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Posts posted by jizatt

  1. re red musk: I would also suggest you try out Midnight Kiss!



    for myself, it turns out that musk is simply gorgeous on me. The Smut Kind, the Black Forest Kind, the Haunted kind. There are very few types that havent smelled good on me. The ones I love though are the softer animal ones. Coyote, Ivanushka, Buck Moon are the ones I know I love. I havent tried Oborot, but understand it might be right up my alley? Any other true musk lovers have recommendations? I'm really hoping theres a new one at Yule for me to love - snow and fur =)

  2. I didn't like this wet, and kept sniffing thinking there was something I didn't like (something almost sour in there, thought maybe one of the florals...). Now that its been dry a couple of hours, I do like it quite a bit =) I think its the moss and peat that I'm liking right now, the florals have almost totally receded. I prefer to like all the stages though, so this won't be a bottle purchase for me.


    eta: the long dry down - ADORE. why can't I like the wet stage better?? its very sweet and earthy now. I know the poppy is something I like in this part, so maybe the poppy/moss combo..

  3. After reading the reviews, I couldnt wait to try this! The reviews were saying vanilla musk, and I thought, that sounds warm and that sounds perfect for me! It's not warm at all, but it is still a stunningly beautiful scent!


    I do get the sweet soft vanilla smell, but this is a cold scent. Crystalline is a good description. I think i can smell the amber and the musk. And the vanilla tone might be coming from the immortelle? (Immortelle is Helichrysum too: a strong straw-like, fruity smell, with a honey and tea undertone). I dont smell the jasmine at all, which is very strange ;)



  4. I was SOOO looking forward to this. I however, did not get the beautiful latte that I wanted until after maybe 3 hours on my skin. Until then, it was this very dark, very ripe, planty, earthy smell. Not what I was going for, and not patient enough to wear that to get to what I wanted =(

  5. I knew I was going to buy this as soon as I read the notes. I was hoping for a really dark, creamy vanilla, with the chamomile hint. It's about flipped from that but I still like it:


    Bottle: exactly what I bought it for!


    Wet: Very pretty vanilla, herby sweet chamomile


    Dry: Soft very slightly smoky vanilla'd chamomile =)


    Part of my misunderstanding was Bourban vanilla - I thought it was a darker variety - its apparently a more floral variety of vanilla, which makes sense now that I've smelled it. The smoky vanilla bean is what I'm banking on aging well! Probably moving into my top 10. Also to note: I had smelled Dorian earlier in the day, and was really struck by the similairites. Sachs is much lighter and less musky/dark - but same family to my nose. I also kept smelling something similar to Lyonesse in there too. So a light sister scent between Dorian and Lyonesse with chamomile = Sachs.


    eta: the second time I wore this, it was all herby sharp almost medicinal - which Im hoping was just a weird skin thing =(

  6. Does anyone know of a scent that smells like the high desert after a rainstorm? Like wet clay-ey, sandy dirt with sagebrush, pinion, juniper, rabbit brush, etc? I live in Utah, and I love the way the desert mountains smell after a rain storm. It's mostly the smell of the wet, clay soil that I'm longing for.


    I havent yet, and thats the oil of my dreams too. I did want to try lightning over Umbra, but never got the chance. It seemed like that had potential.

  7. I wasn't sure, and was trying to come up with something, but I second Vechernyaya for sure =)


    From what others describe of the way it wears for them, maybe Black Opal? Greed was another that I really really liked on, that might fit your descriptions. But the name might turn you off. Pride maybe? It has a very uppercrust smell to it, although all floral.


    I havent had a chance to try Whoso List to Hunt, but it could fit.


    The Salon all has a much differnent feel for me than the rest of the BPAL oils. There could be a good one there for you. I just don't have much experience with them. (I do LOVE Judith Victorious though.)

  8. I didnt get heavy spice, or really quite what I expected at all. It was soft, hot, and dry, but after long dry -- I think its red musk that I smell. I get it from several other blends -- its ... clear, high pitched and a bit fruity? caveat : my hormones are wonky, so I wouldnt worry about it =)

  9. Imagine my surprise when I smelled this on my wrist, and it smelled edible. I had to go check the notes and read the reviews to see if I had lost my mind. A couple of others have noticed the same thing though. I get a very softly spicy, edible scent that is ever so quietly cakey - or maybe cookies. But not the heavy or slightly overcooked feel I get from a meant-to-be-foody scent. I bet its the combo of amber and almond blossom. I do smell a hint of the wood coming through as it dries.


