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Posts posted by ViolentKitten

  1. The cocoa in Tezcatlipoca pops up right away and reminds me of Centzon Totochtin, but while in CT it's moist, full and rounded with the rum and red wine, here it's dry and a little spicy/incensy with the leather and patchouli, and the combination of them makes me think a tad of dry tobacco. This is a sexy one. The leather is a little like Loviatar's leather, but much softer, and there's just a whisper of sweet florals, but they're not obvious as florals. The patchouli is definitely there, but it's not strutting about, yelling “HERE I AM!” I wasn't sure about this one at first: chocolate and leather, who'da thought? So good.

  2. Sweet, wee Snow Bunny. How could I resist this one? And I'm so glad I like what's inside the bottle too! At first, I get a hint of air freshener. That's not too terrible nor surprising, since there’s some nice pine air fresheners out there, and the pine and juniper are the strongest at first. In any case, it’s refreshing and cooling and I like. A few mins later, a touch of herbal mint and…ooooh, sweet berryish notes are coming out! So nice. It makes me think of pines covered in pure white snow with a fluffy white bunny sitting at the foot of the tree nibbling on juniper berries. Cool, clean and crisp, with a hint of tart, yet sweet berry. And I keep getting different types of yummy from the sillage. At turns, sweet and fresh, fresh and sweet. It dries to a very light sweet, soft powdery snowy pink and pale green. My man and girlfriend raved about it too, girlfriend couldn't pick the notes, just that there was “a lovely perfume smell” surrounding me. :D


    I do get a hint of Dublin in there as well. I put Dublin and Snow Bunny on at the same time and they really are kind of similar. But SB is cooler, crisper, more giggly, more snowy; which is how it should be. Dublin feels smoother, like a warm spring day, with its light touch of rose and what feels like fresh cinnamon bark to me. I love them both! My only gripe about Snow Bunny is its lasting power; it's one I have to slather.


    Edited for typos. Anyone know where Gublin is? :P

  3. Urd

    I adore Urd! It's grounding and comforting, yet sexy too. And it's one of, if not the most beautiful patchouli scents I've ever smelt. I love Beth's patchouli - Imp, Depraved and Lust being just a few I love with the delicious stuff as a note. The sweet muscadine is the perfect foil for the warm, earthy patchouli, which is all soft edges, no sharpness, and not too woody. The nag champa drives it further into an incensey scent, but it doesn't overpower it at all. I've not smelt cereus, but I've read it smells a little like vanilla, so I guess that's adding to the sweetness. My 5ml and I will have a wonderful relationship!

  4. Mmmmm, sweet and...oh no. Just like some of the others have said: Peanut butter! I'd read the reviews but hoped I wouldn't be one of the ones who got nuts. There's a perfumey hint in the background, but mostly it's peanutty. And I was so looking forward to this one. Why oh why oh why…Oh. Oh my. Moments later, this just blooms! I was heading to the kitchen to fix myself peanut butter and honey on toast, but I think I'll take myself to the bedroom instead! A warm muskiness, all honeyed and sweet, the barest hint of floral in the background (though I can't discern them as tuberose or geranium) and there’s still a touch of peanuts, but it's much softer now and more of a complement than an all-pervading nut scent. I think it could be the red patchouli and myrrh doing the nut impression, but I'm not completely sure. The red patchouli isn't very earthy and woody like usual patchouli to me either. I'm not picking up on the cognac, but it could be in there mixing in with the rest of the notes. Sadly for me though, Satiata quickly dries down to a lightly warm musk, with a hint of dry dustiness, but it's lost that initial 'wow' on me. It's become just...pleasant...so won't be a full size goer for me.

