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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mazaru


    #urbantrain count: Metro 3 Shortlist 1 iPhone 1 headphones 5 seven-year-old schoolchildren 35 teachers pointing 2

  2. Tomorrow, the hunt for alternatives to Google Reader that won't go away if lots of users suddenly join up. Newsblur maybe.

  3. I like this part where the pope exists but only in smoke form. Like an albino Gastly.

  4. All I can think is “buttery biscuit base” #masterchef

  5. Initial efforts at downsizing/packing the bedroom had to be paused while I hugged a bookshelf and cried for a bit. #notthebooks

  6. No change for disabled people. MT @JonathanHaynes: Partial U-turn on #bedroomtax for foster carers & armed forces http://t.co/ipScZESlJD

  7. Hello England. Can't say I approve of this second January business.

  8. Astonishingly talented women doing brilliant things with digital journalism: http://t.co/bZRTB3nSzr - v chuffed to be included

  9. Hill Beyond Wifi now has wifi. Also, Portugal: http://t.co/7iMCyaBluA

  10. Off to Portugal, to the Hill Beyond Wifi. Gatwick airport at 5am. #bleary

  11. Satnav takes motorist with severe fear of bridges to Dartford Crossing. He calls police. They take him through tunnel http://t.co/BqzercZ0Cd

  12. Lord Neuberger warns over deportation of terror suspects to torture states http://t.co/Kocb4huSdw

  13. China imprisons four men for digging up and selling corpses on the black market for 'ghost marriages' http://t.co/rmt3qZu31X

  14. .@gshowitt on the Assassin's Creed 4 reveal http://t.co/WRjzpx86Kv #blagflack

  15. Things I’ve Learned From Writing Under A Gender-Neutral Name http://t.co/aWTBcZhwxG

  16. Good work, science. US doctors cure child born with HIV http://t.co/wrvAlioat5 via @pollycurtis

  17. Internet, is there a really good to do list/task manager thing that syncs on iDevices & Mac?

  18. Algorithmic rape jokes in the Library of Babel http://t.co/vNWvjqSCWi by @doingitwrong - algorithm politics, Keep Calm, object spam. Lovely.

  19. Doctors cry foul at NHS 'privatisation by stealth' http://t.co/Va4yZsQS1v

  20. What even time do you call this. #bristol #alljamesfault

  21. Defence secretary pushes for more welfare cuts to protect military budget http://t.co/85Mbq9RyyE