    This might be similar to the Lion on my skin, Ill have to side by side them and see. (eta: At first I thought they were completely different, but the dry Lion does have some in common here. It jsut doesnt have the creamy, food quality that the Miss does. Miss Lupescu is like a creamier, more complicated version of the Lion. I, am a fan.)

  10. Giant Vulva sounds like its for you! Maybe Hetairae too =) I like a lot of the skin musk scents for this, because I dont tend to like the darker ones either


    GV - Skin musk, sugar cane, honey, beeswax, vanilla flower, and copal.

    Het - golden honey, fiery patchouli, sweet fig and clove, and a blushing touch of ylang ylang (I dont get Patchouli btw, but ymmv)

  11. I found a decant of this after being absent form the forums for awhile and was so excited to smell it! So imagine my surprise when I put it on, and I've already worn this perfume, its one of my favorites. It's EXACTLY the smell I get from my Chaos bottle. I had thought then that it had lily and something fresh green in it -- but I had to go look up these notes, because whatever this is, is what's in my bottle =)


    I don't smell the floral, although maybe the sharpness comes from the carnation? What I smell is damp and wet green - extremely realistic. I'm guessing the wet green that I loved is the clover/heather/ivy? so :wub2: is what I feel for this, but I won't have to track down a bottle!


    In my head, I'm imagining that when my bottle of Chaos got made, the lab said -- oooo we should keep this one. I think Chaos is their testing ground!

  12. When its wet, I get the green deserty smell pretty strong, but that settles down very quickly. What I end up with is a spicy very soft rose over wood. Its a little like Seance I think, except with the spicy touch.


    long dry: soft, spicy, southwestern rosy wood.


    I like this WAY better than I had anticipated. I try everything out of curiosity and for the notes. The copal is what I think I'm loving here, maybe the way it combines with the tobacco. The spicy touch over the wood, and just a hint of rose. I saw a bottle of thsi up for sale on the forum, and am really considering snatching it up!

  13. wet on my wrist right now: very warm, very rich, sweet, but I don't smell anything individually. This is Indian summer right now. Wet I really really like this. Waiting to see what it does after it dries to see if its a true love keeper =)


    a little later, as my wrist distracts me: This reminds me a bit of Lilith Victoria right now. I'm going to go check the notes now.

    I'm thinking the lavender and vanilla and musk and amber together are lovely =) Hmm not sure whats similar, the lavender obviously, and then maybe the musky vanilla from Dorian?


    a little more time: I didn't get the crystalline feel from the last review until now. The rich has faded off a bit (which makes me sad honestly, I loved it) and I can see it now. Maybe its one of the musks? I still smell the grey amber under - which I love love love, so I'm still happy. I think I smell lavender and carnation together, kindof a spicy lavender, but not heavy on the lav... Whats really cool is the impression that the sunset is fading. I had the rich warm scent and was thinking, wheres the moon in this scent? It was all late sun to me. Now I get the moon.


    and a little more time: its gone much softer now. I definitely see the moon, that crystalline feel. The heavy warm sweet is gone now almost completely. I still smell the carnation faintly, and I have ghost roses too. Every so often I think I smell the leaves, but when I sniff to look for them, I can't find them.


    current verdict: I loevd the wet stage more =( Undecided on the dry down yet. It was a very cool perfume experience, but I want to adore it.

  14. I'm not the best at reviews, but as theres not much up on this one yet, I figured I was bound by duty!


    What I'm sniffing right now is dry, but still recently applied. What I wrote as my notes earlier was: dusky, mossy lily. I also smell the ambergris note, but mainly because I've sniffed it a lot here recently (huge fan!). This is floral but not bright and happy floral. Its almost like night time air. There's a freshness, greenness, darkness to it. The lily isnt the strongest thing I smell now, but I can't say that I can pick out *a* note anymore. Its very nicely blended together, and it feels a little like cool autumn nights to me =)


    after some mroe drying time - the florals are all but gone - but I have the beautiful ambergris and mossy dark still =) I think I quite like this, and it will be the only moon besides Lune Noire that I've decided I want to keep =)
