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Posts posted by metaldog32

  1. This frimp came to me by way of the Labbies…thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


    Eat Me isn’t something I would usually gravitate towards…my sister does more of the foody scents..but I have to say this does sound tempting..white cakes, vanilla, some sort of fruit??? Hmm..sounds like a comfy/cozy/foody scent that could be perfect so I am willing to sacrifice some skin in the interests of science…hee hee.


    Initial sniff from frimp: Vanilla cake…with something a bit tart skirting around the perimeter…I thought at first it could be lemon..but maybe it’s just the currants??? Definitely foody..sweet..but it’s tolerable for me. I think my sister would go ga-ga over it.


    Applied wet on skin: Yep..it’s vanilla cake time..with that trickle of tartness catching me in the back of my throat..which I now register as the currants. This is sweeter on my skin…almost a tad bit TOO sweet for my tastes..but let’s see how it rides out.


    Couple of minutes on skin:Still pretty cakey…vanilla cake with tart currants getting a bit more presence..but they still manage to only rear their little red/black heads at the tail end…it’s a pleasant experience..definitely one of those types of fragrances I would feel comfortable wearing on the weekend…or maybe on a dress down Friday…it’s a bit too foody for my tastes..but the verdict is still out.


    Ten minutes later: Hmm…it’s still vanilla cake goodness with the currants at the tail end..but it’s a bit more sheer-like…the sweetness that is..don’t know how else to explain it.


    Twenty minutes later:Same notes..same vibe.


    Drydown: Sheer vanilla…lost the tartness of the currant.


    Lasting power is about 3+ hours on me with throw on the soft side.


    Bottom Line: Eat Me is indeed a fun foody scent..I think it would be nice practically year round. I don’t love it so I think a 5ml is out of the question but I will keep my imp..it might be nice to use in a body cream for layering or maybe my sis might want to give it a whirl.

  2. Yule 2005 hasn’t disappointed me at ALL fragrance-wise..this specific purchase was motivated by The Nutcracker..I loved the ballet..and Magus..full of mysteries/secrets/sweet leather and pipe smoke??? I had to try him out.


    So..this particular bottle has been sitting in my dark drawer for over a year..and for the past three days I have been wearing him…trying to formulate in my mind the thoughts, feelings, notes while wearing.


    Here it is..for what it’s worth.


    Initial sniff from bottle:Sweet…pipe tobacco..if I had to guess. It’s not ashy smelling..but a sweetness…that smells like high-end tobacco. I like it. If I didn’t know any better I would think there was something else there in it…something darkly sweet too…somebody I think mentioned something called treacle??? I think maybe a smidgen might be there too..but it could all just be the sweet pipe tobacco..which again..really nice. Definitely NOT something to wear in spring or summer…even at first whiff from the bottle..this scent conveys to me cold weather.


    Applied wet on skin: Oh wow….it’s sweetness of the pipe tobacco..I can register the leather..but it’s not in a leading role here..and surprisingly..it’s a soft leather..a bit on the sweet side as well..which works really well with the tobacco. I don’t get much of woods/linens yet..but overall it’s a very rich scent.


    Couple of minutes on skin:Sweet pipe tobacco has softened considerably…and I get more of the linen/ wood notes..and it’s all very well blended…very much a cozy scent…one that makes me long for deep leather chairs, roaring fires, and big books.


    Twenty minutes later-drying on skin: This has lightened considerably..but still not invisible…just wafts out a bit more softly. The sweet tobacco/leather has melded and the linen in on the end…it’s extremely wearable and very comforting to me.


    Drydown: Softened and sweet wisps of the pipe with the leather and linen…


    Lasting power: 10+ hours..and throw is soft to medium.


    Bottom Line: Herr Drosselmeyer 2005 is not a disappointment. A wonderful winter fragrance for when I want to lose myself in books indoors all the while outside the winter wind embraces us all with it’s icy embrace. I love how it makes me feel safe and cozy...it is a bit on the masculine side..but it’s masculinity softened and with a gentle twist..as others have said..it kind of gives out a paternal vibe..which to me is very appealing.

  3. A carnivorous enchantress: diverse, lovely and graceful, emitting a sticky, glowing golden, sweet and terminally inviting scent. Its dew is believed to grant eternal beauty and longevity, and restore vitality and vigor to the magician.

    I had bought a 5 ml unsniffed for my sister and surprisingly..it found its way back to me..apparently she wasn’t enthralled with it so it was promptly placed in the sale pile until I had a chance to perhaps try it.

    I then received a decant of it from a generous forumite..so I figured I have nothing to lose..might as well try it and see if it flies. Tonight is the night.

    I have to say..I am kind of confused as to why this wouldn’t have worked on my sis..she definitely likes sweet scents…and the whole “glowing/golden” description definitely has even my interest piqued..so without further ado:

    Initial sniff from decant: Hmmm….a bit dewy…there is a smidgen of something sweet…kind of in the back…smells pretty. Different though from other pretty floral scents that I have tried like Black Hellebore…it’s kind of has a bit of a soft grassy note too???

    Applied wet on skin: Floral..not anything I can discern distinctly either..but I can safely say no roses..or lilacs or peonies..nope….smells like a spring/summer bouquet though..and its definitely has sweetness to it that almost seems like honey with the moist dew glistening..there does seem to be a freshness here..again..I thought it was a soft grassy note..and now..I get a really soft tinge of something citrus too..as other reviewers noted. Definitely a yellow/white bouguet…I can totally relate to that visual.

    Couple of minutes on skin: It’s still got that waft of floral with honey/dewy sweetness kind of coming out on me in lazy soft waves..and that really soft tinge of citrus is still way in the back. I can’t quite decide if this is indeed daffodil or honeysuckle..but it’s really very pretty. It kind of does have that “clothes dried out in the sun” note weaving in and out…a very clean floral..but not one that screams detergent or anything like that..it has a lazy vibe to it..the sweet dewy flowers dancing in the breeze under bright skies…it’s the visual I get. I think though that the wisp of citrus…it kind of also makes me think that it might be tinged a bit with ozone..for some reason there is something in here that has a similar feel to it as Sea of Glass..meh..maybe I am just grasping at staws here..

    Ten minutes on skin: Same mélange of notes..but it does seem to stay close to the skin.

    Drydown:Still the touch of sticky sweetness of floral….and a sunny happy one at that..no more glistening dewy vibe..it’s all just the sunshine sweet floral..with a wisp of the clean laundry vibe going on in the back.

    This does really stay close on the skin with me…with the throw soft. Lasting power on me is about 2-3 hours.
    Bottom Line: Sundew is definitely an interesting floral..I do find it happy and appropriate for spring/summer..and definitely different than the florals I do have in my collection. Am not one hundred percent sure I want to keep the discarded bottle that sis threw at me..not literally of course..but I will keep the imp and try it again over the next month or so..and see how it stacks up. Sweet and clean and dewy…one that kind of fascinates me…and I don’t know why…hmmm…

  4. Frimp compliments of the Lab..thank you again for your generosity!!!


    I think I was very much intrigued by the whole “insanity” personification…because I really do believe that people who have ever skirted into that territory whether it be temporary or permanent do seem to exhibit the chaotic emotions described. So..why not??? Let’s sink into some mania and see how it smells…


    Initial sniff from frimp: Fruity…almost grape-like..and there seems to be some sort of musk..but I don’t get any sharpness from the grapefruit. It kind of has a touch of something that sort of reminds me of cough syrup..but it’s not offensive. Another sniff confirms to me that it smells sugary-sweet. Could be grape could be cherry..it’s a toss up.


