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Posts posted by ElinaMakropulos

  1. Salome, alas, did absolutely nothing for me. I was expecting a wildly exotic scent, but I got generic floral blah accompanied by almond extract. It's probably just my sniffer, though - I seem to be unable to tolerate florals.

  2. It smells like Snake Oil's hot masculine twin on my husband, all musky vanilla goodness. On me, it's alllllll cinnamon and nothing but, to the point where it was making me itch - not because I was having any kind of reaction to it but because it felt like I SHOULD have been! Not a bit unpleasant but it's, shall we say, a scent for very "specialized" occasions :P


    ETA: later in my cycle, right before my period, this smells simply incredible on me. It's what I thought Snake Oil was going to be. Much less cinnamon and much more smokey, musky vanilla. For me it's the perfect warm, seductive scent. Here's hoping it doesn't turn to cat pee at different points in the month.

  3. I *adore* this blend...it smells like the yummy burned sugar on a creme brulee blended with musk and delicious woods. When I first apply, the sugar is incredibly strong, but after an hour or so it calms down and all the scents meld into an incredibly mellow, warm, musky scent. I'm seriously in love with it and kicking myself for only buying one bottle.


    It's a nice compromise between feminine and masculine - not too sweet and not too woodsy, and every now and then I get a terrific whiff of what is unmistakeably strawberry leaf.

  4. In the imp, this smells like a VERY fruity floral. On my skin, it smells EXACTLY like juicy fruit gum. I ignored it a bit when I first got it because it seemed so...meh (I generally am not a florals girl), but it has gotten a bit nicer with age. It's a nice pick-me-up when I'm feeling gross.

  5. As so many others have said, this reminds me of violet candies I used to eat. All I smell is the violet, which is a good thing - on my skin it's a lovely, round, mellow violet. I usually cannot wear florals as they become too sharp and headache-inducing, but Le Serpent Qui Danse was a wonderful surprise when I got it as a frimp. It has decent throw on me, every now and then I get a nice whiff of it without having to sniff my wrist. It's not at the top of my list for a 5ml, but it's definitely on the list nonetheless.


    I'm just happy to have found a pure floral I can wear! :P

  6. When I first got my imp of Vice (~2 years ago), all I could smell was dirt with a little chocolate thrown in. I just dug my imp out a bit ago, and I have to say that aging two years or so has done wonders. It's become the most delicious, lovely fruity chocolate scent! I generally don't go for foody scents, but this is perfect for today when I'm sniffly and sick - it puts a smile on my face everytime I get a whiff :P So I would say that if you have the patience and desire, let Vice age a bit and you may be very pleasantly surprised.

  7. In the imp: I feel like I got punched in the face with a dozen roses! No frankincense here.


    On my skin, wet and dry: rose, rose, ROSE! And nothing but. It doesn't smell especially ecclesiastical to my nose, all I really get is the rose. For some reason, when I sniff this I see yellow roses in my mind's eye. Admittedly I am not a fan of rose scents that are not actual roses, but I'd be curious to see how this ages.


    Curiously, it seems to have attracted my cat, Trouble - she won't leave me alone!

  8. Lilith’s monstrous dragon steed: dragon’s blood resin, patchouli, pomegranate, myrrh, mimosa, cassia, blood musk and smoke.

    In the imp, wet on skin, and dry, it smells the same to me: dragon's blood incense and cinnamon, big time. I need to go ahead and admit defeat and add cassia to the list of notes that simply do not work on my skin. It goes all astringent and "sharp" on me, not good at all. I'm going to try layering it with some vanilla, but I think it's a no-go for me.

    Edit: I've discovered that it's not the cassia that ruins this for me, it's dragon's blood, which sometimes works wonderfully and sometimes turns into floral yuck on me, depending on my cycle. Some days, this oil smells deliciously fruity and smoky, but if I'm not careful about when I wear it, it's stank floral incense.

  9. The dry, glorious warmth of the Savannah. A golden, spiced amber, proud, regal and ferocious.

    I've scored another win with The Mad Tea Party! The Lion wafts off my skin like waves of golden sunshine, a beautiful warm spicy amber scent. It smells like skin, but waaaay better! Right out of the bottle I caught a whiff of something feral and catlike, but on my skin it is just glorious, gorgeous amber. Definitely going to buy a big bottle, and I have a feeling that this, along with Alice, is going to be a signature for me. Hurrah!

  10. In the imp this smells like the most sugary, toothache-inducing bubblegum ever. Once I put it on, it developed a lovely milky-honey-roseyposey little girl scent. After drydown though, it smells like pure honeyed bergamot bliss on my skin. I wish it were a bit stronger, but it's such a lovely scent that I'm happy to reapply.


    It's vaguely reminiscent of Ralph Lauren's Safari, but so much more refined.

  11. DLIII


    I had completely forgotten I had this bottle...I'd never worn it and it got packed away.


    This is a VERY fruity blend, and in fact all I smell is fruit, with a soapy background note. In a way it reminds me very much of this mulberry potpurri my mother used to have in the house. I can't single out a particular fruit but it smells very "red" to my nose, very red and moist and juicy, like a spicy maraschino cherry.


    When dry, the soapy smell is more apparent - it ended up smelling like cheap fabric softener on me. It's not unpleasant but I will most likely swap it.
