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Posts posted by charshark

  1. In the imp: Ylang ylang with honey and musk.

    Wet: Sweet honey and ylang ylang with a spicy undertone.

    Dry: The spicy overtone is stronger now and the honey is on the edge of this scent along with floral notes.

    Overall: I got this as a frimp and I actually like it a lot. I know I probably wouldn't have chosen this scent because of the honey, but I'm glad I got it. :P

  2. In the imp: Citrus and jasmine.

    Wet: Very citrusy. That's really about all I get out of it at this point.

    Dry: Roses and jasmine with lots of lemon. Soapy.

    Overall: I got this as a frimp and it isn't really something I would choose for myself because citrus + rose + jasmine didn't sound like it would make a great combination on me and it turns out that it doesn't. Oh well, you can't always win. :P

  3. In the imp: Peach and amber

    Wet: Amber, sandalwood and a hint of peach.

    Dry: The vanilla bean lets its presence be known while the amber, sandalwood and peach are still present and accounted for.

    Overall: I'm so-so on this one. I like peach a lot and I like amber a lot, but I don't know about the sandalwood so much... I think I'd like this a whole lot more if it weren't for the sandalwood. Darn!

  4. ... Dry black teas, Earl Grey, and leather.

    In the imp: Bergamot and Earl Grey
    Wet: Bergamot tea with a hint of leather and a touch of lemon.
    Dry: Tea with leather.
    Overall: It faded away on me completely within 10 minutes, but while it was there, it was nice.

  5. In the imp: Lemon and sage(?)

    Wet: Lemon with a hint of rose (a lighter kind like blue) and maybe neroli? I swear either sage or cloves are in this too.

    Dry: Neroli and lemon. I also get a faint whiff of lavender with sage.

    Overall: I'm probably completely wrong about the notes, but that's what I smell! It sort of smells like Burt's Bee lemon butter cuticle cream on me.

  6. In the imp: Wine and vetiver.

    Wet: Cherries, wine and dragon's blood. A touch of honey and vanilla overshadowed by vetiver.

    Dry: Mostly dries down to vanilla with vetiver, clove, cherries and wine. A little bit of musk.

    Overall: Sensual and pleasing. It gets better on me the longer it's on, which is nice.

  7. In the bottle: Pumpkin and red musk

    Wet: Pumpkin with strawberry and frankincense.

    Dry: Pumpkin with frankincense and a hint of rose. It kind of smells like Red Hots with some pumpkin thrown into the mix.

    Overall: It's spicier than I thought it'd be, but I like that it smells like pumpkin Red Hots on my skin. That's awesome.

  8. In the bottle: Woodsy, musky and spicy.

    Wet: At first, there's a little sour note to it like a wet woodsy-type musk, but that goes away almost immediately. It smells a bit like Coyote but without the grassy notes in it and has more of an incense-type note in it instead.

    Dry: Smoky with a hint of blood resin with musk and woods.

    Overall: I think this would be a great oil for someone more masculine than me. I think my husband would like it. While I do like how it smells, I don't think I would wear it personally just because it's too woodsy for me.

  9. In the bottle: Honey and faint rose, more like rosewater.

    Wet: Delicate roses with a touch of honey to round it out.

    Dry: The rose note gets stronger on me and there's a creaminess to it.

    Overall: I like this oil a lot. It's very feminine and it makes me feel like a proper lady, haha. This is the type of rose note that I really like and while I usually don't like honey all that much, this does go very well together. It's sweet and powdery (in a good way!).

  10. In the imp: Smells like crushed Jelly Belly buttered popcorn beans with a hint of cherry.

    Wet: Still like buttered popcorn and a bit of toffee.

    Dry: The pineapple starts to drown out the popcorn scent and the cherry amps up a bit.

    Overall: I don't really smell what's in the description, but I do like the buttered popcorn scent. I probably wouldn't wear it much, though, because I used to have a buttered popcorn lip balm and people would always say, "Why's it smell like popcorn in here!?", but it's pleasant.

  11. In the imp: Crisp honeydew and little musk.

    Wet: Definitely can detect the guava and the honeydew blending with the musks with a light floral background.

    Dry: Mostly, I still detect the honeydew, but the neroli lets its presence be known. The amber comes into play after it's been on me for awhile.

