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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twistygirl

  1. On my skin, there is nothing at all lemony about this. Wet, the vanilla predominates, with a bit of a resiny, dry warmth - I have no idea what teak smells like, so maybe it's the teak. As it dries down, it takes on an added touch of something lightly gingery, which I am guessing might be the apple tempered by bergamot and neroli. The final dry-down is a spicy-rosey-powdery scent which smells incredibly sexy on my skin.


    This is really a complex scent - I put it on before I read what the ingredients were, and I would have never guessed that this contains apple or bergamot. Bergamot often smells horrid on my skin, but this smells like heaven. I find this to be incredibly feminine, sophisticated, and sexy. It definitely lives up to its name. I want more of this. I *need* more of this.

  2. This is the first of Brian's creations that I have tried, and I must concur with Tygher... the man is a genius.


    As Jenny said, this is a most untypical floral. This is a creamy, buttery-smooth scent with a bite, but it's not a *sharp* bite... the creaminess of the oleander and the slightest tinge of sweetness that the ylang-ylang adds (and it's the *perfect* amount of ylang-ylang - I often find ylang-ylang to be too sweet, but this is just ever-so-slightly-sweet) blend in absolutely perfect harmony with the gorgeous neroli and patchouli. This is a spicy smooth floral that is really unique and totally intoxicating. It doesn't seem to waft very much at all - like Hollie, I have to really press my nose up against my wrist to get a good sniff. It really evokes images of secrecy and contradiction, it's feminine and wicked, and it's totally fantastic. Yet another new masterpiece that I am adding to my get-a-big-bottle-of-this list.

  3. Wet, this smelled exactly like Doublemint Gum on my skin for about the first two or three minutes. It quickly dried down to a lovely soft green scent with just a touch of mint. The moss really predominates on my skin. The minty stage of this was very, very cool, almost icy, while the mossy stage of the scent is a very different kind of cool... more like shade on a hot day rather than that sharp, icy coldness. This is a great scent to wear on a hot summer night. I find most green scents to be a bit masculine for me, but this is something that both men and women could wear easily. I would love to smell this on a man.

  4. Damn, this is one yummy fragrance.


    Wet, it is very, very peachy... a wonderfully juicy real peach scent, nothing fake or synthetic smelling about it at all. It really smells like fresh peach juice. On me, the dry-down was rather rapid and after about five minutes it morphed from fresh peach juice into an absolutely glorious slightly spicy peach-with-ooomph scent. The amber, musk, and patchouli come out in a perfect blend and it turns into a very sophisticated, unique scent with just a hint of fruitiness. If smell is a color, this is my favorite MAC eyeshadow, Amber Lights... that's the best way I can describe it. Not exactly golden, not exactly bronze, not exactly rust-colored, but a bit of each. I definitely need a larger bottle of this.

  5. When I first read all of the notes that comprise Kali, I couldn't imagine what it could possibly smell like. I also feared that it would smell dreadful on me, as I have had no luck with oils that contain red wine (it turns sour on me). This, however, is anything but sour on my skin.


    Wet, the chocolate predominates, but not for long... as it dries, the wine comes out very subtly, as does the honey. Further along in the dry-down, this scent is so complex that I honestly can't pick out any single ingredient... it just blends fabulously into something totally unlike any fragrance I have ever experienced. I have no idea how to classify this other than to say that it's exquisite.

  6. Once again, Beth has outdone herself. Although my tastes run more toward heavy, spicy, gourmand scents, this light, fresh floral is just stunning. This is the *perfect* summer fragrance. It is incredibly smooth and creamy and light. I can't stop smelling my wrist. This may be the first white floral fragrance I've ever liked, and I don't just like it, I LOVE it. It's really a perfect blend, none of the notes are too overpowering, and although I've never been to Hawaii, this is so evocative of what I imagine when I think of Hawaii. Yet another oil I will be purchasing in a large size.

  7. Oh, YUM. This is heavenly. Creamy honeyed lillies. This is so smooth and clean smelling, not in a soapy way, but in a lovely, fresh, warm, delectable way. It reminds me a bit of Lush's Alkmaar without the jasmine. I can't get over how wonderfully creamy the honey and lillies blend together. A gorgeous, gorgeous subtle floral fragrance. I want a big bottle of this one.