    Applied wet on skin: Sugar sweet..and at the tail end..I get a tang of the grapefruit. I don’t get much of the musk actually…but maybe it takes a bit of time for it make it’s presence known???


    Couple of minutes on skin: Man..my skin is just eating this up. Barely there fruit..which I am assuming is the strawberry and grapefruit is MIA…never really got the musks..and this is just extremely faint on me…DARN.



    Ten minutes later: Faint strawberry…with I think a trace of musk.


    Drydown: Faint fruit…and that’s about it.


    Lasting power on me is 1+hour..throw..soft


    Bottom Line: Mania is a sugary fruity fragrance that was nice enough but didn’t wow me. I think it would be good for either spring or summer but since it absolutely evaporated on my skin in about an hour I don’t see myself considering it for a 5ml purchase. Imp will find someone else who can wear it longer.


    Edit: Lasting power needs to be updated...2+ hours...but it is still extremely soft..faint strawberry with a touch of what must be musk..again..too faint for me to seriously consider.

  5. Grog..compliments of the Lab..than you very much!!!


    Initial sniff from imp: Even before I actually get the off fully..what leaps up to my nose is…butterscotch!!! Hee hee…and then when I actually get the wand to my nose and take a whiff..it’s all about the butter/rum candy I used to love to eat. Foody..but fun..at least in this stage. I bet my sis would love this. I know I kind of do.


    Applied wet on skin: Sweet butterscotch and rum!!! It’s not over the top sweet that I can’t stomach..but it’s certainly sweet. But..I kind of like it..it makes me smile. I keep thinking that I smell something else in there too..like a coconut note..but I can’t be too sure.


    Couple of minutes on skin: Now I really do smell that coconut note..with the boozy butterscotch not far behind. It’s foody..but that coconut note really makes it sing for me. Normally I don’t really enjoy foody scents..but this one is just so darn likeable. I bet this would layer really well with other fragrances too..hmmm….


    Twenty minutes later-drying on skin-It’s almost all toasted coconut with the boozy butterscotch playing second fiddle. It’s softened up a bit…closer to my skin..but certainly still has presence. I don’t know why..but at this point, this smells awfully similar to another BPAL fragrance I had tried..I can’t put my finger on it..darn!!! Still enjoying it immensely…although..on the tail end of whiffing this rabidly..I do detect something along the lines of a Play-doh note..which isn’t offensive to me. Maybe..maybe this sort of reminds me in some way of Eden…it’s that fresh “wet” coconut…but I can’t be sure.


    Drydown: Yep..for whatever reason I am thinking this sort of smells likeEden..it’s that watery/coconut/slightly Play-doh note infused with butterscotch and rum...I knew I had smelled it somewhere else..and it’s what makes Grog so very appealing to me. It’s still making its’ presence known in a yummy way..and I am surprised about how much I am enjoying it.


    Lasting power is also very impressive…8+ hours and throw is medium to strong..

    Bottom Line: I find Grog kind of fabulous actually..and I think it works well by itself and layered with other fragrances. I think I would find it wonderful in the late fall and winter..when one wants to think of hot buttered rum and some equally guy in a rough seamans wool sweater smelling of the sea and rum…both of you weathering the storm indoors and making some “stormy” action of your own..hehehehehehehehe. Definitely keeping my imp and will consider a full bottle purchase at some point.

  6. Samhain 2005


    I fell in love with Samhain when I took a chance and bought an imp of the 2004 version. I was determined to get all of the versions if I could and so far I was able to procure the 2004/2005/2006 versions.


    I used to think I would/could never like patchouli..but Beth and BPAL have proven me wrong.....and I am extremely thankful for it... :D


    ANYWAY..onto the review:


    Initial sniff from bottle: Both the 2004 and 2005 versions smell similar..that wonderful melange of the fruit, spices, woods, and patchouli..it truly does smell like autumn itself..and I love it.


    Applied wet on skin: Here is where they differ slightly on me..although again similar in feel..I get a touch more fruit in the 2005 version..but both are kind of earthy and smoky..it is such a fantastic fragrance. I am glad that today in NYC it is snowy and stormy and cold..at least I can enjoy this one last time before spring officially arrives.


    Couple of minutes on skin:Where in the 2004 version I got a bit more of the fir and woods..but not overbearingly so..so far the 2005 version is similar but just a tad more fruit...of the apple variety?? Still the spices/patchouli/woods give this incredible depth. Can't say much more..it truly is fabulous..and I am so, SO grateful I was able to get my hands on this version. Thank you to the wonderful forumites who were generous enough to sell their extra bottles!!! :P


    20 minutes later: Blooming are apple and a bit of clove..with the patchouli giving it a nice earthy slant..never veering off into "dirt" category..which is good for me. The wood notes are a bit more subdued in this version..which usually is a good thing for me since certain wood notes amp on me till all I smell like is a huge tree..but with Samhain Beth manages to blend usually problematic notes on me into something beautiful.


    Hour later: It's just a wonderful haze of apple/clove/patchouli/with the wisps of smoke and fir..


    Lasting power is serious...like 12 hours on me and the throw is medium to strong. I love how I am able to smell it wafting around me..just love it!!! :D


    Bottom Line:Samhain 2005 is as wildly addictive to me as it's previous version..truly again the scent of autumn incarnate. I love it to pieces for the fall and winter..and it is has earned the "holy grail" status for me. I will lovingly use it and look forward to the 2007 version.


    PS-My SO liked it on me but found it a bit strong..hehehehehehe..I love it precisely for that reason and because it so evokes such a beautiful and magical time of year.

  7. Chaos Theory: Strange Attractors: DCCXXII-(722)


    I have always ordered the Chaos Theory fragrances for my sis..and we have always been lucky enough to be rewarded with fragrances that really suit her. She..being the fruity/rosy/foody fragrance wearer..she hasn’t been disappointed.


    I figured..I might as well try my luck…perhaps I will be awarded with something individual and fabulous???


    If at first you fail…try…try again.


    My odds weren’t good.


    Initial sniff from bottle: Something slightly herbal…slightly fruity maybe??? The herbal isn’t completely overt actually….but it almost..ALMOST smells a bit medicinal??? Argh..this is tough for me. For some odd reason…this sort of reminds me of what Blood Moon and Tintagel’s love child would be..if that makes any sense???


    Applied wet on skin: A bit faint…again..a touch fruity…maybe a touch of amber..maybe…a whiff of something faintly metallic??? There could be vetiver..but usually that makes me queasy immediately..and well..I am not having that reaction.


    This is warming up a bit on my skin..and I still can’t get that picture out of my mind..love child of Blood Moon and Tintagel..best way that I can put it.


    Couple of minutes on skin: So I have Mars on one wrist and Strange Attactors on the other. Can I tell you that both of them smell PRETTY similar at this point??? This particular Chaos Theory blend shares qualities of Blood Moon, Mars and Tintagel..there is the hot metallic wisp…the dry spicy/vetiver combo..and in the opening a small shot of something fruity..which now has disappeared and left me with just that spicy hot mélange that just makes me feel a bit…queasy??? DARN. :P


    Drying on skin: It’s just a very similar drydown to Mars..


    Lasting power is formidable 7+ hours with throw moderate


    Bottom Line: Not something I can wear easily but fans of hot/spicy/dry scents rejoice..this is right up your alley. Telling you..it’s as if Blood Moon, Tintagel, and Mars had a three way..this is their abomination..hehehehehehehehehehe. :D

  8. I have to say….this was the 2nd most coveted fragrance I had longed for during Yule 2005. Outside of Jacob’s Ladder..this was the one that I was most curious about. It was also the one I waited till the very last possible minute to order..simply because I was so very intrigued about what exactly it would smell like.