  5. The party was in full swing; the chandeliers glittering, the music loud and the revellers letting their hair down...some dancing, some whispering not-so-sweet nothings in each other's ears, some disappearing into other rooms for their own private parties. But they stood at the bar mixing up a Kir Royal. He poured the Crème de Cassis into the glass. 'Not too much.' she said. 'Oh, ok..' He put the bottle down and swapped it for the champagne, poured with a slightly shaky hand, stirred, then handed her the glass. She took a sip, the bubbles tickling her lips as the sweet and tart taste of the blackcurrant liqueur hit her tongue. 'Too strong?' He asked anxiously. 'A little more cassis would be nice, after all.' He reached for the glass, but in his nervousness knocked it from her hand. It fell, the liquid splashing onto her tight leather pants on its way down. 'You've wet my pants.' She said, while reaching into her pocket and pulling out a sopping wet packet. 'And my tobacco!' He looked mortified. 'Oh! I...I'm sorry!' She fingered the tendrils of the whip set between her belt and pants. 'Don't worry,' she smiled, 'I'll be taking them off soon.'


    Had to write that. Perversion is just so evocative to me. No fruits are listed, but I get a splash of blackcurrant liqueur, a hint of fizz that rises off my skin, mixed with a little tobacco (but it’s not an ashtray, it’s fresh and moist) and a wisp of leather. I also get a touch of vanilla, something almost salty, but not, and possibly some shredded coconut, which I guess could be the rum. A little sugary, a little tart, very bright, but with a dark, sexy undertone, which saves it from being too fruity or foody. Mouth-watering. Drydown is a softly sweet, musky tobacco. Love it. Must have full bottle.


    PS: Perversion is a frimp (thanks Lab!) which I’ve had for over a year now, but because it reminded me a little of Sage Onyx (dark coconut, oakmoss, tobacco, vanilla nectar) which I have, I didn't think I needed it. I was wrong. Perversion has that sexy, fruity crystalline note, and a gorgeously light, soft leather. It’s been sitting in the box saying, ‘She’ll be back. Oh yes, she’ll be back.’

  6. At first I thought my Imp was incorrectly labelled, so I wasn't sure if I should review Intrigue or not…all I got was a sugary blackberry pastille, coconut husk then more blackberry pastille. And that was about it. Sweet, husky, and tasty, no doubt, but not what I was expecting at all. No fig. No cocoa. Or any shadowy wooded notes. Maybe it’s the black palm (but is it black palm sugar or wood? Either way, I’ve not smelt it before) or fig, moonlighting as the blackberry pastilles and coconut husk?


    OK. So I slathered this on to see if I could get anything else, and whoo! I get hints of cocoa and wood! Wood that reminds me of peanutty cedar, and a dryness as well, something akin to a dry chardonnay note, though that could be dry cocoa. Those sugary blackberry pastilles soon come back to the fore with the other notes fading softy, the woody notes being most prominent among them. Overall, I do like this one, but it doesn’t totally grab me.

  7. This is the last one reviewed of my first lot of 26 Imps I got back in January '04. Last for a few reasons: 1. I just couldn't pick the notes (especially as I had just been deflowered by BPAL at the time), 2. I am the slowest reviewer in the universe and 3. It's horrifically bad on me. Hideous. In fact, I had never had such a visceral response to a perfume, and have not had since... Oh, well except for DSH Erotica, which is the most intense leather and *&%$ I've ever tried. So, I needed to give Fire of Love a little more time (as I did with Erotica too), to see if I could get anything else out of it or at least understand it a bit better.


    First try: Gahhh! Smells like .... :P ..... poop! I've been walloped by a poop! I feel bad saying something so negative, but I've never been so put off by a scent. My man thought it smelled like ammonia. I thought it was just us, as some of the early reviews were most definitely not along the lines of what we could smell and were actually quite favourable. I'll give it another go when I can bear it.


    Second try a month or so later: Ack. It still smells as above. With maybe some mint. Drydown is a bit better. Becomes rather woody. Or maybe ginger when it's just been pulled from the dirt. It's grazed, so you can smell the ginger and the dirt. But that icky undertone is still there. It's definitely sparked something, but it ain't love, unfortunately. It's gotta be the civet.


