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Everything posted by minilux

  1. minilux

    Honeysuckle blends

    On me, New Orleans is almost pure honeysuckle.
  2. minilux

    Puddy Tat!

    Please keep us posted. I'm hoping for a happy ending like Mr. Mugs falls in love with the ittle bittle puddy tat.
  3. minilux

    Puddy Tat!

    Poor thing! I think even taking him to a big shelter where he will likely be euthanized is more humane than leaving him out there. I would like to and and perform a zillion other painful tortures upon every a**hole who dumps housepets to fend for themselves.
  4. minilux

    Birdy-Birdy and Karma

    I just realized that Birdy-Birdy reminds me of the baby bunny who frequents our yard who I've been calling Bun-Bun. Our upstairs neighbors have named him Baxter. I was kind of worried after not seeing him for a few days, but my boyfriend saw him out there today.
  5. minilux

    Birdy-Birdy and Karma

    That's so sweet! I love all my outside creatures, but I have yet to actually rescue any baby creatures. The other day a guinea fowl flew into our yard. I thought I was hallucinating or having an aneurysm or something when I looked out the window and saw an enormous grey bird on the neighbors' garage roof. It flew down into the yard and started eating the birdseed that I had just thrown out for the sparrows. I was like "what the hell is that?" It looked exotic enough that it might have escaped from somewhere, but it wasn't in my bird book, so I had no idea what it was except it looked vaguely chickenlike, but could fly. Finally, I called my friend who grew up on a farm, because I figured she could tell me if chickens could fly or not and when I said this large grey chickenlike bird was in my yard, she said "it's a helmeted guinea fowl" (or some such thing) and it turned out it had been in her yard a mile away the previous week eating her birdseed. I actually tracked down someone in the suburbs who has a bunch of guinea hens and said she would take it if I could catch it, but alas, it was smarter than me and was onto my trick of leaving a trail of birdseed leading up to a large pet carrier. I was actually going to try to grab it like the woman said I could, but it knew what I was up to and flew up onto the neighbors' deck and then onto the garage roof and then flew off somewhere else. So, there may still be a guinea fowl on the loose on the north side of Chicago.
  6. minilux

    Really random, very mutant

    Dick's got a picnic in his pants!
  7. minilux

    Really random, very mutant

    I think he has some beef jerky in there in case he needs a snack!
  8. minilux

    Your fave romantic movie?

    I bet you'd like to have your fanny pinched by Uncle Willie, you naughty girl! I love that movie and Holiday which is also with Kate Hepburn & Cary Grant. I also love Roman Holiday, because Gregory Peck was one of the handsomest men ever. The one romantic movie I would like to be able to step into and actually live in for a day or so, though, would be Amelie with its silliness and delicious colors.
  9. minilux

    Pie hole

    Are you sure she's not Homer Simpson in drag?
  10. minilux

    Tobacco scents

    It's not GC, but I liked the tobacco note in Medicine Show until my chemistry started amping it like crazy.
  11. minilux

    Pie hole

    Just wait 'til sandal season when she'll probably not only have a French pedicure, but will probably have crusty bits of food that she's dropped on her toes.
  12. minilux

    Lady Day and Mister

    She was definitely aloof like the female canines tend to be with strangers. It just killed me that a scrunchy-faced dog like a boxer was named Greta Garbo. She was nothing like the boxer named Zeus that lives down the street and is still as rambunctious as a puppy, though he must be at least 5 years old by now. I absolutely love Zeus even though he peed on my pantsleg one day when he went to pee on the iron fence he's fenced in with and it shot right past the fence and onto my leg. Luckily I was on my way home from work instead on my way to work.
  13. minilux

    Lady Day and Mister

    Sinatra's version of 'The Way You Look Tonight' does it for me! I love Billie and Ella, but for different reasons. Billie sets a mood like no one else, and Ella just has a freakin' amazing voice, probably my favorite female voice ever. And while on the subject of boxers, I have to say that I once encountered a boxer named Greta Garbo while out walking one day.
  14. minilux

    Wank & Polite Society

    Excellent point, Gree! And it explains why words like "fandom", "wank" (except in the form of wanker), and "meme" aren't even in my vocabulary and never will be. I'm just too old for stupid shit like that.
  15. minilux

    Haircuts and odd subreferences

    I think the majority of the population are pretty unobservant. They're too busy reading Entertainment Weekly to notice what's going on around them. I'm one of those hyperobservant, visually oriented people who have to try not to stare at anyone who looks remotely interesting on the train, so I would've noticed your frazzled ends because I hate fried hair, too. For bizarre pronunciations, I nominate a street here in Chicago named Paulina which for some inexplicable reason is pronounced Paul-eye'-nuh
  16. minilux


    I'm with you on that all the way. My own family drives me nuts and I have never felt that close to any of them and have always sought out friends who I consider to be family more than my real family. Yay for surrogate families!
  17. minilux

    The Kidz

    I boxers, they're one of my favorite breeds. All I expect to get for mother's day from my feline kids is a bunch of dirty litterboxes to clean.
  18. I've probably said this about a dozen different scents over the past year or so, but Fortunato reminds me of Hunter Moon.
  19. minilux


    My chemistry seems to just devour patchouli, no matter how dark and sinister it is, so Fortunato ends up smelling very much like one of my other favorites Hunter Moon. I think it's going to be an awesome fall scent.
  20. It's been a while, but if I remember correctly Gomorrah reminded me of Cerberus.
  21. minilux

    Pet peeve!

    I totally have an anti-foot fetish. If your feet aren't nicely kept, then you should do the rest of humanity a favor and keep them under wraps. Unfortunately, the majority of humanoids seem to like flaunting their revolting feet, toenail fungus, callouses and all. It makes me want to puke and scream "what the f*** are you thinking, slob?!?" I also can't stand the sight of chipped nail polish period, whether on hands or feet, but when it's a color like purple or black and on your toenails, it's especially nasty. And I can't stand the sight of hairy male hobbit feet in flip-flops or sandals. Blech! I remember an episode of Married with Children where Peg had a dream that Al didn't have any feet, and I was like, "that would be a dream come true, no more nasty man feet!" I actually have yet to see the manicured long toenails, though with my luck there will be a set on the train tonight.
  22. minilux

    Technicolor Dreamhouse Part Two

    Holy Moly! I am blinded! You weren't kidding when you said technicolor. I'm liking the flaming mulberry color, though.
  23. minilux

    Riders on the Storm

    I'm one of those idiots who are obviously part of the Jackass target audience since it generally cracks me up when someone gets hurt doing something stupid. So, now I'm cracking up over his cut up face. My boyfriend wanted to know what I was laughing at and said he probably looked like Mickey Rourke in Sin City.
  24. minilux

    Riders on the Storm

    I think I'd have 50 heart attacks from all that lightning! I'm scared to death of it! My boyfriend, however, is one of those nutters who would love to live out there and follow tornados around with a camera. I'd be much happier lounging around on my couch or in the yard (here in the nice flat disaster-free midwest) listening to "20th Century Fox".
  25. I only really have Puck to go on, but I would definitely say it's animalistic. I'm not even clear on the question here, because I think there's a big difference between something that literally smells like bodily secretions and something that triggers your brain and makes you say, "must have sex now with whoever smells so good!" Not sure I want to get anywhere near the former and not sure I've encountered the latter yet, either, since my boyfriend would sooner be dead than be caught wearing anything fragrant. I do, however, have a fond memory of a patchouli-wearing boyfriend from many, many, many years ago.