    I like the smell of metal…cold metal sounds exceptionally fascinating and well incense..incense is one of my most loved notes in a cold weather fragrance. I caved in and bought a bottle..but waited till this week to FINALLY try it!!! I have been wearing it for 2 days and this is what I came up with. Let me start backwards…since I have had this on all day..easier for me describe accurately.


    Drydown: I get the faint whiff of metallic..but it’s not hot..no..it’s a cold metallic..and I love that..along with a faint sweetness..for some reason this is sort of reminding me of Black Opal…which is a good thing since I loved that scent as well.


    Hours later: I kept getting subtle wafts of something a bit sweet..with the soft incense weaving in and out..and yes..that metallic note kind of peeking here and there. Not a whole heck of a lot of throw on me…it stays fairly close to the skin.


    Initial sniff from bottle: It’s soft…and something in there reminds me of Blood Moon…faintly..but it’s there..and this isn’t great..since that particular scent made me a bit queasy…but the vibe I get from this is cold…a still, cold contemplative scent. Not icy menthol or snowy/slushy notes..but cold metal. I like it. :D


    Applied wet on skin: Oh THERE you are incense…YAY. :) With it is a note that again..reminds me of Blood Moon..but it’s subtle..and floating on the edges of all of this is that metallic wisp…gosh it fascinates me so. This doesn’t scream at all…really very subtle..not invisible..but something one would need to get kind of close to to get a whiff of.


    Couple of minutes on skin: Warms up a bit…the incense is a bit smoky..a bit sweet...could there be some amber here??? It’s a tad bit powdery..but nothing overt..and this is just all gorgeousness…I would agree with another reviewer that the incense/sweet/smoky mélange kind of reminds me of my beloved Gypsy Queen except minus the florals…it’s still retains on me that stillness and coldness in feeling..and I have to say…I really do enjoy it. Very evocative.


    Whereas Blood Moon kind of ran a bit hot for me and therefore wasn’t that enjoyable until the drydown, this is extremely wearable for me…despite that the two share some notes..at least to my untrained nose.


    Drying on skin: Yep…this is incense and with a sweet and touch of smoky note..interspersed with what I think might be a resin/amber rounding up the back??? It’s not a heavy fragrance…definitely wearable and extremely evocative. I love it. :D


    Throw was soft to medium and lasting power…10+hours. Lies close to the skin but definitely does last.


    Bottom Line:The Cracked Bell is/was certainly the sleeper hit as far as my picks for the 2005 Yules were concerned. So glad I took the chance to snag a bottle..this is a most wearable incense blend that does changes faces a bit while still retaining its cool and slightly metallic vibe. Love it for winter.


    Sorry for reviewing this a bit out of order!!! :P

  9. Ahhh….Mars..how I wanted to love you so!!! :D


    What can I say???? I am a water sign that finds fire signs and their attributes attractive. The planet of war..Mars..has always struck my fancy…after the Moon of course….because ot its promise of power, domination, courage and daring deeds…all the qualities that I find sexy. I had to have this celestial. SO…I scoured Ebay..and finally…I won a bottle..I was gleeful BEYOND belief. This was before it was re-released by the way.


    The idea of it gave me goosebumps…to finally smell what VICTORY smelled like…POWER…DOMINATION…bring it ON baby!!!! Bring me to my knees!!! :D


    Well…it did..just not in the way I had imagined.


    Initial sniff from bottle: Trust me..I smelled this PLENTY of times..just to make sure I was sure about what I was smelling. It sort of reminded me of cinnamon…or maybe it’s dragon blood resin…whatever it is..it is kind of strong..kind of plant like..and not in a green grass sort of way…and it kind of reminds me of Blood Moon…which made me queasy….DARN. It smells hot…and as much as I want to love it…I can’t. I…I almost reject it..but I am stubborn..and decide to forge on.


    Applied wet on skin: Not very happy right now..it’s overwhelmingly that note that makes me queasy…whatever it is..with hot metal…and ummm..is it cinnamon?? Spicy dragon’s blood??? This is really strong on me. I don’t get ANYTHING floral from this at all..which is amazing because BPAL’s Dragon Blood is all floral on me…am I missing something???


    Couple of minutes on skin: I think on the tail end I register some sort of light floral…but up close it’s spicy notes still..and yes..I still have my queasy stomach to deal with..I wish I knew what it was..but whatever it is..it’s in Blood Moon as well. I don’t know if it is clove..but I usually play nice with cloves..if so..this clove doesn’t like me..it’s kind of herbal….and a bit dry…


    Ughhh..maybe this has vetiver in it??? Vetiver doesn’t like me AT all..and I suspect that might be the culprit along with maybe cinnamon??? Argh… :P


    Drying on skin: Hot/dry mélange of the above notes..and boy does this NOT let up.


    Drydown: Still that aggressive duo of the cinnamon/spicy dragon’s blood and what I am assuming is vetiver. Softened but definitely still making its presence known.


    Lasting power is 6+ hours with throw soft to moderate.


    Bottom Line: Mars is one aggressive fragrance that I wanted to love but could not. It runs similarly to Blood Moon so if that worked for you this will make your toes curl. I hope to pass it on to someone who can love it the way it deserves to be..I myself cannot.

  10. Snow Moon….sounds wonderful no???


    The lunar light bouncing off snow drifts and bathing everything in it’s silvery light..while the snow makes everything twinkle with a nighttime sparkle…it feels like magic…like anything is possible in the cold moonlight. Cold and clean and sparkly…I love that imagery.


    Initial sniff from bottle: To me..the most overt whiff I get is…the fir and birch. Not exactly what I was hoping for..but I am willing to give it a shot. It smells..almost medicinal in some sort of way..but I suspect that just must be the wood notes…right??? No flowers…no lunar oils..at least not yet..it’s all just overwhelmingly bracing wood/pine with the cold and dark winter note..and maybe..maybe a wisp of something sweet..but it’s really way in the back.


    Applied wet on skin: For the first 5 seconds it’s overbearingly pine/fir/birch..whatever those woods are…and then my skin feels tingly…it’s the chilly cold wintry note…and I am still stuck with the pine/fir/birch trio basically amping up to the point of world domination on my skin. Where are the lunar oils??? Florals??? MIA my friends..MIA. If you are wood/pine lover..you will be in heaven. I, for one..do not fall into that category. I don’t mind them as an accent..but this is full frontal and still really bracing and again..kind of medicinal. I will be patient..as things have a way of changing.


    Couple of minutes on skin: Okay…this is kind of like a pine/camphor mix…it’s medicinal and strong. Kind of reminds me of when I first moved into the house my family bought…going up the stairs..wooden stairs..it had that pine/evergreen waft that made me feel homey. As much as I loved how the house smelled..I kind of don’t want to smell like a combination of that and Vapo-rub. I don’t mean to be blunt..but it’s what is translating on my skin. Darn.


    Ten minutes later: It’s softened up considerably…but it’s still the wood/camphor/medicinal medley..but emerging from this finally is the floral. A bit of a sweet floral…and this is nice. It’s an improvement. Maybe there is a berry of some sort sweetening this up??? I can’t tell.


    Half an hour later: Okay..so it morphed a bit…pine/camphor duo has exited to the backroom and left on the dance floor in a nebulous haze is…some sort of floral??? Fruit??? It’s all so…sheer…kind of like lace…old delicate lace..but the lace is made up of snowflakes and it’s a chilly snow lace..with some sort of soft floral and darn it..is it a sweet berry??? Bayberry??? Sigh…I can’t tell either way but it’s an about face to what it what this was 40+minutes ago. I like this stage MUCH better.


