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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by jizatt

  1. Im testing the 06 version, and reading through the reviews before I post. FASCINATING to read and compare. This should be a holy grail for me. I love golden, sweet amber scents. What I get is pretty, but its so pale, I almost have to work to smell it. Wet this was a pale, spicy amber. Dry, I get hints of what might be floral. Dry, this is pretty, but I may have to layer up on it to make a decision. Wish it was quite a bit stronger =(


    (sidenote - most bpal does this on my skin, so I dont think its a Jacob's Ladder problem)

  2. The Hesperides are the Nymphs of the Evening who dwell in a verdant garden located in the Arcadian Mountains, guarded by the terrible three-headed dragon, Ladon. Within their garden lives the tree that bears Hera’s sacred Golden Apples. Their perfume is that of sturdy oak bark, dew-kissed leaves, twilight mist and crisp apple.

    wet this is all Wintergreen on me. Immediate swap/sale, but the drydown is gorgeous. Its very light, but a leafy, earthy, golden apple scent. Why cant it just be that and leave the wintergreen out for that first 40 minutes??

  3. I want a list for a True Blood gift pack =) BUT I fail, mine is mostly generic vampire, Any ideas to add?




    Deep in Earth

    Blood Kiss

    Maenad (for Maryanne) or Blood Countess?

    Juke Joint (merlotte's?)

    Tavern of Hell (fangtasia?)

    Haunted (Bill?)

    Dove's Heart (suki?) or Hellcat hehe

    Wolf's Heart (sam?) or Loup Garou

    Black Rider (ERic Northman?)

    Voodoo Lily (for Tara?)

    Libertine (maybe for lafayette?)

  4. Anybody have any suggestions on what might match this?


    I love that dress <3. Maybe a dark vanilla and/or tobacco scent would match it well? I thought of Black Opal, Detestable Putrescence, Perversion, and The Antikythera Mechanism when I saw the dress colors. I think that Black Opal and Perversion might have more of the sophisticated party dress feel...


    Maybe Sarah? (Unholy mist congealing into soft, white flesh, with black marble, remnants of liturgical incense, wolf's fur, and black flecks of froth.) ooo or maybe Black Butterfly Moon (Lady of the Night orchid, benzoin, opopponax, currant, BLACK chypre, white gardenia, ambergris, damp, wooded mosses, and BLACK lily). A good musk scent would also work if you can wear them - either black or white. Haunted or Andreiphontes come to mind, but Im sure there are better.

  5. I love my ozone and ice and snows, so this was a dead ringer for me. I love the sharp ozone, the wet green with it, and the menacing quality that this has whie still being the sweet ozone that I love. I have one lonely decant, but I might need to hunt up a bottle. Looking over the number of reviews, that might be a difficult hunt, as there dont seem to be many of us who love the zone ;)

  6. some choices for both name and scent:

    Antique Lace, Champagne and Roses, Love's Philosophy, Unveiled, White Rose


    Ice Queen also seems like a good one, that dress has a snowy feeling to it somehow =)

    Oval Portrait would be pretty, and has a spicy edge to it that reveals the sass and not just the pretty. Khrysee or Defututa would go warmer and more sensual. The Girl would also be lovely!

  7. Ok, so I looked through all TWENTY TWO pages to make sure this wasn't asked yet... but my eyes started to glaze over around page seven, and it's very possible I may missed something. :blush:


    When the movie Memoirs of a Geisha came out, Fresh released a perfume called, er, Memoires of a Geisha.


    It was my signature scent while my bottle lasted, but I've long since run out, and the perfume was limited edition to tie in with the movie.


    Sephora still had the information up even though it's not being sold any more, so here it is:


    Develop an air of mystery and sensuality with this subtle blend of sheer jasmine flower and pure rose absolute with sparkling langsat fruit and white peach. Gentle undertones of iris root, white sandalwood, and musk highlight and enhance the scent without overpowering.


    Despite the description, it's really not terribly fruity.


    Any recs for a BPAL scent that comes close? Preferably something GC, since I'm too greedy with my imps to trade? :P


    I wonder if La Vague would come close? Or perhaps Peach Moon? Though, if its not really peachy given those notes... what would you characterize this scent as, floral musk?

    La Vague (White peach, lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, iris, osmanthus, tangerine, white wine grape, and cream accord.)

    Peach Moon (Dew-covered PEACH blossom, white tea, moonlit musk, night-blooming jasmine, ho wood, and chrysanthemum.) thsi would be the less fruity of the two IMO

  8. I knew my chemistry had been weird, but this FINALLY smells like what I thought it should. It had been a pale, nondescript floral that was pretty but didnt capture me. Tonight though? Tonight, it is the carnation and vanilla musk of my dreams. The lily is cold, smooth and creamy over the top and fades away as it wears. I dont smell honeysuckle or bluebonnet that I know of. Rice flower might be part of the creaminess that I smell. ADORE.


