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Posts posted by alsatia

  1. [Review for the resurrected version]


    Expectations: Overwhelming sweetness, in a rich & heavy way. I have a feeling I'll be thankful my nose doesn't lead straight to my pancreas.


    In vial: Marshmallows. Where is that coming from?


    On skin, wet: The marshmallows are toasted now.


    On skin, dry: The scent is incredibly faint, but I'm starting to detect a bit of cake and some nondescript fruit. It's not as sweet as I expected.


    After time: 30 minutes later and I still have to press my nose against my wrist to smell anything. The dominant scent now is the salty sweetness of the salt water taffy. I'm not reminded of a carnival at all, probably because I'm not getting a bunch of tasty treat scents wafting around me.


    Conclusion: There's nothing inherently bad about this scent, it's just not impressing me as much as the hype would lead me to believe.

  2. Expectations: Sweaty men on a fishing boat. Sounds rather unappealing when worded that way.


    In vial: Very much like some commercial perfumes I've tried. I can pick out hints of saltiness and musk, but most of the notes just blend. I actually rather like it.


    On skin, wet: Ew, soapy.


    On skin, dry: Leather dipped in salt water. It's starting to tickle my nose.


    After time: Water with dry things floating on top. Very little throw, which is good because it would probably start making me sneeze if I had to smell it consistently.


    Conclusion: I really wanted to like the pirate-themed scents, but the ones I've tried so far just don't work on me. Calico Jack is another case of me wishing I had a man to slather it on.

  3. Expectations: I chose this because I didn't have a berry scent in my list yet, but I have a feeling it's going to have similar associations to Eden: fruity and musty.


    In vial: It took a few good sniffs to detect any fruitiness. It's mostly musky fresh foliage.


    On skin, wet: Something sharp tickled my nose, and there's a bit of powdery floral. This is another one that keeps trying to tug a memory into the front of my consciousness but can't quite get there.


    On skin, dry: Ooh, the berries are coming out to play. They're a little overwhelmed by the powderiness though. On the bright side, the sage hasn't sent me running for soap and water like I thought it might.


    After time: At 15 minutes, it's green tea with a few drops of berry juice. After an hour, the berry has increased so it's more of a musky berry tea.


    Conclusion: Once I'd worn this a while it was actually sort of pretty. I really didn't like the beginning stages though, and the throw isn't very good. I might give it one more try before deciding to pass this one on.

  4. Expectations: Smooth and lightly sweet.


    In vial: Ugh! Musty, rotting fruit.


    On skin, wet: Not quite as powerful and gross, but if this is what a fig tree would smell like I don't want any in my yard. I do eat figs, but maybe the leaf smell disagrees with me.


    On skin, dry: I missed this stage--got distracted by some knitting.


    After time: An hour later I remembered to come back to this. Actually, I was reminded a bit sooner by the incredibly strong throw Eden has, and the fact that it was rather pleasant. Of course, as soon as I took a closer sniff to describe its current scent, I can barely smell anything. But it's rich and warm, with a tiny bit of sweetness, and doesn't smell rotten at all. Still a tiny bit musty though.


    Conclusion: I don't want to wear this regularly, but it's reminding me of something that I can't put my finger on yet, so I might give it another try later.

  5. Expectations: Rich, spicy cherry.


    In vial: Cherry cough syrup. That's not entirely a bad thing.


    On skin, wet: Not actual cherry, but the somewhat cherry-like scent of dragon's blood. And that trickle of clove is more like a deluge.


    On skin, dry: Not all that cherry anymore. Instead it's a subtle incense with the occasional whiff of something disturbingly floral.


    After time: I had to leave for class before I finished this review, so I don't know the exact time frame for when changes happened, but not long after the oil dried there was a sudden resurgence of clove. 2 hours after application, it's now a very faint incense scent with a touch of sweetness, but I previously got the occasional hint of a metallic smell (which was taking the "blood" concept a bit too far for me).


    Conclusion: I'm undecided on this one. I don't dislike how it ended up, but I don't think I'd choose Blood over some of the other scents I've tried if I was picking one for everyday wear. I definitely want to wear it a few times and see if I change my mind though.