    Definitely a bit more girlie-like..but it is a paler scent now..like other reviewers observed. A softer, paler, girlier scent. Fascinating really..considering how it started out.


    Drydown: It’s all about a snowy floral over the base of wispy lunar notes…and that elusive sweetness again. Very soft.


    Lasting power on me is about 2+ hours..with throw strongest at it’s wet phase..but even then..it hovered close to my skin..didn’t waft out aggressively at all.


    Bottom Line: Snow Moon definitely was a surprise for me…and in the beginning not a surprise I was thrilled about. It ended up being actually quite an interesting blend..but since I am not a huge fan of overbearingly bracing or medicinal scents to wear as fragrance I am kind of on the fence on whether to keep this blend. I love lunacies..but this one might be better off with someone who can enjoy all of it’s phases..but it certainly was a bit fascinating nonetheless.

  11. So…I have had The Ice Queen for 2 years…yep…2 years folks. It was one of the first BPAL’s I acquired and yet..yet…I never tried her on until now. Seems like I could never find the right time to put her on..and was in danger of doing this yet again. BUT. Something had to give. I couldn’t go another day without trying..especially when there is SO much more BPAL to try.


    Tonight is the night.


    It’s all about the snowy icy blends.


    Initial sniff from bottle: I gotta say….everyone who remarked that The Darkling Thrush is similar to Ice Queen are on the money…from the bottle these two are extremely similar. To my untrained nose DT from the bottle smells a tad bit sweeter but ultimately they both share that winter/snowy vibe. Interestingly enough I don’t get much of that spruce from the bottle..which suits me fine as that tends to amp a bit too much on mel..but let’s see how everything translates once it hits my skin.


    Applied wet on skin: Hmmm..on me it’s actually more soft snowy notes with an undercurrent of the winter blooms. This doesn’t smell nearly as ozone/aquatic as DT did…but I can detect the pale musks…funny…my wrist kind of tingles..as if it registers the coldness…I am always so amazed how Beth can do that. I get a sweetness..a tinge of it in the back..I wonder if it’s the berries??? They are very subdued…and I don’t get anything overtly fruity. Interesting..maybe it’s not just berries..but maybe other winter fruit as well??? Ah well..we shall see how this moves along.


    Couple of minutes on skin: It’s the winter blooms…undercut with a breath of something sweet…and the trademark wintry note. This isn’t the snowy note in Snow White..no..it’s the cold and chilly winter snow note that popped up in Frost Moon and Darkling Thrush…it’s the startlingly clear and cold beauty of winter ice…and I can detect the spruce a bit..but it’s understated. I believe that the “winter fruits” might not be berry at all..instead maybe a touch of citrus??? It’s on the tail end..king of eluding me..but I think that’s what I am registering..a wisp of something citric…to go with that glittering ice and floral.


    Half an hour later: So now this is where she deviates from DT. Whereas DT had more of a floral anchored with the orris and a touch of the amber. Ice Queen retains the icy notes and has the musks and touch of fruit in the back. It still glitters coldly…the spruce is wwwaaay in the back…but it’s there..muted. This has softened up considerably.


    Hour later: It’s now just like a soft winter breeze…it’s all about the pale musks…with a touch of sweetness..and a trickle of that chilliness..


    Drydown: It’s almost like a faint tickle in my throat…a whisper of the musks with the winter note.


    Throw on me was soft and lasting power…2-4 hours at most.


    Bottom Line: Ice Queen is definitely the chilly winter scent..not bogged down by pines and fierce winds..but rather a silent and glittering beauty…with the coldness simultaneously keeping you at distance yet seducing you with her silent allure. DT is similar…at least in feel but not a replicate…which is a good thing…because I love to have new interpretations when it comes to Beth’s snowy blends. Am happy to have my 5ml..but one is enough for me.

  12. The Darkling Thrush


    So..it’s been at least three or four days that I have been wearing this particular Yule LE. I thought it was kind of appropriate to wear when we are so close to transitioning from winter into spring. Maybe not officially..but it’s in the air..so here it goes :


    Initial sniff from bottle: When I sniff deeply I get what some people call the “dryer sheet” phenomenon..I myself recognize it as ozone. It’s mixed with that snowy, wintry-like note that Beth is so adept at creating…it certainly does smell like winter. Right behind it is a soft mint-like note..I want to say I can smell some sort of evergreen/pine as well..but I can’t be certain. Although the pine/evergreen notes tend to be a bit bracing and sharp to me, in this blend they seem a bit softened..not invisible..but softened..I don’t know if it’s the ozone or snowy notes or maybe even the violet..but right now..it’s all a very snowy blend. I agree with many other reviewers.. this almost smells aquatic..which I have to assume might come from the marrying of the ozone and snowy notes..a frozen aquatic if you will.


    By the way..violets and I are kind of iffy. I have only met a couple that I have liked..so this is going to be another challenge.


    With just the cap off, the scent coming from the bottle is impressive..it wafts fairly strongly.


    Applied wet on skin: It’s the ozone and snowy notes in the forefront….and then I get some of the violet..and in this blend it is quite..beautiful. No powdery roaring violet..but a gentle violet..it seems to work very well with the snowy/ozone notes..and although I can’t quite register the orris or amber at this point, there is something in this blend that keeps it from being just downright chilly and frozen. There is something in here that makes it soft and….hopeful??? Meh..could just be over-analyzing..I do that.


    Couple of minutes on skin: The ozone has backed off bit and it’s more cold/minty/floral now on me…something on the tail end of this is making a bit warmer…could be the orris or maybe the amber???? Whatever it is it gives a touch of depth that is very nice. The everygreen/pine note is still kind of there…but like I said it doesn’t overpower the scent..but works with it in tandem. Really very beautiful.


    Ten to twenty minutes later: So now it’s the violet with the snowy note in tandem and now..yes now…now I get the orris in the back…the ozone has softened considerably and the orris..the orris keeps things interesting with it’s dry note. I don’t get powder..but again..it’s a snowy soft violet with just a hint of dryness….almost like that little thrush beating it’s wings so fast. It kind of reminds me of snowfall..when the snow actually isn’t made up of fat wet snowflakes..it’s the kind of snowfall that is so light and feathery that it almost feels dry. Feathery snowfall at night with the violet peeking though.


    I love the violet in this blend.


    Hour later: Faint whiff of the ozone/winter/snow notes..it’s all the delicate and cool violet…with the hint of orris. I admit I don’t actually register the amber..but I suspect it is in here…lending it’s soft warmness in a subtle manner.


    As many have said..this truly is a very poetic and serene fragrance.


    Drydown: Soft whiff of the violet dusted with the orris…and surprisingly..what emanates from my wrists is a touch of sweetness that has got to be coming from the amber…it’s a soft waft..but it is discernable to me.


    Lasting power is about 3-4 hours with throw admirable at soft to medium.


    Bottom Line: The Darkling Thrush is an absolute beauty as far as winter fragrances go. It is a a quiet and serene snowy floral that surprisingly does not go screamingly pine-y or powdery on me. I love it for late winter and am pleased as punch I was able to snag a bottle from a forumite. A keeper for sure.

  13. Whip comes to me as a frimp...thank you Labbies!!!


    It's a pretty straightforward scent..roses and leather...although I have struck out with Loviatar maybe this leather scent might like me. We shall see...


    Initial sniff from imp:Lush dewy rose...similar to RR and under it is the leather. It lends itself as as more of a supporting note at this stage..even when I cap back the imp the luscious and dewy rose still hangs in the air. I don't usually wear rose in fragrance but this does smell lush.