    20.11.05, Today ~ I've been too scared to open the vial. Like it's going to jump out and bite me. Here goes...Ahhh! So potent! The barest drop is SO potent! Okay, trying here, with help from the reviews, I can smell ginger, pepper, lemon and wood, possibly a very dry cedar. There is something almost nice there, but underneath it all, simmers a steaming, hot...I guess I shouldn't be ashamed that I'm one of the people that civet really pops out on the skin into poop (or pee in some cases), as that's what civet actually does smell like, so Beth has created a pretty damn good bouquet. It's the same civet that I smell in Debauchery, and I like Debauchery, so I can take civet in small amounts and mixed with certain other notes. On the drydown though, Fire of Love is all civet on me. So, no can do. And as for the Voodoo aspect, I'm glad it works for others, but for me, the man still has the same reaction, “Argghhh! Get away from me!” I think I better go put some Snake Charmer on...

  8. Everything about Snow White is pure, soft and beautiful; but it’s taken me almost a year to fully appreciate its exquisite beauty. When I first smelt it, I'd never before experienced anything similar; my fragrant adventures hadn't taken me down this trail of notes before. All I could see were pretty pale yellows and greens. As for actual notes, I was completely stumped. The reviews helped a little, I could smell a touch of very light almond and fresh cut green stems. The other notes though? Coconut? Maybe very light coconut shavings. Crisp green apples? Maybe!


    Now, wearing again almost a year later, the notes are still quite elusive to me - is that mystery Lily musk tiptoeing about in there? - I sometimes get a very light creamy lemon and a whisper of flowers, and sometimes in the sillage I get vanilla beans, but not close up. And having smelt quite a few more scents this year, though none of these are really like Snow White, I'm reminded of the delicate almond flower note in Gabriele Strehle Strenesse and L'Occitane's Almond Blossom Dew, and I'm wondering if there's some heliotrope in there (which is also in Strenesse and Boucheron Jaipur Saphir). In fact, the drydown of Jaipur Saphir is a little similar to Snow White.


    Deciphering of notes aside, this is an absolutely gorgeous scent. It's wonderful in the warmer months as it really does have that chilly feel and a unique freshness, but it’s also soft and comforting.


    ~ Edited to say, this is for the 2004 edition.

  9. Marzipan and cinnamon first up, next a hint of something fizzy…grape juice? I'm kind of interested...but then...in comes sharp musk, powdery amber and soap notes. The man agreed with the soap bit, saying he thought it smelt like expensive soap, which may not be a bad thing, but this one is just too strong on me. And dang, the almond and cinnamon, as they sometimes do, are making me itch. We're over. I can handle some soap and powdery scents, but sadly, this one just doesn't work for me, and I really wanted to like the signature scent! :P

  10. A gorgeous, airy cocoa with a light lemon and honey musk. I don't really notice the fig or pomegranate, but they are there, intermingling in the body of the scent. There's something in there too, which I can't quite define, a kind of dry spice. It might be the calamus which I read from various places on the web that it is a herb with a lemony, spicy sweet aroma (yet bitter to taste). Overall, despite the notes, Freak Show is not too fruity or foody, but quite tasty nonetheless!

  11. Here I am being a mad scientist mixing up BPAL to make Jaipur only to find that fallow deer's suggestion of a single Silk Road is pretty darn close! :P I'm actually testing them side by side right now and Silk Road IS quite similar! SR though has a couple of notes that round it out a little more - maybe the herbal?, which makes them similar but different. :D


    As for my concoction, I tried it last night and it was kind of similar but much more thick and resinous, whereas Jaipur and Silk Road have a lightness about them, which makes me think, go the Silk Road. Eclipse kind of worked in the mix, but has a bit too much almond in it. I've never smelt it, but Cassanova does sound like it might work too, with its bergamot and lemon peel... you're right reina, it definitely does need those citrus notes to lighten it!


    Anyway, good luck with your friend!!


    PS: I just tried a teeny tiny bit of Sin with Silk Road for extra amber and cinnamon and it's not really closer to Jaipur, but very nice!

  12. I love Jaipur Homme! I bought it for the man for Valentine's day...I melt when he wears it! Anywho, maybe a combination of these three might be slightly similar...or if not, they might smell gorgeous together anyway, think I might have to try it meself!! :P


    Sin ~ Sin & Salvation ~ Thouroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.


