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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SkarlettBlaze

  1. Tweed: better than Kevlar!

  2. Sharing the wonder of Heavy Rain with my boyfriend.

  3. Why would you ever want an animal companion that WASN'T a panzerbjorn?

  4. Let's see who truly reads my status.... you and I wake up in a police car together. Using Four words only, what would you say to me? Note: if you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good egg and play along. (4 words are harder than you think).

  5. More sexy texts need to use the word "contiguously.""baby im layin on the bed right now, just waiting for u to come home. im stretching out as much as possible, im taking up almost the whole bed. there's probably enough room for you, but not, like, contiguously."

  6. Two people have asked about me getting engaged today. Apparently it's on everyone's minds.

  7. Used fake tanner last night.... now my body is having a violent allergic reaction to "not being fish belly white."

  8. Last couple weeks of school are THE WORST.

  9. Housing Goal: Apartment with a fully-functioning hammock inside. For reading.

  10. is living off the largesse of Tyler Josiah Sweeney, indulging in ice cream sandwiches, mountain dew, and 30 Rock.

  11. Tyler Josiah Sweeney brought me the sweetest note on the back of our beautiful picture from prom today... made everyone backstage jealous of my man's awesome boyfriend skills.

  12. "Sometimes I fret that my non-gender normative traits (like not cooking) are actually just rebellion (cooking is oppression! I WILL NOT BE OPPRESSED!) instead of just an authentic expression of my actual strengths."

  13. Spike closet?! How is that even functional?

  14. Just noticed that STARSHIP already has over 45K views on You Tube. Crazyness.

  15. ZOOFIGHTS VILet the carnage begin!

  16. This is why we decide to keep you around, you know. You flip a coin, and most of the time it comes up "Not Betray."

  17. Killin’ ain’t a question. It’s the answer.

  18. There is no better place to do mysterious capitalism than a non-euclidean puzzle house.

  19. Tyler Josiah Sweeney's apology for saying that I had the attention span of a gnat: "You're not at all like a gnat, you're much bigger than a real gnat. I mean, your brain is bigger than a gnat. It's big and throbby and femenine. It wears red dresses and orders fruity drinks. And it can even have it's own job and doesn't need to cook!"

  20. Rosalie, putting the L in could since the 1930's.

  21. The Ballad of Don Gato just made my day.

  22. Turtles, all the way down. Only turtles.

  23. Bad spelling monkey is riding my shoulder tonight.

  24. is eating Dairy Queen for dinner, like a champ.

  25. I am not just Rosalie, I am rosalicious.