  6. Expectations: No idea. I got this as a frimp with a pack of decants I bought, and tried it on prior to seeing the description. When I started gathering the information for this review, I was shocked at the list of notes because I remembered it being more of an incense scent.


    In vial: Sweet with a touch of spice. If I sniff hard, I can pick out the apricot.


    On skin, wet: Spicy and slightly powdery. I keep thinking there's a hint of sandalwood in it.


    On skin, dry: Quite powdery, and it's already blended so well that I can't find the individual notes.


    After time: This reminds me a bit of Aglaea (which is totally not the reaction I had to it last time I tried it on). I wonder if this is what it smelled like to my mom, who seemed to actually like it.


    Conclusion: Not really my thing, and I liked Aglaea better, but if I was being forced to use this I'd probably make a body spray out of it.

  7. Expectations: Ugh. I picked this out in my first set of imp packs when I was trying to get a wide variety of scents to try, but by the time it arrived I'd already tried a and hated most of these notes. Must find an inconspicuous body part to test it on.


    In vial: Sharp and sweet, but non-descript.


    On skin, wet: Smoky musk. It's not entirely offensive to my nose, but I'm certainly not compelled to keep sniffing it either.


    On skin, dry: Mostly tobacco, with a slight mintiness.


    After time: 10 minutes and this is just blech.


    Conclusion: No sense wasting a few more minutes of my life on something I dislike so much. Most scents I don't care for, I can at least think of some way I might use them, but all this one is saying to me is "Away from me, now!"

  8. Expectations: This is a bit iffy. I like most of the notes, but have a feeling the pumpkin will be too weak on me, and citrus is hit-or-miss.


    In vial: First whiff is pumpkin and ginger, which is great. Second is lemon and orange, which isn't as great but also isn't as overwhelming as I thought it might be.


    On skin, wet: The pumpkin disappeared in a flash, and I'm left with two separate blends competing for my attention. The first is vanilla and ginger, the second is a disturbingly Pledge-like citrus.


    On skin, dry: What? Toilet paper holder? But that's supposed to come from florals!


    After time: At 10 minutes a sudden blast of ginger, followed by what I suspect is the benzoin. At 15 minutes, it's blending together into a nice spicy scent. The citrus has faded a lot. At 20 minutes, I'm getting a number of different cookie frostings (maybe I bake too much).


    Conclusion: I'll want to try this again some other time when I intend to wear more and have it on all day. I think I like it once it blends together, but not enough to buy more.

  9. Expectations: I really don't think I'll like this, and am only trying it because I bought them as a set. Sage sounds like a bad idea, mainly because eating it gives me a stomachache so I doubt there will be good mental associations from smelling it.


    In vial: Pumpkin with a hint of grass and spice. This is the pumpkin before it's been picked. Not as bad as I anticipated.


    On skin, wet: Ok, maybe it is as bad as I anticipated. My skin instantly soaked up all the pumpkin. At least the dominant scent is sweetgrass, and not sage.


    On skin, dry: The whole thing faded quickly, which I'm thankful for as it's reminding me of some kind of household cleanser.


    After time: I've only given it about 15 minutes, but I think I give up. Still smells like cleanser and I have to plaster my nose to my arm to smell even that, which is making my nose tickle.


    Conclusion: Not even close to pumpkin. I'm really disappointed with these pumpkins so far. I'd imagined pumpkin with a hint of other things, rather than other things with a hint of pumpkin.

  10. Expectations: Yum. If this smells as delicious as it sounds, I may reconsider my opinion that pumpkin scents should smell like pumpkin pie.


    In vial: Rich and creamy. Not very heavy on the pumpkin, and there's a "one of these things is not like the others" game to be played, which must be due to the pomegranate.


    On skin, wet: Mmm. A lot of white chocolate and pomegranate. The rest of the notes are hanging out in the background and trying to be inconspicuous.


    On skin, dry: Pretty much the same.


    After time: Ew, 10 minutes in I got some kind of green leafy scent from this. I haven't smelled much pumpkin at all...maybe this one belongs in the Pomegranate Patch?