    Applied wet on skin:First it's all rose..and then..the leather note comes up from the bottom. This leather note is behaving a bit better on me..maybe because of the rose??? It still plays second fiddle to the rose at this point..but the leather isn't the warm leather note of old books and comfy chairs..no..this is definitetly naughty leather...black and shiny and a bit dangerous.


    Couple of minutes on skin:Rose is warming up a bit now..not powdery or anything like that..still retaining that lushness..but along with the rose warming so is the leather. At this point it's a good combo..I don't love it but I am not hating it either...the leather gives the rose a bit more of a wicked slant...kind of warms it up in a "spanked" sort of way.


    Five to ten minutes on skin:Rose is muting a bit and the leather is a bit more in the forefront..although it kind is a bit more softened...kind of melds with my skin and the rose..but not invisible.


    Forty minutes later:Soft rose..no powder to speak of...my skin chemistry just absorbed this fragrance.


    Lasting power...not very good on me and throw was actually soft. The strongest it projected was in it's wet phase.


    Bottom Line:Whip is an interesting version of a rose fragrance..the leather gives it just enough toughness to make it a bit edgy. I will enjoy my imp but I won't go splurge for 5ml..the throw on this was just too brief for me to warrant going to the next level..but it was fun to try.

  14. Kindly Moon

    Utterly ethereal, an exquisite expression of love: moonflower, lotus root, white gardenia, beeswax, peach blossom, blue musk, stargazer lily, golden osmanthus, ti, sandalwood, hyacinth, ylang ylang, and a touch of vanilla bean.


    I have been wearing her on/off for about a week.


    Time to put some thought down on proverbial paper....


    Initial sniff from bottle:Fruity...sweet but not cloying..a bit juicy..peach-like is the vibe I get...with a floral. Very pretty..


    Applied wet on skin:It's the fruit again..again I get something akin to juicy peach...but with it is the cool floral..I love gardenia and here it is present but it doesn't overpower..maybe the hyacinth is keeping it in check??? It feels very serene..the fruit and floral..there is something here that keeps it smooth and pretty...I think it's the moonflower. I love moonflower :P


    Couple of minutes on skin:Less fruit and more soft florals...gardenia is now taking a backseat with the moonflower, hyacinth, and ylang ylang doing their thing. It's a sweet floral..so I am also wondering if the lotus root is helping along with the sweetness since usually any blend with lotus ends up becoming a bubblegum disaster on me..perhaps in this blend everything is just kept in check.


    It really is a beautiful blend..definitely feels lunar-like...maybe not so much with the "traditional lunar oils"..but more in what this blend brings to my mind..moon-lit gardens..tinged with a blue-white glow..softly radiating a cool and fragrant beauty.


    Ten minutes later:Hardly any fruit and it's now just traces of floral..a wisp of the lily in the back end with the musk making it's presence known a bit more. This is very much a skin-scent on me..hardly any throw. I can't really register the sandalwood or vanilla.


    Drydown: Barely there floral...combined with a touch of musk.


    Lasting power on me is 2-3 hours and again...the throw is very soft on me.


    Bottom Line:Kindly Moon is a beautiful lunacy blend. The soft fruity/floral melange draped, figuratively speaking, in the moonlit notes that Beth creates really evokes a tranquil and pretty blend. Although fleeting on me I think it would be a great spring/summer blend to wear..and I am thrilled that I have a bottle to come back to later on this year.

  15. Glasya


    Based on her description of being bloodlusty but also cultured I had to try her out. The notes sounded attractive..despite the civet..because although civet can be rather off-putting it does lend strength in a blend..and I wasn't afraid to dive in.


    Dragons Blood somehow seems to translate on me as intense floral...so that coupled with the musks, patchouli, myrrh and glistening drops of rose, ylang/ylang and yes..the civet all seemed too darn seductive to pass up.


    I am glad I took the plunge. This is unbelievable. How the heck it was discontinued boggles my mind..I am so tempted to try to score down another bottle.


    All this...before my official review.


    Initial sniff from bottle:Yes...it does smell a bit fiery..smells powerful..but heady..I get some sort of floral..I want to say it's more ylang ylang and dragon's blood than rose..sitting on top of something strong..maybe it's the musks and patchouli??? It's intense..but in a smoldering sort of way.


    Applied wet on skin: BAM!!! I am hit with the floral and musk mix and yes..the civet note is rounding out the back..and NO it doesn't smell like cat box or dirty diaper on me at all..more just a touch animalistic..but it adds a degree of wildness..it's dangerously sexy.


    Couple of minutes on skin: While this is warming on my skin it blooms. It's more now the patchouli/myrhh in the forefront giving it a bit of an herbal/woody slant at moments..but then the scent starts settling back into the musk/floral duo doing support with the patchouli/myrhh. I am sure the civet is here but it works seamlessly in this blend.


    The throw is pretty darn good...actually it's great...medium to strong


    Sometimes this smells more herbal/woody with the musks and floral in the background..and then it flip flops...all the while retaining that "red" feel..sexy, hot, dangerous.


    It's kind of like Debauchery...except this is her cousin .


    Half an hour later: It's all still there-the melange of earthy/musky/floral. At this point the ylang/ylang and dragons blood make a bit more room for the rose..which by the way works wonderfully well on me in this blend. I think the other notes balance the rose so that it doesn't come across on me as the ONLY floral note in this blend..and I love it. I don't have many fragrances that I wear with rose..but this does it for me.


    Hour later:Still the same players at the party...it's a steady pulse on my skin...sinuous...settling into my skin so that I just emanate this scent. :P


    Drydown:Warm traces of floral and musk and myrhh


    Lasting power??? Try 12+ hours..this chick does NOT play around.


    Bottom Line:Glasya is really a fiery, sexy, and dangerous fragrance. I loved wearing it yesterday and will enjoy her again today. Definitely a fall/winter scent. I am thrilled that it worked so well on me as I didn't have much success with the other "sexy" fragrance Loviatar. Nice to know I scored on this one. Bravo Beth!!! :D

  16. The Peacock Queen


    Not something I would usually gravitate to as my sister is the one who wears rose fragrances well..but when I had read the description of her I couldn't pass her up. The idea of her...beautiful but vain and haughty....I had to possess her and see what she was like. Today seemed the perfect day to do it.


    I am going to work a bit backwards...as I have been wearing it all day.


    Drydown:Powdery rose...a faint pulse of it is there with my skin scent.


    Lasting power is good...8+hours with throw for the most part soft to medium.


    Couple of hours on skin: This is pretty much a solid rose fragrance...it's in bloom but as many reviewers have noted, it's a chilly/distant rose...and on me there is a bit of powder in it. It's a solid rose fragrance..but I don't get the lushness or dewy vibe that is so breathtakingly beautiful in Rose Red.


    It's not a juicy rose..but a full rose in bloom...mature...and in full control.


    Couple of minutes on skin:It's funny...like some other reviewers the fragrance seems to vanish on me..I have trouble finding it on my skin..even if I shove my wrist up my nose...for a brief time it's as if it is a shy rose...really soft and well..subtle.


    Applied wet on skin: It's all rose..a twinge dry..but a mature fully bloomed rose..again nothing dewy or juicy about it. It's kind of distant..and very much the snobbish bloom. It's also seems very linear on me..which isn't a bad thing.


    Initial sniff from bottle: It seems so subtle..it's kind of hard for me to picture a blood red bloom..from my sniffs from the bottle the mental image I get is more along the lines of a tea rose..and a pink one at that. It doesn't seem sweet either..almost a tad sour-like..but rose nonetheless.


