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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. (Also, it's kind of terrifying to hear the descriptor "small quake" applied to a 7-pointer, but that's true for Sumatra!)

  2. (Also, that was fast, wow. I send the revisions back to the editor on /Friday evening/.)

  3. (And now, heading back into SF. Coffee, anyone? Food later?)

  4. (And yet I am already excited about that conference in Anchorage in 2014. I will freeze my sorry Californian butt, but it will be awesome.)

  5. (But as a Steelers fan first and a Niners fan second, I would like to say, “Graaaaaarrrrghhhdamnyoubaltimore!!!”)

  6. (Currently drawing @sfmsr streetcar people.)

  7. (Furthermore, I will note that, considering how upset I am at even being teased that this isn't the right town, it MUST be the right town!)

  8. (I would be more actively live-tweeting this, except there isn't wireless in the actual conference room.)

  9. (I'm actually surprised I'm this awake, considering I am someone who generally needs two cups of coffee earlier in the day.)

  10. (It was the neighbors, not an earthquake.)

  11. (Its sign was lit. Was hard to read at that distance, speed, and opposite direction of travel, but I'm pretty sure it was a 30 Stockton.)

  12. (Not that it's really much worse than usual...)

  13. (Of course, that meeting timing means I will not only not be at Lotta's Fountain this time, but not next year either. Gnargh.)

  14. (One year and eleven months still feels like forever, but it's something.)

  15. (P.S. A M6 on a subduction zone is not very big for that kind of fault. #notrapture)

  16. (Related to the previous tweet, guess who now has the front section of the SF Chronicle from the day @SFBayBridge opened!)

  17. (The cats are no worse for the wear, fortunately. They are, in fact, still plenty chubby, and very snuggly today.)

  18. (The first chapter is completely done except for one figure. The third and fourth chapters...coming soon.)

  19. (The meeting is in Sweden. Definitely do want, even if it means spending the whole weekend on an abstract...)

  20. (Unlike last year's Snow Los Angeles, I will not proceed to inflict snow faults or snow volcanoes on it. It will stay standing.)

  21. (Wait, I'm probably not supposed to be telling people to come to something in L.A. during the Carmageddon, huh? OH WELL. Come hear us!)

  22. /All/ I did was change the fault geometry! Why was this enough to totally kill the nucleation process? ARGH! #numericalmodelingwoes

  23. /All/ of the @LAPhil Mahler 9 performances are completely sold out?! Nooooo. That is one of only two Mahler symphonies I have not seen live!

  24. /And/ my internet is down because I forgot to pay my bill while I was away. /Awesome/.