    Conclusion: This had so much potential, but the pomegranate totally ruins it, and I think the balance of other scents would still be a little off.

  11. Expectations: Very wary. I don't see how much good can come of mixing flowers and tobacco into my beloved pumpkins.


    In vial: The first whiff was rich buttery pumpkin, but when I inhaled deeper I got mostly carnation.


    On skin, wet: All floral. It tickles my nose a little.


    On skin, dry: The faintest hint of pumpkin returned. It's also a little powdery.


    After time: The pumpkin and florals are starting to blend together better. The pumpkin part has more throw than the rest, so I like it better at a distance than when I directly sniff my wrist.


    Conclusion: It's not an unpleasant scent, but I don't think I care much for tobacco or carnation, and there are better pumpkins to be had.

  12. Expectations: I'd never have imagined combining pumpkin with these other fruits, but it doesn't sound bad.


    In vial: Mild pumpkin with fruity sweetness.


    On skin, wet: Sweetarts? Huh?


    On skin, dry: Definitely not something I want to smell up close. Too sugary, and I'm getting a bit of the floral from the jasmine. No flowers in my pumpkin, please!


    After time: I'm not sure how to describe this. It's pretty and sweet, but not quite what I think of when seeking a pumpkin scent. I tested it once before actually reviewing, and think I liked it more then, so maybe the fact that I'm thinking about it so hard is part of the problem.


    Conclusion: I will probably use up my imp, but doubt I'll seek more when it's gone.

  13. Expectations: I hope to be reminded of that pumpkin pie I never got for my birthday 11 years ago. Although being reminded of a pumpkin pie that I actually did get would probably make me happier.


    In vial: Butter with a hint of indistinct spiciness.


    On skin, wet: Whoa, the spiciness pops out the moment I apply this. The overall effect is nice, but not quite pumpkin. Oh...I know, it's getting overpowered by the peach. That's disappointing.


    On skin, dry: I'm getting a bit more pumpkin, but there's still too much peach for me. It smells more like candles than real pumpkin, and not in the good way that Pumpkin Smash did.


    After time: Oh, wow. After 15 minutes, I got this random whiff of buttery pumpkin from rather far away from my nose. Now I'm unable to pry my nose away from my wrist. When I finally did and started using my hands for other things, the throw was fabulous.


    Conclusion: Unless I fall madly in love with another of the pumpkin scents I'm testing, I want a full bottle of this. I was hoping to like it since it's a GC scent and thus more readily available. If I try a different one that I love though, I won't need multiple pumpkin scents.

  14. Expectations: I adore pumpkin and the other gentlest touches that go with it, but I'm concerned they'll be too gentle, and I don't care much for the woodsy scents.


    In vial: Strong pine and clove, with a little bit of sweetness taming it.


    On skin, wet: Ugh. The instant it hit my skin this turned into a mass of unidentifiable scent. I can find the pine (I'd be frightened for the state of my nose if I couldn't), but otherwise it all blends together and not in a good way.


    On skin, dry: It's not entirely dry yet, but the sweetness is starting to come out. I get more cider than pumpkin so far.


    After time: I've had this on for about 20 minutes now and I've upgraded my opinion to "tolerable". The woodsy smell stays close to the skin and the throw is mostly sweet, but it's still too muddled. And a few more minutes I got a whiff of something very sour. Yuck, yuck, and yuck.


    Conclusion: Absolutely not for me. There are so many great scents to choose from, and I really only need to find a couple that I adore.

  15. Expectations: Sweet, syrupy roses.


    In vial: Cherry candy on a bed of rose petals.


    On skin, wet: The rose takes over, leaving just a bit of cherry and booze underneath.


    On skin, dry: Up close, it's sweet roses. The throw is almost entirely cherry.


    After time: There's a little soapiness to the rose, but it's not overwhelming thanks to the other notes.


    Conclusion: I'm glad the lab frimped me with this one, as I'd have never imagined trying it when I made my initial choices, but it's absolutely beautiful. I've occasionally gotten a whiff of gardenia that might be a remnant from the Dragon's Reverie (although I tried that on the other arm which is held as far away as possible). I'd be interested in how they smell layered together.