  8. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. I love the smell of neroli, and the addition of sandalwood makes this so damn smooth and just yummy. I suspect that the amount of ylang-ylang is rather small, because I can just detect a trace of it. It's a very feminine scent, very sophisticated, and would be wonderful for spring and summer nights. One of the best non-rose florals in the BPAL catalogue, I'd say. I'll buy a large bottle of this, to be sure.

  9. Wet, I found this to be somewhat overpowering, a very, very strong floral scent, very much predominated by the jasmine (and I am another person whose chemistry reacts to jasmine differently at different times). However, once this dried down, it has morphed into a lovely, lovely floral bouquet. I can smell the rose, tuberose, and jasmine just about in equal amounts, as I can another floral that I can't identify which must be the frangipani. This is truly lovely. I am always on the hunt for a jasmine scent that I can wear, and this one seems to agree with my chemistry quite well. Another lovely unique floral creation from Beth.

  10. I love, love, love this! I adore resin scents, and this is a divine fragrance that doesn't change all that much (at least on me) from first application to dry-down. It's a somewhat dry but sweet scent - the thing that it most reminds me of are those fabulous maple sugar candies that they sell in Canada, although not quite as sweet. It's a subtle maple-y smell, candyish but not overtly sweet or cloying at all. The main change from wet to dry-down is that it loses a touch of the sweetness and takes on a bit more of an incensy tone. Definitely another one that I will be buying a larger bottle of.

  11. I LOVE this. I don't find it to be particularly masculine at all, which thrills me, because my body chemistry does not get along with anything that I perceive as a masculine scent.


    This is another of Beth's drop-dead-gorgeous rose scents. Like Ishtar said, there is something about it that reminds me of YSL's Paris, but it has a spicyness and a subtle muskiness that marks it as less of a pure floral than Paris is. The rose is very predominant in the first few minutes of wear, but the other notes soon come out and don't overpower the rose, but blend with the rose in perfect balance. The spicyness is not in-your-face spicyness... nothing about this scent is in-your-face... it's just a lovely, lovely, wonderful blend of gentle spicyness and gentle muskiness and gentle rose. This could definitely be another rose scent for people who don't care for overtly florally scents. It's very subtly sexy and yet clean and sophisticated at the same time. VERY sophisticated.

  12. Yet another fabulously gorgeous creation of Beth's. The almond predominates upon first applying it, but then it blends gloriously with the honey and the spices. This is, as has already been mentioned, somewhat reminiscent of Old Morocco (but without the carnation note that I think makes Old Morocco quite unique in the spicy-vanilla range of scents) and can also be seen as Dana O'Shee's older, more seductive sister. I find Queen of Sheba to be very sexy and will be purchasing a larger bottle of this as well. This does waft quite well, and doesn't stick to the skin... it envelops you without ever seeming overpowering. This is a near-perfect scent.

  13. Ah, I love this. I haven't had great luck with Dragon's Blood in other scents, but in this one... OOOH, it's just amazing. Further proof that one shouldn't necessarily dismiss a scent because of one particular note.


    Anyhow, back to Dragon's Milk specifically... it's so creamy and warm, but light enough that it could be easily worn in warmer weather (here in Seattle, it's never too hot to wear "warm" scents, really). It does have a slight tinge of almondy-marzipany yumminess, which I am guessing is unique to the blend of Dragon's Blood with vanilla? This is another oil that will go well with Lush Snowcake. There is also just a wee hint of something woody underneath the surface which adds something very, very sexy to the creaminess of this scent.


    And this one LASTS, at least on me. It's going past the nine-hour mark and still smells divine. This definitely goes on my get-a-big-bottle list.

  14. Every time I receive a new batch of BPALs, I know that I'm going to find some new favorites, but I don't necessarily think that I am going to find my new *ABSOLUTE* favorite BPAL of all time... after all, how can I possibly love something more than Haunted?


    Old Morocco is officially my favorite BPAL fragrance as of today.


