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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ElinaMakropulos

  1. Coolest thing to happen on the bus: dude next to me could hear thru my earbuds that I was listening to Salome and asked which recording.

  2. "How she didn’t drag her ass across the carpet until someone put a cone around her neck is a testament of the human spirit – or the presence of an open bar. Probably that last one."

  3. So, I had another completely messed up dream this morning involving a UFO that looked like a giant snail shell, and planes falling out of the skye. Awesome.

  4. ANTM drinking game: take a shot every time one of them says "in this competition"Then try not to die from alcohol poisoning.

  5. Dogs bathed last night: 2. Dogs being bathed tonight: 0, since I am basically 100 years old and hurt my back overdoing it last night.

  6. "The 99% looks too beaten down to demand anything as grand as “fairness” in their distribution of the economy. There’s no calls for some sort of post-industrial personal fulfillment in their labor – very few even invoke the idea that a job should “mean something.” It’s straight out of antiquity – free us from the bondage of our debts and give us a basic ability to survive."

  7. I need to watch horror movies to get in the mood for Halloween.

  8. Things I never thought I'd be googling: "dog pajamas"

  9. "If society needs a job to be worked, then the person who works it should be able to live comfortably. Period."

  10. Operation: shave Evie is well underway.

  11. “About the present state of Babylon, I write not only with the deepest sadness but with considerable anger. There is no doubt that the extensive damage done to the site by coalition forces using it as their central headquarters has been far greater than anything in the recent past. Indeed, little concern was shown for the ancient site, which suffered daily destruction in the bulldozing of the ruins and the laying of hard-standing for lorry parks and helicopter pads over some 300,000 sq...

  12. I feel pretty confident that these sinus troubles aren't ever going away.

  13. There is an orange vodka & soda with my name on it as soon as I get home.

  14. "There is an app for picking up dick, so there really needs to be an app for avoiding dick that you've dropped."

  15. I didn't think it was possible for every muscle in my body to hurt at once...but, surprise! It is.

  16. Life happens, get over it.

  17. Wir sind bei den Goettern!

  18. How is it possible that there's no place to get boba in Ft Lee?!

  19. "If I had $39,000 to spend on a bag, I wouldn't carry a bag in the first place. A bedazzled kangaroo would carry all of my possessions in her pouch."

  20. "live a little, you goddamned grandma!" - TB to me, Oct 2011

  21. "I've had more fun in a crack house" - TB, Oct 2010

  22. Gorgeous evening, wish NDS was here to share it <3

  23. Shoulda brought my bear

  24. Exhausted, still need to shower and pack. fml