  16. Expectations: I'm a little biased against this scent without even trying it, as I think I received it as a misreading of one I actually requested. This is silly, because if I actually believed these things work for the purposes described then I'd absolutely use this one.


    In vial: Citrus and sweet spices.


    On skin, wet: Blah, it's lemon Pledge. I'd place a large bet that there's grapefruit in this mixture.


    On skin, dry: Inhaling this cools my throat and nasal passages. It's slightly less Pledge and more lemon cake frosting now.


    After time: The scent is calming down quite a lot, but is still overwhelmingly lemon.


    Conclusion: I certainly wouldn't wear it as perfume. I'm open to trying it before bed, but worry that I wouldn't be able to get enough of the scent off upon waking and would be stuck smelling lemony all the next day.

  17. Expectations: I have no idea (and would not have actively chosen a scent with no idea of what notes it contains), but I imagine it being musky and boozy.


    In vial: Sweaty lemons.


    On skin, wet: Lemon and a bit of jasmine.


    On skin, dry: Chemical lemon and florals. A not-very-pleasant rendition of the toilet paper holder scent.


    After time: It's only been a few minutes but I'm really not liking this enough to care what happens with it. The lemon has gotten stronger (but slightly less chemical). Still seems a bit musky and dirty. Throw range is moderate.


    Conclusion: I'll pass on this one. And if there's a boy who would follow this scent, I'm not sure I'd want him to follow me.

  18. Expectations: I want to like this, as most of the notes are ones I enjoy in incense, but they haven't been working on my skin and amber in particular goes powdery on me.


    In vial: Sweet floral. Smells like it really ought to have jasmine or lavender in it.


    On skin, wet: Pretty much the same. It's already a tiny bit powdery, but it really works with the rest of the scent.


    On skin, dry: A bit chemical, stinging my nose.


    After time: 15 minutes turned it into a soft, sweet, slightly watery floral mixture. It smells more like gardenia than anything I've actually tried with gardenia. Great throw. 25 minutes and it's the same. A light, clean scent. Still the same at 45 minutes.


    Conclusion: I can't explain why this works on me, but it does. I think I'd prefer to use it in soaps or candles though.

  19. ... His scent is dry elm bark, amaranth, warrior’s musk, and Odin’s Nine Herbs of Power.

    Expectations: Ew, please let this be better than it sounds. Musks usually hate me, and I can't see how bark and herbs is going to improve upon it any.

    In vial: Musky commercial perfume spilled on a pile of weeds.

    On skin, wet: Decongestant. Reminds me slightly of pine and eucalyptus.

    On skin, dry: Dry leaves and bark.

    After time: 20 minutes and that pine/eucalyptus scent has returned. I guess it must be one of those mystery herbs. Or several of them. It's strong up close, but hasn't got much throw. 35 minutes and the scent has faded dramatically. It's an indistinct herbal mix.

    Conclusion: Not offensive to the nose once it dries, but I wouldn't care to wear it.

  20. Expectations: Nervous about the jasmine making it have the toilet paper holder scent.


    In vial: Leather and bacon bits. That was so not expected.


    On skin, wet: A lot of leather with a mist of indistinguishable flowers. It reminds me of department stores.


    On skin, dry: Smoky leather. Not much floral, and there's a scent that's both familiar and unfamiliar which I'm thinking might be vetiver. I can't smell cinammon at all.


    After time: The florals returned after 20 minutes. It's sadly a bit soapy. Moderate throw, and it's strong but not overwhelming. After an hour, it's a smoky, soapy leather.


    Conclusion: Ick. I suppose it could be worse, but this really doesn't work on me. I might be interested in smelling it on a man, if I had a man to smell it on.

  21. Expectations: Creamy booze. Must avoid licking arm.


    In vial: Like egg nog. No nutmeg though. For some reason it also reminds me of a Lip Smackers lip gloss I had once, with a little sponge brush applicator.


    On skin, wet: A very heavy sprinkling of nutmeg on top of the egg nog.