    Eclipse ~ Bewitching Brews ~ All the glory, warmth and majesty of the sun -- darkened. A delicious blend of bitter almond, vanilla, frankincense and heliotrope, with a drop of cinnamon. (Gender neutral) - I wonder if this one would be closest...have to try it again when I get home tonight


    Chimera ~ Bewitching Brews ~ The fiery, volatile scent of cinnamon, thickened by myrrh, honeysuckle, and copal.


    Hmmm, not sure about the lemon note though, maybe a touch of Zephyr or Dorian would do it.

  13. Venice is one of my favourite places in the world and I love the images I get with this scent. Lush, bright colours; red, yellow, purple and green. Vivacious, buxom women, faces hidden behind vivid masks, their contagious laughter rippling through St Mark's Square as they dance to the live orchestra with their partners...a mixture of floral scents drifiting from their warm, ample cleavages... Beth's Venice is bold and intoxicating: floral, green, slightly aquatic, a touch sweet and fruity. Roses, jasmine, violet...and also the strong lemon zest and red currant mixing in. Despite those fruity notes though, Venice seems to be all floral, all the time on me, and I just can't do most big florals. I find it a bit sharp too. I love the imagery, but ultimately, this one is not for me.

  14. I've been wanting to try this one for a long time and was so pleased when I received it as an extra! Oooh, I do like it. Reminds me of something I wore when I was younger...damned if I can think of what, but Othello is gorgeous. I love Beth's musks, and this is no exception. It's light and airy and just plain lovely. There's just a whisper of pale spices and I can't really smell the rose in it at all, it's just so wonderfully blended in. I do definitely agree with some of the reviews that this smells like dryer sheets. So comforting and clean, yet not overtly a clean scent. I don't find it particularly masculine but you never know, it could work as a just out of the shower scent for some. Getting into bed with sheets that smelt like this every night would be absolute and pure bliss for me.

  15. Creamy, creamy, smooth, sweet cinnamon...how delicious! Chimera is so beautifully blended, each note melded perfectly. The cinnamon is the strongest but not overpowering at all. I'm guessing it's the sweet, resinous myrrh and copal adding that creaminess and a hint of incense, with the honeysuckle adding an extra specialness and sweetness of the soft honeyed floral kind. It's not overly foody, but sometimes I'm reminded of the creamiest of Chai Tea or buttercream. The combination is a little almondy as well (the man got marzipan from it). It also does remind me of the drydown of Snake Oil. Maybe the same vanilla, but Chimera has more cinnamon and is not as sweet or incensey. I prefer Snake Oil, but I do like this one! Snake Oil seems more mysterious; Chimera, more comforting. Doesn't flare up on my skin either, as cinnamons normally do - most pleasing, but I won't slather it on my more sensitive throat, just to be sure. :P This is one of my favourite cinnamon scents.

  16. Moon Rose is a pale pink rose covered in dew drops. Sweet and delicate. Reminds me of my nana's garden. Goes a little bubbly bath soapy on me which is kind of nice, but I prefer a little more with my rose...Beth's Spellbound with its gorgeous insence musk and amber is still my favourite BPAL Rose and one of my favourite BPALs.

  17. I didn't expect to like this one as much as I do! It's bright, fresh, fruity and floral, with a gorgeously light effervescence from the champagne. The plumeria just dazzles and the pear is softly in the background. I feel like I'm getting a gentle hint of a white musk somewhere too. So lovely!

  18. In the vial, whoa, this certainly is potting mix and dried rose! On my skin it's pretty much the same except there is a hint of green and the rose begins to come out as a deep blushing pink rose with the potting mix drying a little into the background. It's an intriguing scent in that I've not really smelt such wet soil before (except in Ulalume at this point in time) and I'm glad to have tried it, but this one is not quite me.

  19. Samhain is a strange brew on me, which I found difficult to review, even though I’ve had it almost three months now.


    My very first reaction from the bottle was crisp apples, spices and woods. Wow!