    Bottom Line:If you love rose fragrances, you would probably like this..if only to admire the very variations Beth weaves out of her rose fragrances. I myself find it an acceptable rose fragrance to wear for everyday if I was so inclined. It's a vain and haughty and conceited rose...nothing like the lush dewy Rose Red..and for that I have to admire it. However..it's probably not something I would reach for so it will be considered heavily for the sale pile.

  17. Penitent Magdalen


    Had to get it last year because my middle name is Magdalena and because Mary Magdalen has always seemed a bit of an interesting character to me.


    The sadness and sorrow intermingled with her fidelity to Jesus...it's a bit wrenching to me..and I guess I find the intensity of feeling very...intriguing.


    Anyway..onto the review:


    Initial sniff from bottle:Something a bit herbal..slightly medicinal..maybe a bit astringent??? There is sweetness here as well...and I can't tell if it's from the honey or the lily..although lily sometimes go a bit soapy on me so maybe it's just the honey doing that. All in all the first whiff is an alltogether soft waft..nothing is screaming to me at this point.


    Applied wet on skin:I get the lily and gaiac..which kind of reminds me a bit of...roses..maybe like a tea-rose or something??? It's more lily forward with the floral..and I got the sweetness of I guess the honey or amber??? All of this is soft..but not invisible.


    Couple of minutes on skin:It's a bit more prevalent with the lily/gaiac combo..but the lily isn't going soapy..something in here is tempering the lily with sweetness..possibly the sandalwood...while the amber/musk are rounding out the fragrance..I don't get much in the way of any type of herbal note that I thought I registered in the beginning. It's all soft but steady...if I wave my wrists in front of my face I can't register anything but pulling my wrist to my nose and inhaling gets me loads of scent. Throw is soft on me..it settles close to my skin...a bit of an intimate scent.



    I think the sandalwood lends the scent with a bit of dry sweet warmth


    Half an hour later: Same notes...just softened somewhat...


    Drydown:Faint lily sweetened.


    Lasting power on me is 2-3+ hours and throw is incredibly soft.


    Bottom Line:Penitent Magdalen is a very evocative floral that I think is extremely work appropriate and can be worn from year-round but I find it would be especially nice in the spring. No soapy lily here..just quiet and gentle sweetness..with a touch of melancholy.

  18. The Haunted Palace....


    Based on the notes alone I knew this would be a winner for me. I love blood orange and amber, can appreciate vanilla, heliotrope, and gardenia, and am developing a growing respect for red musk. This blend can't POSSIBLY go wrong on me.


    I have always loved rose..but I don't wear it much in fragrance


    Initial sniff from bottle:Fruity...gotta be that blood orange...I love it. If I take a deep whiff I get something faint in the back..is it the floral and maybe a throb of the red musk??? There is a touch of sweetness here..so that's gotta be the vanilla..all good in my book.


    Applied wet on skin: Blood orange....and then in about 3 seconds I get wave of musky/sweetness pushing the orange out of the way...it's almost all red musk and amber and the vanilla..but that's kind of peeking...in the tail of this whiff is the gardenia and rose...




    Couple of minutes on skin:Holy cow..the players have changed again. Blood orange is MIA and to the forefront now is the gardenia/rose/heliotrope duo...with the amber/vanilla/musk playing supporting roles. Huh?? I never figured that would happen...


    In the first couple of minutes of this scent blooming on my skin I kind of thought that this was going to be similar to Red Moon...but now I see it only held that resemblance in the opening blast.


    I still am enjoying this fragrance very much...it suprised me a bit which is always a good thing.


    Half an hour later:It's all good...the warmth of the vanilla/amber/musk cloaking the florals..I get a touch of fruit WAY in the back...it's a predominantly warm floral on me..


    What can I say??? You pair almost anything with amber on me and I love it. I am partial to Beth's amber blends..I admit.


    Haunted Palace sort of reminds me of pairing between Tamora and Bastet..sort of.


    Drydown: It's all soft and gorgeous gardenia/rose/heliotrope with the warmth of the amber/vanilla/musk and fruit.


    For me throw was soft and lasting power 3+ hours


    Bottom Line:Haunted Palace is a beautiful warm floral on me with a touch of fruit..perfect for late summer and fall. Love it.

  19. Jacob's Ladder 2005


    I remember when this first was offered in '05..it was one of two scents out of the Yule offerings I simply HAD to get.


    So..I have been wearing this special blend for about 2 months..off and on..mostly on though and surprisingly am nearing to the end of my 5ml..which I never ever do... :P...because I just have so much fragrance.


    In any event...because of the very reason of having so much fragrance I figured now is the time to do a review..I can't move on to other yummy BPAL scents until I put down on paper my thoughts..so here it goes:


    Initial sniff from bottle:It's a bit sweet...a bit warm...kind of golden-like..and a bit cologne-like??? Not in an overtly aggressive manner...the cologne-like note is interspersed with the sweetness and warmth which I assume is the amber and maybe benzoin/tonka??? If I had to attach a "feeling" to this when I am smelling it the only way I can describe it is like sheer golden light...


    Applied wet on skin:Sweetness..that cologne-like note is there for a brief second in the front and in a matter of seconds it's sheer golden amber..with a light touch..kind of floaty and just really very beautiful. I do adore Beth's amber blends and this one does not disappoint.


    Couple of minutes on skin:Same notes..but the cologne note is MIA now and it's morphing a bit to an almost translucent amber/benzoin/tonka trio on my skin...I don't get any baby powder vibe either. Just a sheer golden warmth with a touch of sweetness.


    Ten minutes on skin: It's a bit more softly spicy...almost in gentle herbal slant??? I have to take a stab at this and say that maybe it's the galbanum??? That with the amber/ambrette/tonka and benzoin...is just making a warm and sweet slightly spicy and touch herbal/balsamic melange that is just comforting and very addictive.


    The sweet in this blend is definitely not very foody...it's like a mish/mash of amber and non-sweet vanilla tones...really beautiful...because of that spicy/herbal/resin-like waft weaving in and out...


    Half an hour later: Same notes....but it kind of has a bit of skin scent anchored in the back there..kind of musk-like but it's a light musk..nothing heavy and aggressive..it is seamless in this blend..


    Drydown: Soft skin musk scent with a touch of spice..again..very soft on me...almost incense like really...


    Bottom Line: Jacob's Ladder I knew would be a knock-out scent for me...and me going through my 5ml is proof of it. It is a beautiful scent that I think works wonderfully in either fall or winter and I am so glad I picked up a bottle of the 2006 version before it disappeared. It's sheer golden light in a bottle. :D

  20. Sleepy Moon


    Have had this bottle for some time..and figured tonight was as good any night to try it. Had NO idea what was in it..wanted to see how good my nose was with identifying notes.


    Verdict?? My nose still has alot to work on. :P


    Sort of.


    Initial sniff from bottle: It's a blast of something sharp..at first I actually thought it was pine or something..but now looking at the reviews I guess what I am getting hit with is either the lavender or bamboo..and trust me..it's punching me in the face. Whoa...


    Applied wet on skin: Again..my eyes watered just a bit because on me this is STRONG..I mean like my mom could smell the dab I put on my wrist down in the basement and by the time I walked upstairs into the living room where she was she commented that she noticed I had put perfume on. It was just a dab on my wrist..geez Louise this has some incredible throw..and it's raging lavender..how can lavender be raging...but there it is..it's raging. For a quick moment I thought I had been smelling jasmine because it was also a tad bit -soap like and jasmine in certain blends can do that..but no..it's the lavender I guess..