    This is just absolutely perfect and glorious. It's sexy, warm, exotic, it's everything I look for in a fragrance. It takes about 5 mintues for the notes to really blend to their true potential after putting it on... when it's very wet, it seems a bit of a sweet, creamy fragrance to me... but when it morphs into its' full-on scent, I can detect the sandalwood, I can detect just a *tinge* of the sweetness of carnation, I can detect the touch of musk, I can detect the gorgeous blend of spices. All of the notes in this just blend perfectly into an amazing, lightly spicy blanket of heaven that transport me to places I've never been.


    As I've been sniffing my wrist all night, I keep trying to figure out what fragrance this reminds me of... it's something that I used to love that is not made anymore... and I finally figured out what it is. It's somewhat reminiscent of Cher's "Uninhibited." There are definitely some of the same notes, although this is a much richer, smoother version.


    I'll be getting a 10 ml of this with my first paycheck.

  15. I'm afraid to try scents from BPAL with jasmine, lily of the valley, and rose (all Sexy middle notes) because they all sound too sickeningly sweet.  But since the florals are in a perfume I love, I'd like to give them a try.

    I haven't smelled one of Beth's rose scents that I would consider overly sweet. Spellbound, Harlot, and Black Rose are rose scents that are sexy as hell and not at all cloying.


    As for a jasmine scent that's not cloying, you might want to give Siren a try. It's yummy and also not sickeningly sweet. Very sexy.

  16. A scent that fits the car would be good too. I got the 'velocity red" which the site doesn't do justice too, it's a real blue based blood red, still vibrant but not garish with a metallic/glittery gleam to it. I also got the darkest legal tinted windows so it'll look solid black & red. So I was thinking something sexy & devilish.

    I think your car is screaming out for a taste of Loviatar.

  17. Tamora smells very golden to me, and that is great, for I love fragrances that smell "golden." Peachy vanilla-y amber... oh god, I knew I would love this one. The sandalwood and amber give the peach a drier tone rather than a juicy peach note... it smells like some heavenly peach-based cocktail. This is just amazing. It doesn't smell at all candy-like on me, just a wonderful, dry-fruity spicy scent. Definitely need a larger bottle of this one.

  18. This is incredibly, undeniably sexy.


    The leather note doesn't scream out "leather" - but, as so many others have said, it does remind me of a dominatrix, a naughty girlie... it's something that could be easily worn by either sex but is not in any way genderless. I think this is an unabashedly womanly sexy smell when worn by a female, and I'll bet it's equally unabashedly manly sexy on a man. This is bringing out the Inner Tart in me, and I am going crazy over it. The balance of the oils is perfect, nothing is too strong or overwhelming, and the scent has stayed true over the course of several hours. I will definitely need a larger bottle of this.

  19. This is so yummy and juicy. The apricot is a very good, true apricot, and the patchouli tempers it just enough so that it's not overwhelmingly sweet. The apricot has stayed true on me for several hours now, but it's a mellow, spiced apricot that is just divine. Highly recommended.

  20. This is totally delicious... on me, the initial smell is almost totally almond, but not sickengly sweet almond, just a good toasty almond smell. On drydown, the almond has softened but is still present, and the sandalwood, rose, and neroli have made their way to the forefront. I can't really detect the nutmeg, clove, or orange peel, they must just blend together in a deliciously spicy mix. After this has dried down, I can't really say that one scent predominates on me... this is just blended so masterfully. It's very richly spicy and does make me think of harems and bazaars and it's just fabulous.

  21. Wet, this had just a bit of bite to it that made me fear that it wouldn't agree with my chemistry... but that bite soon disappeared and what is left is an incredibly smoky, sexy, mysterious, smooth fragrance. It's deep and full of secrets, and the oils are blended just perfectly. Definitely not for the weak of heart or for somebody who wants to be ignored... this is such a perfect embodiment of the feeling of Darkness, in the best of ways. Plus, I love the idea of having a fragrance that bears the name of my Avatar (although the fragrance was around before the Avatar was, so I can't take credit for that).

  22. Oh, this is just yummy. The rose is present but very non-obtrusive... and the sandalwood and patchouli are just blended in perfect amounts. This is softly spicy fragrance that's very feminine, defintely more spicy than floral, at least on my skin, but as I said, it's a very SOFT, gentle spicy, and it is getting added to my list of favorites. Definitely recommended.