    On my skin ~ A strong gust of full rounded spices overwhelms me. I can really feel the woods and crisp autumn air… And then come crisp, juicy red apples…lots of apples! There’s some freshly chopped chunky pumpkin drifting about in there too. But, whoa, it’s so intense – too much Samhain is definitely too much – catches in my throat in an unpleasant manner and causes a sneeze-fest. But as it warms to my skin, it’s mulled cider steaming on the stovetop with the woods, fir needle and patchouli giving it a snugly background to rest upon. Hours later, the drydown is even more lovely…like spiced apple pie filling, soft, warm and musky. Minor thing though, there is note in there, and I hesitate to say it, because it’s not quite that, but it reminds me of ammonia - could be the mullein or fir needle – it’s very faint though, not strong enough to stop me wearing it. If it does bother me, I wear it with Sugar Skull, it makes Samhain deliciously foody, and Sugar Skull has a strong enough sweetness to take on Samhain’s robustness.


    Overall, while a wee bit ambivalent at first, I do like Samhain. As long as I don’t apply too much, it’s a glorious scent and so beautifully blended.


    PS: This is one of the longest wearing BPALs I’ve worn – applied it at 8am one day and it was still going strong 5 ½ hours later at 1.30pm. I wear it to bed sometimes too, and it’s still there in the morning.


    PPS: While writing this review I actually had a comment that it smelled yummy, like pipe tobacco! So it’s got great-smelling sillage too…yay!

  20. Hey there Paschat! Thought I recognised you. BerryDelicious here from MUA!


    The ones I'm thinking of have been mentioned: Sin, Loviatar and Fenris Wolf. All have dark, incensey or resinous aspects...though Loviatar has the addition of some sweet hot leather. I'd suggest Umbra as well, with its black patchouli and cedarwood. I have to say though, these aren't full-on resinous and smoky for me...all of them have a dry sweetness on my skin (though definitely not a floral or fruity sweetness).


    From reading this thread there are so many others to try! Penance, I think I'm going to have to try Penitence, Anne Bonny is already pretty sweet on me, but I'm curious about this one...!


    I know they've been mentioned, but Cathedral and Penitence are Anne Bonny's triplet sisters, they're extremely similar.  Penitence is the sweetest, Cathedral is the middle one and Anne Bonny is the driest. :D


    I love all three of them! :P


    Aureus is also nice, but it's not as dry as Cathedral, Penitence and Anne Bonny. :D

  21. I can imagine Bathsheba fresh from her bathing ritual with carnation and plum scented oils, then anointing herself with sensual musk. On me, the plum and musk shine, with the carnation very softly in the background, adding a hint of spice. On the drydown, the fruitiness of the plum fades a little and the musk gently radiates. So beautifully sweet and clean!

  22. Very deep and very dark. This is an intriguingly complex scent. Warm, and slightly bittersweet, it's darkest of dark chocolate, red wine, rum, treacle, and coffee syrup with a hint of tobacco, all rushing up to my nose and mingling in a very mmmmm-worthy way. I don't get the metallic tang of blood, but it might be there underneath, providing some of that warmth. Centzon Totochtin might not one I'll wear often, but definitely one I'll want to put on and breathe in now and then. There's something about it.


    PS: I agree with those who say it reminds them of Dia de los Muertos, because when I first smelt this one, it's what I initially thought Dia would smell like. Dia's got the florals that Centzon doesn't, and Centzon has the addition of a hell of a lot more chocolate and alcohol...perfect for a chocoholic's drunken party!

  23. Oh yes, this is wet rainforest, one which is overflowing with brightly coloured flowers and ripe tropical fruits! It's not a big floral on me though, I mostly smell the fruits and something zippy in there. Zippy...yes...I'm getting 7-Up! Green and zesty lemony and some warm orange. It's quite strong at first, but after a while, a hint of sugar comes out and now I'm thinking of fizzy Fruit Tingles lollies. I probably wouldn't get this one full size, as it can be a bit overpowering on me, but if I dab on just a little, it makes a fresh and sweet summer scent!
