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Posts posted by sirsaber

  1. This is aptly named.... I do not really notice any one note in particular,but it reminds me of high winds. The lemon I suppose peeks through some but overall its just a clean air scent. Not bad really,just not my sort of scent.

  2. I am not a fan of Snake Oil. (At least not now...maybe after it ages) But I find Death Adder somewhat intoxicating. It has a dark,smoky scent to it and it reminds me of the Congo for some reason. The playdoh smell has been completely neutralized and this scent tells me....I am death within serpent fangs. Its awesome. I am glad I just took the plunge and bought a 5 ml bottle.

  3. The Native American Creator / Trickster God of Chaos and Change. The warmth of doeskin, dry plains grasses and soft, dusty woods warmed by amber and a downy, gentle coat of deep musk.

    This totally reminds me of rolling plains after a thunderstorm. I smell grass and earth and tinges of animal with it. I adore this to such a degree its hard to encapsulate with words. I only hope when it ages its even better.

  4. I have had this a while but for some reason never got to reviewing it. This is exactly like its stated. Today while walking along the river I had felt like I stumbled into ancient Mesopotamia or something. The smell of the re awakening earth,the smell of fire in the back ground and then Ozymandias. I felt something almost mystical wash over me. No longer was I walking along the river here in Milwaukee. Everything sort of faded into the background until I was somewhere timeless. The aged stone and faint incense among the desert winds.... I love this stuff.


    Without the rest of the world getting involved it reminds me of standing near the cliffs on a dry hot summer day.


    When this 5 ml runs out I may have to get more.

  5. I am confused.....


    When it went on it was a very nice woodsy scent but after a throw down during Krav Maga and I sweated I could have sworn I smelled cinnamon...... not that its a bad thing mind you....just...unexpected. I love this stuff btw..


    It does have a touch of floral but its kinda an exotic middle eastern floral on my skin. Works good for me.

  6. on wet : I smell orange blossom and a hint of mint.


    As it dries the various scents come out with a bit of clove and fir. Certainly a scent I'd compare to Carpathia.


    Good stuff...5 mL for sure

  7. I think this blend is perfect. There is a good darkness to it but the tangerine bites just enough on me to add a tinge of brightness. It has a very earthy scent to which I have discovered I am quite a fan of. Earthy scents always send me back to bygone days.

  8. I am so glad my body chemistry adores this scent. It definitely reminds me of standing out in the desert and hearing the words of old on the wind...it went on heavy but within moments it became less potent but it also was just right. Its a scent that sorta hides in the background only coming out occasionally making surprise visits. This is the perfect wear to the office scent. Matter of fact,when I went in to apply one of the people wondered what smelled so good.



    Ozymandias is definitely a keeper... its funny...when you hear Qntal's Ozymandias this fits the song perfectly.

  9. I just got this about......10 minutes ago. In the bottle it was overwhelming and was almost noxious but being the adventurer I tried it out. At first it was just like the old gonesh incense but as it settled in it took on a style of its own. The myrrh is definitely there but not overpowering...it has an almost eerie quality to it I find endearing. Definitely the scent of the Underworld.

  10. Another frimp from the lab (yay!) When it first went on me it smelled like a typical store brand colgone but after about ten minutes it adapted to a much finer and refined scent. Its a very clean scent but not overtly so. Definitely something I could sport at the office. I guess it does smell like Obsession for men but not so over the top. I may consider a bottle of this.

  11. when I first put this on it had an instant of sweetness,almost buttery...but now it has morphed into a magnificent scent of earth. I never realized I would like earthy scents in an oil but it always reminds me of good rich soil and that is a cure for even the most stubborn bouts of winter blues. Yet another frimp from the Lab... much appreciated and once again...another add to the get a 5 ml bottle of.

  12. a frimp from the lab.... maybe I have an untrained schnoz but to me,besides the wonderful smell of soil (which reminds me of spring) I smell a hint of roses in there...unless shrooms smell like that. I actually really like this scent. It almost reminds me of a cellar that had a lingering bit of herbs in it.


    It has become part of the want a 5 ml of list.

  13. When I got this I must admit I was skeptical about it. It seemed like it would be a femmy sort of scent. On however,heh I definitely could see villainy in this from a nobility sort of villainy. Its masculine but in a very refined way. I absolutely love it.

  14. This came off really spicey and sweet all at once when I first put it on,but shortly after it set on the skin the sweet went in back and the spice came forward. By itself its not too bad,with Snake Oil it smells really exotic and good.

  15. When I tried this I could definitely smell the boozy bits. It later smoothed over with the leather and tobacco and became just.......damn.....good stuff.


    I am going to have to get a tun of this hehehehe. I'd bathe in it if I coul.

  16. Well at first when it went on it came across as a vanilla scent with a smell of freshly turned soil but as it sat on the skin it grew less vanilla and more......unexplainable. It made me imagine what it would smell like from a snake's perspective. very earthy smelling and almost green at times,with the vanillas slithering in between notes.

    Overall its pretty good but I think I will see how this turns out after I let it sit a while.

  17. I should have guessed the Dragon's Blood wasn't going to go over well with me.


    At first application,overwhelming floral scent later it mellowed somewhat but the Dragon's Blood overpowers and just comes off very feminine. I detect only very very trace elements of cinnamon or clove.Not at all what I expected from a scent called Wrath.

  18. Bottle: fruity,almost like cherry almond


    On my skin: early on it smelled fruity,then it shifted quickly to a very christmasy-smell...like an old European Christmas...eventually it mellowed some but the clove is still big,which for me is the win. I love the smell of cloves. Someone in line at my favorite tea shop wanted to know what it was...



    I'd say 4 of 5 for me.