  9. My first go-round with this one was in my Bpal infancy, and I barely let it touch my skin, it was too bright and candy to my nose. What I smell now is complex and sweet and fruity. Its definitely not innocent, and definitely not candy sweet. Wet, I get the strawberry and cherry in a big way, but complicated with the heliotrope. After some drying time, the amber comes out to seduce me. And I am willing =)

  10. I was going to say Illustrated Woman (because you also mentioned Snake Oil, and the Lady is a scent of raw sexuality!), but I also like the idea of Strawberry Moon =) The Moon doesnt have much throw on me though, where the Lady most definitely gets some attention.

  11. I got to try this thank to a VERY generous forum friend =)


    I didnt get anything that was specifically lavender or vanilla or musk -- I got a very dark slinky sweet opium, not sharp or herbal. This reminded me more of the Sleepy Moon types than the LVs or TKOs. I very much want to test (own!) the final version when/if it comes out!

  12. I've been into fruity here altely, so I thought this might be perfect for me. I di dnot want an articifial smelling too strong strawberyr though, so I was a bit worried. First applied, this is strong strawberry, so my hopes werent high. Dry though? Gawjus. Its a strawberry breeze, with a definite dandelion and vanilla sugar edge. I like this verra much =)

  13. Looking for a dark heavy patchouli scent, I came up with theseL


    Sed Non Satiata - myrrh, red patchouli, cognac, honey, and tuberose and geranium in a breathy, panting veil over the darkest body musk

    Anne Bonny - Indonesian red patchouli, red sandalwood, and frankincense

    Voodoo - myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, lime, vanilla, pine, almond and clove

    Arachnina (this ones fruity too) - black currant, poppy, red and black musk, lilies, nicotiana, and patchouli

    Greed - patchouli, heliotrope, copal and oakmoss

  14. I really thought I would love a Perversion scent crossed with pumpkin. What I get: spicy leather. Leather reads as a clean note on my skin, although it still smells leathery if that makes sense. Im not sure where I'm getting spice from, but I dont think this is for me after all =(

  15. I thought this would be forest magic on my skin. I love forest notes, I love opium. I'm okay with a buried rose, same with grape. I like lily okay and thought grape vine might not be actual grapeyness. On my skin? This was horrific, maybe my worst BPAL test ever =( It smelled like tobacco, but in a chewed and spit kind of way. I almost want to try it with a different imp, maybe mine was... bad.

  16. Alright, I'm a 20 year old Public Relations student. I'm pretty shy around people I don't know very well, except at work. I absolutely love animals, horror movies, bizarro/horror/thriller/mystery/graphic novels/short story collections/basically most books, and tattoos. I've been writing since I was 4 years old, and I'm currently 4 books into a 9 book series I'm writing. I love philosophy, debates, and learning about religion, despite being an atheist. Learning is something I hope to continue for the rest of my life. I love to travel. I love alternative rock, industrial metal, a lot of Eastern European rock, some hip hop, and musicals. My family and I are extremely close, and they and my friends come before anything else. I like to listen to people's problems, and I've been told that I'm a really good friend. I've struggled with depression and anxiety for a while, so I'm constantly struggling to be positive. I'm a deeply sexual person, which is something most people don't expect when they look at me. I'm also a very proud redhead and a lefty! I think I'm quite odd, but I find that I'm pretty well-liked because of that.


    The Wanderlust could be a good category for you, and Athens or Delphi might combine your love for philosophy and travel and learning. Kathmandu also has that exotic religious angle that might be nice. Jester is excessively cheerful, where Niflheim might suit your gloomy side if you choose to indulge ;) For a deeply sexual person, I would consider O, Bordello, or Hetairae (although Jailbait or Lolita would be a more lighthearted direction)


    Let's see. I'm an actor. My three great loves are musical theatre, gender theory, and language. I live off of tea, and I'm also fond of black coffee. I'm more of an aesthete than is perhaps healthy, and although I love science, if anyone tries to get me to do mathematics or repair a machine, I recoil and rant at length about how art is the only human pursuit that is truly worthwhile, until they back away slowly and leave me to my daydreams. I currently speak a fair bit of German, and I'm slowly teaching myself Irish and Mandarin. I read too much -- mainly fantasy and sci-fi with some assorted general fiction and nonfiction thrown in. My favorite authors are Ursula K. Le Guin, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Patrick O'Brian. I'm a huge nerd. I love history, especially maritime history. I think too much. I'm a fairly cheerful person and get very hyperactive very quickly, and people tell me I have a good sense of humour. I'm usually a bit of a prude but occasionally come out with shockingly perverted innuendo, to the great amusement of my friends. I'm often described as being intelligent, but lacking entirely in common sense (a friend once told me I'm blond, but in the back where I can't see it). My hair is naturally black and curly, but currently dyed blue.


