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Status Updates posted by ElinaMakropulos

  1. Completed 3 of 4 projects today. Now too tired to enjoy the evening. Boo.

  2. breakfast at 5:30am: marzipan and grape soda. in my defense, it's HFCS-free soda. and anyway, I'm an adult, I get to make decisions like this for myself. It's pretty awesome.

  3. Why is the sump running? Why is it so loud? Am I gonna have to call a plumber to come in on a Sunday? I swear this stupid house sucks up every dollar we have.

  4. Hey Bergen County...call me crazy but I bet if stores were open on Sunday, like everywhere else in the freaking country, traffic and parking would suck a whole lot less on Saturday. Just a guess though. Who knows!

  5. One more happy update for today! Yesterday the doctor told mom that she can begin to put weight on her right ankle and start becoming mobile again. It'll be a slow road, but I am so thankful she's on her way back to normal life. I am so proud of how she's taken this whole two months of misery in stride, and so proud of my dad and brother for being there for her and making sure she was so well taken care of. The relationship my parents have is really inspiring - we should all be so lucky to ...

  6. Go to Whole Foods for coffee + croissant, or stay in bed indefinitely? Life's full of tough choices.

  7. I am for sure going to a bar tonight with Abby Powell so I can feel like a grown up.

  8. I make a (sort of) a lot of money. So why do I always feel like I don't have any?!

  9. Ich bin ausgegangenin stiller Nachtwohl über die dunkle Heide.Hat mir niemand Ade gesagtAde!Mein Gesell' war Lieb und Leide!

  10. What a great day and even better evening <3

  11. I am about to have the best evening ever...or at least since last night.

  12. Apparently ANTM delivered a ton of crazy last night, and I missed it. I missed it for a good reason, but still.

  13. And just like that, my day was made in three simple words: FRECKLED CRAB SHACK

  14. Ah! wie gut du weißt, daß du tun wirst, um wasich dich bitte! Wie du es weißt! Stark. Ich weiß, duwirst das tun...

  15. I'm getting through today by thinking about tonight.

  16. Bad news: stupid NJT bus broke down.Good news: there was one right behind it with lots of seats.I'm calling this one a win.

  17. Du wirst mich befreien,Mir selber mich geben,Dies lastende LebenDu nimm es von mir.

  18. DIYers - how difficult is hanging drywall? Easy, right? Just tedious? Please just tell me it's easy.

  19. Christa Ludwig + Brahms this morning.

  20. So far I'm celebrating Halloween by listening to Liszt's Dante sonata and wondering how many people are actually home already to greet all these rugrats running around begging for candy.

  21. Well, GWB was a "decider" now Perry is calling himself a "doer." Is it too much to ask that our next president have a firm grasp on the English language and its proper usage?

  22. "Did he even get a chance to pee on her?"

  23. I put my pants on inside out. AGAIN.