    On skin, dry: The egg nog is a bit overwhelmed by the nutmeg.


    After time: Clearly this is non-alcoholic egg nog. It's faint, and I think I'm getting that mysterious "plastic" smell that people sometimes describe.


    Conclusion: Not as amazing as I expected. I'll give it another try at a later date.

  22. Expectations: Something delicious! I love every note listed, and I'm starting to realize that foody scents work on me better than I thought they would.


    In vial: I was blasted with butterscotch before I even got the vial open, and then once the cap was removed a juicy apple with a thin layer of caramel joined in.


    On skin, wet: A lot of apple, small amounts of butterscotch and caramel. I think the rum is contributing to a slight tartness in the apple.


    On skin, dry: I'm not positive (I got a bit distracted as it was drying), but it seemed to stay mostly like the wet version for a while.


    After time: 15 minutes and it's butterscotch again, but very faint. I applied a very tiny amount, which is not ideal for knowing how it really works on me, but I have such high hopes that I didn't want to waste a bunch when testing rather than applying it for actual wear.


    Conclusion: I can't imagine any way this could become unpleasant, given that all the notes are things I like and that work on me. The only concern is whether it lasts without frequent reapplication. Oh, and then there's the fact that I'm wary of wearing it around my mom, as she's likely to nibble my arm off.

  23. The Glorious Grand Dame of the Pumpkin Patch! Regal Egyptian Amber, red ginger, orange peel, mandarin, cardamom, fig leaf and warm pumpkin.

    Expectations: I'm afraid the pumpkin will be overwhelmed, especially by not one but two orange notes. The amber worries me a bit too.

    In vial: Buttery pumpkin and fig.

    On skin, wet: Buttery pumpkin, fig, and...ginger? Cardamom? Probably a blend of the two.

    On skin, dry: The pumpkin is getting lost and being replaced by oranges. They actually smell pretty good with the rest of the mixture, but I didn't buy Orange Queen, I bought Pumpkin Queen. It reminds me of a tangerine kids' body spray I used to have.

    After time: Virtually no throw, but it's super strong up close. This always puzzles me. After 30 minutes the oranges are fading and it's 1 part orange, 2 parts ginger, and 3 parts baby powder.

    Conclusion: Still in search of my perfect pumpkin scent. This one's barely on the wearable side of the spectrum.

  24. Expectations: I desperately hope the peach dominates this scent, as I'm not crazy about musks and the last thing I tried with amber went powdery on me.


    In vial: Musky peach.


    On skin, wet: I notice the musk before the peach, but there's definitely peach there.


    On skin, dry: Slightly aged peaches dusted with baby powder. Good throw.


    After time: 20 minutes...wow, I actually like this. Instead of peaches with powder it's peach-scented powder. Strong but not overpowering. In the first hour, the amount of powderyness fluctuates, but it's a pleasant, subtle scent.


    Conclusion: I'm surprised at how much I like this. I got frimped with it twice (once from the lab, once from a fellow LiveJournal user) and am definitely keeping at least one of them.

  25. Expectations: This is entirely uncreative, but I imagine it will remind me of the days when I was a child and my mom had friends who owned an orchard.


    In vial: Juicy red apples, and cider that's freshly made and hasn't had time to age properly.


    On skin, wet: The spices from the cider are stronger now, and I get a bit of the leaves from the orchard.


    On skin, dry: It's a little too much fresh apple and not enough cider. Hopefully it will morph quickly.


    After time: 15 minutes and from a distance all I get is apple. I have to directly sniff my arm to smell the spices, and even then it's the wrong ratio of apple-to-spices. 20 minutes and the spices are strengthening and balancing out the scent more, but it's very faint with no throw. 30 minutes has the spiciness just about perfect, but I'd have to slather this to get enough scent. 45 minutes and the apple is pretty much gone. I finally get a slight hint of cranberry, but mostly I'm reminded of a tin of potpourri I used to keep on my desk.


    Conclusion: This is way too subtle and morphs too much. I don't dislike any of the stages and will probably keep the imp around to use (or share with my mother who is more likely to enjoy it), but I'm not disappointed in it being an old limited edition.