    Couple of minutes on skin: Still the raging lavender..with I guess the bamboo..I am not sensing the chamomile or the floral as of yet..unless of course the "soap-like" note is from the poppy??? Hmmph..I am kind of stumped because honestly..all I am getting right now is some seriously loud lavender basically kicking ass all over my wrist. It's just really...overt. I am not feeling relaxed at all..in fact..I am hoping it will calm down so that I don't get a headache.


    Thirty minutes to an hour: Still the same raging lavender..how is that possible??? None of the lunar oils I am used to in Beth's blend..nope..it's all just this soapy lavender with some other floral..wow..am I shocked.


    Hour and a half later: Finally..it's morphing a bit..lavender is in the backseat..and now I get some sort of oriental floral..it's the poppy..YAY..lazy opium poppy weaving in and out..no soapy lavender in the forefront..no bamboo that I can discern and certainly the chamomile is MIA....


    Funny thing is..after all of this loud lavender I did start to feel really relaxed..and this was beforeI read the reviews about what was in this blend..hahahahahahahaahahaha..how ironic is that?? I mean..up until this point I really wasn't enjoying this at all..and yet..it's doing what it should be doing..which is getting me ready to relax and fall into the arms of Morpheus..


    There is still a tinge of soap on the back-end of the very hypnotic oriental floral..but it's definitely more tolerable than what this oil was in the wet phase..at least to my nose.


    Drydown: Spicy floral..with a touch of lavender.


    Lasting power is impressive 6+hour with throw average to strong.


    Bottom Line:Sleepy Moon is definitely not my favorite of the Lunacies..that lavender was too strong and bracing on me-it's not something I feel comfortable wearing..but the fact cannot be argued; it did make me feel relaxed. I am glad as always to try Beth's lunacies..this is no exception. However..Sleepy Moon might be better suited to someone who can appreciate her therapeutic qualities better...we shall see.

  21. Berenice


    I bought this outright because of it being touted as a "dry and cerebral" scent..that intrigued me..a scent devoid of emotionality...but based on thought. I like dry and cerebral..both qualities that I have always found fascinating because they are somewhat lacking in my emotional make-up..gah..to covet what you don't have...hahahahahahaha...


    Anyway..the mental picture that Beth conjured up with her description was just too good to pass up..so here I am..wearing it for three days and this is what I a came up with:


    Initial sniff from bottle:Something a bit smooth..yes..I get a very "white" feeling while sniffing..but I also get a tinge of something citrus in the tail end..it's not bracing or overt..but it is there. I wouldn't think it was the lily or the aloe or the linen..so is my nose wonky??? It's a very smooth almost glass like floral..with...a coolness..not so much coolness in the way of mint..but the aloe..it's..giving it a cool feeling. Very polished..I like it. I also think the white musk has something to do with this whole vibe..for some reason..I kind of see a slight resemblance to Black Opal but the latter is a bit sweeter from the bottle..they both kind of emanate this "cool" vibe..I don't know how else to put it.


    Applied wet on skin:Floral..gotta be the lily..with that faint citrus note there again..and now I get the blonde amber..it's subtle but has presence..it's what gives it a bit of roundness..it's as if this has no seams you know??? The notes..they run together so smoothly...it's not in your face..a very understated but not invisible fragrance. Polished....best way I can put it.


    This is a great work/office fragrance...when you want to wear fragrance but don't want your fragrance to waft around others to the point of distraction. It's perfect for you to enjoy the cloud..and maybe someone else..


    Five to ten minutes on skin: It's the lily..softened by the amber and aloe..and the linen emerges on the tail end. To me this is a great atypical soft floral..I do like the "white-ness" of it..while still emanating that cerebral quality..it's a floral that doesn't shout with love or pain...it just..contemplates..dispassionately.


    Half an hour to an hour: Blonde amber and lily..it's a nice duo..along with the white musk..mmmmm...this really does remind me of Black Opal...just a bit of a different variation..


    It's not a messy or loud or brash floral...it's self-contained...it hovers close to my skin..I like the way the fragrance translates on and around me..it's soft but not invisible..it's almost a bit clinical in feeling..but I think the amber/aloe/linen really kind of make it work...it has a sweetness to it that is very nice.


    Drydown: Almost kind of like a vanilla..soft...a bit dry..


    I have never tried Antique Lace but if this smells anything like that I am sure I will love it.


    Bottom Line: Bereniceis a perfect fragrance for the office. Smart, unassuming and not at ALL interested in how you are feeling. It's all about the process see??? Emotions are just messy and irrational..the beauty is in the logic and the flow of logic. This fragrance makes the cerebral glamorous..and I love it for that very reason.

  22. Milk Moon...compliments of me..I bought this in 2005 with Flower Moon..and now..now is the time to try it.


    I am pretty sure I will like this..as it spells comfort scent to me. I know I loved Chaste Moon so if it is anything like that it will be an easy love.


    Initial sniff from bottle:Very similar to Chaste Moon at this point..all softly minty and creamy-like..it's the lunar oils with warm sweet milk maybe??? Yes..it's very soft and comforting and I am glad that this will be the last thing I put on my skin before hit the hay tonight.




    Applied wet on skin: This is pretty much sweet warm milk/cream and the soft mint peeking through. Straightforward and very relaxing to me. I do not get sour milk or babyspit or anything offensive like that..my skin seems to like these types of notes so I am in heaven right now. It is a very intimate scent on me..meaning that even on the wet phase it stays close to the skin..hardly any throw.


    Fifteen minutes later: Still the same notes..although now I get more of the lunar oils at the back end...


    Am not sure if I am registering the honey note..but if that is what is lending the sweetness to this it does a wonderful job.


    My wrist feels a bit tingly where I applied Milk Moon..it has to do with the "minty" note I get from this..


    Half an hour later: Still the creamy milk and mint notes interweaving softly with the sweetness hovering...


    Drydown: Faint sweetness.


    Lasting power is about 2-3+hours..with throw soft.


    Bottom Line:Milk Moon is indeed a very comforting and intimate scent..perfect for sleeping in or just when one wants to feel secure. I think it would be great for late winter to spring..or just anytime one wants to feel cozy.

  23. Samhain 2004


    How did I come by this??? Marzstar was generous enough to offer up a decant for sale..thank you so much marzstar!!


    You know...I never...EVER thought I would even try this. I had seen it listed and had wrinkled my nose...patchouli and I were not too cuddly with eachother but as of late...especially with Beth's blends..fragrances that I thought I couldn't wear now smell amazing..and it's all due to the patchouli that Beth lends her magic and mastery when composing these scents.


    So..I paced and deliberated...thinking that maybe..maybe trying at least a decant couldn't hurt..the lure of the perfect "autumnal" scent was just too good to pass up. I love me my incense blends..but I was still on the quest for the blend that could smell like fall..crackling leaves and all.


    So..here I am..with my imp/decant of Samhain 04...let's see how it goes:


    Initial sniff from imp/decant: Taking a deep whiff I immediately come up with the following: Fall. Leaves...a tad of fruity muskiness..is that wine??? Mead??? Apple????Definitely some sort of spices..probably the nutmeg/clove/all spice. This doesn't smell particularly foody to me at all..underneath it all is something grounding it..it's a bit earthy..it's well blended though..it gives this depth..must be the patchouli.


    From this one whiff I know..I have found it. The fragrance I was looking for to fill that niche I had. And now..I am in trouble. I only have a decant. Crap.


    Applied wet on skin: Mmmm..it's fall leaves again but right next to it is the woods..the fir...with the patchouli underneath..again..giving it depth..it's used so well in this blend..shot through it is the spices..the fruit..not so much pumpkin to my nose but more of the apple/mead duo maybe??? Very addictive the melange is...


