE, RIVERSIDE.

  5. 140 characters, I can do. But condensing the title of a paper to only /40/ characters and having it still mean something? GAH!

  6. 3409 words for #NaNoWriMo today. Aw yeah! (Still behind, but catching up!)

  7. 4:30 PM at Ireland's 32 in San Francisco, and 6 PM at Jayakarta Restaurant in Berkeley!

  8. 40 minutes until downbeat for Traviata! I'm excited!

  9. 4284 words for #NaNoWriMo between MXP and JFK. Only stopped because battery ran out. Let's see what I get between JFK and LAX!

  10. 6.5 single spaced pages in 5.5 hours? Yes, coming to the stepover to write about the stepover was successful. Back on Thursday!

  11. 8:15 AM sound check, you are seriously interfering with my plan to ride my new bike for a while before rehearsal.

  12. 80 degrees, sunny, and I'm wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. If this is February, I'm actually pretty nervous about July.

  13. 86 degrees. Look at you hitting a record temperature, Riverside. #donotwant

  14. 9:30 PM and just leaving the lab. Huzzah #AGU10 prep!

  15. A bit irritated that I wasn't actually needed for jury duty today. If I'd known, I could've gone to some of #sfpride celebration yesterday.

  16. A Bridge Built to Sway When the Earth Shakes via @NYTimesScience http://t.co/d35sAfTP #BayBridge

  17. A bunch of cars with snow on them are driving by, but there's none on the parked cars. Did it only snow in /half/ of Portland, or something?

  18. A bunch of geophysicists in a room of Giotto frescos will pay as much attention to the rendering of fake marble as to the actual scenes.

  19. A car full of presumably-drunken undergrads kept trying to startle me off my bike by shouting and screaming at me. Charming.

  20. A couple of small children are staring at me and talking about how I played a bunch of Renaissance instruments at their school. Cute!

  21. A friend of mine drew fanart of my Bay Bridge character!!! http://t.co/RsyhOKZJ

  22. A labmate and I discussing whether or not the soil at Gettysburg might have a particularly iron-rich layer dating to 1863.