    Hollywood Babylon would be an awesome scent for an actor! Eat Me or Perversion would be a fun secret to wear. Dorian seems like it could match the artsy indulgent side, as well as the tea -- but Miskatonic University matches the coffee and reader side of you to a tee =) For science, I would recommend the Schrodinger's Cat, which would be FUN to tell people what you're wearing.


    i was an art major, but only because i didn't know what i really wanted to do, and i've always loved art- i just don't want to do it for a living. i'm afraid it will make me not love it as much. i bartend and make jewelry on the side, very inspired by steampunk/victorian styles with a lot of filigree and laciness; lots of rough edges meeting soft curves. i read tons of fantasy and sci fi, my favorite movies are the last unicorn and the life aquatic. i'm extremely quiet and shy until i get used to people; at work or with people who know me well i tend to be very silly and sarcastic. i'm always thinking of weird random questions and irrelevant observations. i curse like a sailor but i'm super emotional and high strung. i like animals a lot more than people and dote unendingly on my four dogs.


    Crossroads seems fitting your your place in life right now. Ether is a delicately steampunk scent that matches your shyness and your inspirations. A silly side begs for the Mad Tea Party though: How Doth the Little Crocodile, Bread and Butterfly, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat. High Strung Daisies might match a few of those actually -- high strung, a little silly, delicately pretty and a little random =)


    i was a theatre major, but i focused on set and properties design, and on stage management. i've always loved theatre and film, as well as music and literature - i love to sing, and i'm always in the middle of a couple books at a time. i'm a true scorpio, through and through - i'm a pretty private person, and people always tell me that i'm mysterious and they don't know what i'm thinking. i'm fiercely loyal, and while i stay cool most of the time, if you mess with my friends or family i'll definitely come after you. i'm very passionate about the things i care about, which include cooking and building fragrances, traveling, reading and writing, running (training for my first marathon), fashion and shopping, and spending time with my friends. i love wine, beer, whiskey and gin, and i can drink most guys under the table. i also smoke cigarettes, cigars and hooka, although i keep pretending i'll quit. my favorite colors are red, grey, black and dark green. my sense of humor is very dry, and i love sarcasm and wit. i'm a diagnosed (chronic primary idiopathic) insomniac, and no, hot milk doesn't help. i'm afraid of water but i love being at the beach and near the ocean, especially at night.

    it seems like people have also been including physical characteristics, so...i'm a short, petite girl with curves. i have short red hair and big green eyes, and super pale skin. i've got a great ass. :smilenod:


    The private, mysterious, loyal, passionate and ferocious made me think the Ars Draconis. Even your favorite colors match pretty well! Dragon's Heart maybe? Vice could be a fun one for your drinking smoking loves, although Juke Joint might be a better match hehe.



  17. Hunger - Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla.

    Ravenous - Red patchouli sweetened by orange blossom.

    Vixen - orange blossom tainted by the beguiling scents of ginger and patchouli.

    Masquerade - Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom.

    Akuma - blood orange, neroli, and raspberry.

    Kuang Shi - Mandarin orange, white musk, mango, and white sandalwood.

    Maenad - sweet strawberry and orange blossom distorted by carnation, black poppy and hibiscus.

    Katharina - white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom.

    Tweedledee - Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom.

    Jailbait - Sticky pink bubblegum and the thick, sweet scent of orange and cherry lollipops smeared over a breath of heady womanly perfume.

    Paramatman - Orange blossom, East Indian sandalwood, and champaca.

    Xanthe - Guava, orange peel, white pepper, spun sugar and apple blossom


    All of these are GC, so impable from the lab. Some might be stronger on something else besides orange - of the ones I've tried, my strongest orange recommendation is Ravenous. You could dig through some reviews on these and see if they are predominantly orange enough, or get some and test them out as your skin may do something else entirely!


    Akuma seems like it would be a good bet, maybe Paramatman too?

  18. Have you tried Antikythera? Its in the Glowing Vulva/Haloes family for me as well. Its stronger, and a bit more masculine, but still very sweet and woody.


    I also second Tamora and Paduan. What about Andreiphontes? It has a similar feel to Black Burlesque, without the musk component. Hmm... maybe Sed Non Satiata too, although it might have the musk problem for you. I do recommend Habu from the Snake Pit. It has your Snake Pit love, but also has that vanilla wood component too!


    Other things that I might recommend, based on the fact that I love what you've mentioned and love these as well:

    Clockwork Couture: Female


    Judith Victorious - dunno if its similar, but its amazing =)


  19. I wanted Embalming Fluid and Shanghai and those types to work so badly - but they never do because of the lemon. This one is the same type of scent, minus the lemon that I amp! green tea and white musk, bit of lime citrus - very very nice.