    Five minutes later:Apple/Mead.Patchouli.Woods. Spice. Goodness..this is autumn incarnate.


    Don't get me wrong. I love Harvest Moon...love Pumpkin Queen...love Gypsy Queen..and absolutely love All Saints..they all are wonderful fall scents for me..but Samhain??? Again..it fills the niche I had for so long. What I had hoped Devils Night could do but didn't. So..I am thrilled I have found the answer to my question.


    Hour and a half later:Warm woods..with a bit of spice and fruit. Fabulous.


    Drydown:Same notes..softened against my skin...still smells wonderful.


    Lasting power is about 3-4+hours with throw soft to average..it kind of hovered like close to my skin.


    Bottom Line:Samhain 2004 is a hands-down perfect autumnal fragrance. For those a bit squeamish towards patchouli..fear no more with this particular fragrance..it's presence in this blend is exquisite. I love this for fall..and even through winter. I am hoping I can still snag some more.


    These LE blends are dangerous.

  24. Red Lantern


    I bought this outright in the beginning of the year for the three following reasons:


    Amber.Coconut.Tobacco. :) ;) B)


    The caramel and opium and asian spice??? All just gravy.


    So far...my luck hasn't been too good with supposed "foody" scents..so I am hoping that this one can change the tide. I normally don't like super foody scents but the tobacco and amber and coconut are all notes that I love so I am hoping for a winner.


    Initial sniff from bottle: Dark caramel...definitely swirling up my nose and settling into my senses...and the black coconut is there in the middle...amazingly..with the bottle uncapped what wafts up to my nose on the tail end is indeed the currant..I never thought I would have been able to register that particular note..but there it is..amazing.


    Wow...I haven't even put it on yet..and I am besotted.


    Applied wet on skin: Caramel for a brief second is in the forefont....but then it's all the amber..with the coconut which in this blend in definitely not super-foody in this blend at all..and then I get a bit of spice with the tinge of currant again rounding up the back. The amber isn't powdery on me at all..just golden and warm..very slinky...paring itself with the dark caramel and the spice and the currant...


    Couple of minutes on skin: Amber...it's in the front...the caramel has shifted to the back..it's just a touch now..and it's the heady opium/tobacco duo weaving in and out with that amber..good grief this is heady and gorgeous and just..overwhelmingly sexy. :D


    It's sex. It's what you would want to wear and feel like when having a all-night session of romping wherever with whomever and you just don't give a sh*t. It's very seductive...it hints at laviscious pleasures...makes you want to close your eyes and give in to all of one's carnal wants and needs.


    Yep..this is so not foody and I am so loving it.


    Ten minutes later: Hehehehehehe...it's now the opium in the front..undulating lazily...but with presence..tobacco,amber and spice behind..with the coconut and currant in the back. The delphinum isn't something I am registering yet.


    I have to say this...to me Red Lantern is kind of like the bit more wearable version of Debauchery sans the civet. They both have that "sex in the bottle" type of vibe..and they both share opium in their composition..but with one the civet can be very off-putting to many and with the other it's the tabacco/caramel/coconut that could be the deal-breaker.


    Thirty minutes on skin:It's still the heady opium..the amber is there..the tobacco is there..just breathing in and out..the caramel/coconut just a wisp at the tail end now..and right at the very edge I think I can make out the delphinium. Still the vibe is drop dead sex to me..and it's genius.


    I wore this yesterday afternoon to hang out with my girlfriend and go shopping and the minute I came in the door and we hugged she told me I smelled good. When I left my house both my mom and sister said that whatever I had on smelled fabulous. It's an amazing and sophisticated and layered fragrance that pretty much rivals for me my beloved L'Artisan's-Dzing...which is one of my favorite..FAVORITE..all time fall/winter fragrances. Their components are different..but the mastery of how Beth created Red Lantern is just shocking to me.


    I expected it to be good..I didn't expect holy SH*T I should have bought multiple bottles... :P


    Hour to 2 hours later:Still has presence..and it's still gorgeous..with the opium and tobacco doing the leading..and the amber lending it's sweetness and roundness..and the spice at the tail end.


    I applied this to my pulse points and hair before going to a party yesterday evening and can I tell you...I didn't need to do that..I just wanted to slather a bit..I loved the wet phase and wanted everyone at that party to smell and worship me..I felt really good in it..such a complex scent with all the notes that I normally swoon for.


    Lasting power on this is no joke: 12+ hours..seriously. The throw is average to a bit strong..but I love it like that. In my hair it smelled amazing too..all dark caramel/spicy/touch smoky goodness...


    When I woke up this morning..I could still smell it on my wrists and when I breathed deeply in the t-shirt I wore yesterday that I went to bed in I had the wonderful combo of my own sweet skin scent mingled with Red Lantern :D .


    Bottom Line:Red Lantern is another genius blend from Beth. Once I think I have found the "best" fall/winter scent she goes and puts another one out there for me to fall in love with and agonize over. Sexy..so sexy it almost seems indecent..but I can't help succumbing to it. Definitely a winner and definitely one that I would try to get an extra bottle of..if my checking account allows it.


    It's another fragrance example of perfection..IMHO...Beth..I salute you... :D

  25. Monsterbait:Closet....


    This came to me compliments of my sis..and even though she is the foody gal when it comes to scents..the blackberry was intriguing..I do like blackberries in general..but I have never worn a scent with blackberry..I was willing to try.


    So..I have been wearing for three days and here is what I came up with:


    Initial sniff from bottle: Sweet....sweetness...something boozy too...and the blackberry. Hmm...I kind of get a blackberry schnapps flashback and that isn't a comforting one..must be the bourbon blackberry. I also get a decidedly "buttercream" waft as well..which in tandem with the boozy blackberry kind of makes my stomach unsettled..but I figured now is not the time to jump ship..one must ride out the rough waters...


    Applied wet on skin: :P ....not liking this right now. It's still the boozy blackberry schnapps note on me..with that underlying buttercream frosting note..as much as I kind of like buttercream frosting..it's just not making me feel all warm and snuggly with the blackberry and bourbon. Darn. I will wait it out though..even though at this point this combo isn't winning points with me. It's all about being patient.


    Couple of minutes on skin: Argh...it's still the boozy blackberrry schnapps party on my skin..being loud and obnoxious..even the buttercream decided to take a powder..and the red velevet cake??? It's hiding in the coat room..until it's safe to get on the dance floor..this boozy blackberry has scared everyone off...


    Ten minutes on skin: Finally..the boozy blackberry has softened..and now I get more of the red velvet cake/buttercream duo..which isn't bad..but unfortunately isn't great either because my stupid body chemistry makes the boozy blackberry notes amp. It's not bad at this stage..I kind of can appreciate the concept..but on my skin it's just a bit...jarring.


    :D :) ;)


    I wish it was better..but I keep waiting...


    Thirty minutes to an hour: Ahhh...it's softened up again considerably..with more the sweet red velvet cake now..but I still have the bourbon/blackberry there..as usual..weaving in and out. I don't know if I have become accustomed to it..but it's not as offensive as before..however I am still not totally enamored. I..I tolerate it.


    Two hours plus+:Sweet red vevet cake..with the hint of fruit. Foody.


    Drydown: Same notes...


    Lasting power is about 3-4+ hours..with the throw soft to average.


    Bottom Line: Not my favorite-Monsterbait:Closet is definitely foody, definitely boozy and definitely sweet. A bit too sweet and a touch cloying for my tastes..but I can see it being a hit for fans of the gourmand. I think it would work well in fall and winter. If only the boozy blackberry had translated a bit better on my skin- :D ....oh well.
