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Posts posted by ErinZ

  1. This smells like a sweet, slightly smoky, spiced tea I've had before, but I can't remember exactly what it was.


    I'm not sure if it worked for me. I was relaxed as it was, but a bit emotional. I was feeling a bit weepy a little while after I put it on, but that may be unrelated.

  2. Peace, serenity, tranquility, silence.

    herby, almost "green" lavender with a bit of a citrus edge - it didn't really work for me, scent-wise or in terms of its purpose

    I will, however, give it another go next time I have a headache. It seems like it could work for that.

  3. Candy-sweet, herbaceous lavender with a hint of mint - fades to a sweet, soft vanilla


    I was feeling a bit restless, and it didn't put me to sleep (this time at least), but it did calm me and soothe my mind. Very nice.

  4. Snappy-quick PMS relief.

    Wet in imp:
    nice, herbal tea-like blend

    Wet on skin:
    minty chamomile herbiness

    chamomile and herb blend - almost lemony

    holds on decently

    Final impression:
    Predominantly chamomile and lemongrass.

    It's interesting, but I'm not sure that it's working. Then again, I'm not sure I'm using it properly.

  5. Cooling, camphorous - a bit like Icy Hot, but without the hot.


    I can't speak to its effectiveness, though, because I don't think I know quite how it's to be used. I'm not sure whether it's supposed to be used as purely aromatherapy, or if it is to be applied to the sore spots a bit like a muscle rub.

  6. Wet in imp:



    Wet on skin:

    ginger, sandalwood, "cool," minty spices and herbs - almost a cinnamon/mint



    develops to vanilla/mint/wood



    lasts fairly well


    Final impression:

    This one surprised me. It was a frimp from the lovely and wonderful labbies, and I'm so thankful they sent it. I would have never chosen it myself, but I adore it. It's very warm, grounding, and comforting.

  7. Wet in imp:

    bright evergreen


    Wet on skin:

    holy crap, I've got a tree on my arm!



    now a tree covered with boxed hair color? :P


    Final impression:

    No… just… no. We do not get along like good children. Not one bit.

  8. Wet in imp:

    pretty floral


    Wet on skin:

    fresh, citrusy floral



    Jasmine, rose and… Lemon Pledge! Darn you, lemon!



    Holds on pretty well


    Final impression:

    So pretty, except for the whole house-hold cleaner thing. Oh well, citrus and I are just not meant to be, it seems.

  9. Wet in imp:

    spicy, fruity wood


    Wet on skin:

    floral wood



    nice floral (maks me think of a blend of rose, lily and jasmine, but it's most likely the iris, which I'm not as familiar with) with a bit of wood to warm it up



    a light scent remains hours later


    Final impression:

    This initially reminds me of an Estee Lauder bath and shower gel I had years ago, then mellows out very nicely.


    This is a scent I never would have chosen for myself. I tend to be a bit scared of sandalwood. But our wise and all-knowing labbies were sweet enough to send this as a frimp. It's amazing, :P and I will be getting a bottle of it at some point.

  10. A bawdy, gleefully wicked and unruly scent: Kentucky Bourbon, sugar and a sprig of mint.

    Wet in imp:
    herby booze

    Wet on skin:
    I'm picking up an earthy, smoky herbal scent

    goes powdery very quickly

    soft trace still there hours later

    Final impression:
    Smells like a scented body powder my Grandma used to use on my sister and me when we were kids and would have a bath at her house. Comforting sense memories, but I don't want to smell like my Grandma's powder.

  11. Wet in imp:

    light, sweet, pretty, fruity


    Wet on skin:

    herbal… very herbal



    very green and sweet



    fades until it's almost undetectable hours later except for a very faint sweetness


    Final impression:

    It gets sweeter and sweeter as time goes on. A little too sweet on its own, in fact. It could work if I layered it with something heavy and earthy so they could balance each other out.

  12. Wet in imp:

    sweet, dark, earthy


    Wet on skin:

    vetiver popping out



    at first, it makes me feel like I smell like a smoker with a vanilla floral musk perfume on, but it mellows after a while



    hangs on well even a full day later


    Final impression:

    The longer I wear it, the more I like it. It's strong, smoky, and sultry, and fades to a sweet, vanilla musk.

  13. Wet in imp:

    pumpkin/gingerbread Yankee Candle


    Wet on skin:

    Slightly stronger pumpkin, still a bit Yankee Candle-ish, but not as obnoxiously so as others that have been candle-like.



    A bit like March Hare, only with pumpkin.



    Still faintly there as a soft, sweet scent 8 hours later.


    Final impression:

    I wouldn't buy a bottle. If I were in the mood to wear this, I'd be in the mood to wear March Hare. Of the two, I like March Hare better.

  14. Wet in imp:

    milk & honey


    Wet on skin:

    honey and powder (applied more and started to detect ginger)



    faint, clean smell (still powdery)


    Final impression:

    I could barely smell it, but others could smell it strongly from 3 yards away. If I can't smell it, it's not worth it.

  15. Starts out as a sharp floral when wet. As it dries, takes on an earthy floral with a bit of tobacco. I think it may be a bit too sophisticated/mature for my tastes. I alternated between thinking I smelled like a sexy woman about ten to fifteen years older than me to thinking I smelled like one of my grandma's friends.

  16. Wet in imp:

    sweet, berry gum


    Wet on skin:

    still sweet, berry gum with a touch of marshmallow



    similar to before, but taking on a bit of an artificial, air-freshener type of smell



    fades to soft sweetness


    Final impression:

    the air-freshener smell fades away after a little while, and is a nice, cheerful, sweet scent


    I like it.

  17. Wet in imp:



    Wet on skin:

    lavender with jasmine



    now the jasmine scent is stronger, a lily-like scent is showing up, and the lavender is just a background player



    Hardly noticeable by morning (put it on shortly before bed)


    Final impression:

    Very pretty, very relaxing.

  18. Nyx

    Started out pure jasmine in the imp and while wet on my skin :P


    Then I started to amp the myrrh like crazy :D


    I like myrrh, but it was a bit much for me... :D

  19. Wet in imp:

    sweet floral


    Wet on skin:

    strong jasmine and a lily of the valley-like scent… and cucumber? (what has my chemistry done with this??)



    overpowering floral - I suspect the gardenia may be what's too much for me



    decent lasting-power


    Final impression:

    After the first few hours of overwhelming floral, it turned to an amazing vanilla.
