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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ElinaMakropulos

  1. Waaaayyyy too much Gelt, oy.

  2. I am sitting here listening to Barry White (again, thank you Abigail for getting me hooked again :P) and watching the squirrels frolick in the tree. It kinda looks like they are doing it in time to the music.

  3. "Her ass is a fucking rectangle!"

  4. She's a twentieth century fox.

  5. It's official. There is an actual stream under our house. And not the fun river of slime kind.Fml and fmh

  6. David Cassidy is today's morning music.

  7. I wouldn't mind the rain nearly so much if I didn't already have what appears to be a river running under my house.

  8. Shit's getting real in Tehran. Hold on to yer butts.

  9. Switched to Barry White.

  10. Ich bin gestorben dem Weltgetümmel,Und ruh' in einem stillen Gebiet.Ich leb' allein in meinem Himmel,In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied.

  11. "Craigslist was a great idea, but as usual, creeps, losers, weirdos, and fucking murderers have ruined it"

  12. Puppy playtime, a glass of sherry, and my own bed. There's no place like home!

  13. Headed home after a long, crazy week. Can't wait to see Neil and the puppies, but I'll miss my Texas family and puppies too. Oh well, onward and upward.

  14. I shoulda worn my eatin pants

  15. I always feel like my heart is being torn in half when I have to leave Houston or New Jersey. I hate it.

  16. Ahhhhhh Community Coffee instead of Folgers. HUGE improvement.

  17. Listening to Rock Me Gently and contemplating sneaking another beer upstairs. But it'd have to be MGD, ughhhhhh.

  18. "I got my damn Comanche underwear on today, they keep creepin up on my ass"

  19. So today is Thanksgiving, and as hard as this year has been and as heavy as my load has felt, I am so very thankful for my family and friends, my puppies, my job...this list goes on forever.But I am especially thankful for my various family members' recoveries from surgery and illness, and the fact that my mother is up and walking only two months after a very serious injury. I still remember how my stomach dropped when dad called and said "your mother has had an accident," and every day I a...

  20. Ughhhhh I left the closet door open after I turned out the light...but if I get up to shut it then the monster under the bed will get me. DILEMMA.

  21. Made the mistake of watching American Horror Story with mom...the minute ball clamps and ass beads came up, it was time to change the channel.

  22. Today: got my hair highlighted and cut, drove to Beaumont and back (5hrs total), had a mild panic attack in Baytown, had a fantastic burger, and now I am sitting on my ass for the rest of the night. Thank goodness we are doing Thanksgiving on Saturday.

  23. Headed to Beaumont later...but first I gotta do something about this hair.

  24. I guess we're all supposed to accept the bullshit status quo of politicians bought and paid for by corporate interests, a nonexistent job market, and the continued erosion of the social contract. Anyone who protests against that is a lazy hippie who just doesn't want to work? Good to know.Seems to be a whole lot of people who think that if you're given a shit sandwich you should be grateful you've got anything at all and wanting or expecting more is greed and/or laziness.