    Overall: It's a nice, pleasing combination of scents. It reminds me of fresh laundry drying in a sunny, windy backyard on a spring day.

  12. In the imp: Strawberry rock candy and rum (that's what I get from it anyways!).

    Wet: Tropical cotton candy, strawberry candy, a hint of candy corn and a wee bit of marshmellow.

    Dry: There's a dusty smell on top (the lint, I assume), but it still smells like good candy.

    Overall: It's a fun scent to wear and it makes me crave sweets! I know I wouldn't wear this everyday, though. Also, I like this more than some of the other candy-type scents that I've tried before (like Xanthe).

  13. This is my first experience with Sugar Skull, so this will be a review on the '08 version, of course:


    In the imp: Brown sugar starting to boil in a pan (caramelizing!).

    Wet: Brown sugar with cotton candy floss.

    Dry: Maybe it's just me, but I don't really detect fruit in here that much. Eh, I guess I get a hint of banana, but that's about all. To me, it smells like good cotton candy mixed with brown sugar.

    Overall: I like it and it lasts a really long time on me. It's cute.

  14. This is my first time with Samhain, so I don't know what it was like before. Anyways:


    In the imp: Pine and patchouli!

    Wet: I can definitely smell the nutmeg and the clove and a bit of pumpkin and apple. Pine is still the strongest note I detect, though.

    Dry: The pine takes a backseat and now it smells like a pumpkin pie spiked with apples.

    Overall: A very good autumn scent! It smells very complex, yet it's warm and inviting. I wanna bake now!

  15. Definitely smells like dirt! And I like that smell -- not to wear, but just to sniff, haha. I had my mom smell it without telling her what it was and I asked her what she thought it was and she said, "It smells like a grave!" So yes, this is very accurate!

  16. In the imp: Squashed berries


    Wet: Huckleberries and currants. Sweet and nice!


    Dry: I detect a slightly spicy note, but I mostly smell the huckleberry in this.


    Overall: Love it! It's a playful, cute scent. I think I'm gonna get a big bottle of this and tell myself not to makeout with my wrist. ;p

  17. Awhile back (probably a month or so ago), I got a frimp of something called Nanshe. I've looked all over the GC and LE scents and put it in the search, but I didn't really find anything except a thread about CTIII and Calliope. The closest thing I could think of it being is Banshee, which was discontinued in 2004. Anyways, to me, it sort of smells like milky Fruit Loops with a slight soapy note. Help? Thanks!

  18. In the imp: Apple and banana.


    Wet: Bananas, pineapples and apples drenched in sugar and coconutty goodness.


    Dry: Mostly apples and a hint of pomegranate.


    Overall: This is nice. I really like red apples, so it's a good scent for me. Big bottle-worthy, me thinks.

  19. In the imp: Peppery linen.


    Wet: Very peppery with some ginger and black tea.


    Dry: The peppery scent fades a bit and a little bit of honey coming through with a hint of linen that's been dipped in black tea with some milk.


    Overall: It started off weird, but it dried down lovely.

  20. In the imp: Honeyed amber


    Wet: Nice honey with some soft vanilla and a hint of amber.


    Dry: Honey with warm amber. A little powdery.


    Overall: I wish it stayed the way it was when it was wet because it does get a little powdery on me. I do like it overall, though.

  21. In the imp: Bubblegum and some Charms cherry lollipops.


    Wet: Lots of pink bubblegum!


    Dry: The cherry comes into play and the orange does a little bit too behind the bubblegum. I smell a little musk.


    Overall: It's a stronger bubblegum amped-up version of Xanthe to me and I really like Xanthe, so *thumbs up*.

  22. In the imp: Dark cherry, almost like cherry brandy with some dark chocolate.


    Wet: Reminds me of one of those chocolate oranges you can buy and smash that was rubbed in cherry chapstick.


    Dry: It mostly smells like cherry now, with a hint of orange.


    Overall: Mmm, I like it. =)

  23. In the imp: Dark florals.


    Wet: Wild orchid with a rose scent (but not an old lady rose).


    Dry: The rose scent mostly takes over on me, but that's okay! It wasn't soapy on me.


    Overall: Very feminine and lovely. It's good if you're a fan of rose.
