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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gael

  1. In the imp: Dusty chocolate.


    Wet: Wood and choclate, like a wooden box filled with cocoa powder. Very, very dry. Drier than that, even. ;)


    Dry: Dry sandalwood and cocoa, with a hint of myrrh underneath. No surprises, at any rate.


    Later: Quite good throw. This lasted for about five hours before, then faded into myrrh just at the skin.


    Lasted for five hours? :lol: It's absolutely delightful, right up my alley with it's sweet and mystical nature :yum: . But throw? Only if you keep your nose plastered to your skin and just come up for air occasionally. Granted, there are a limited number of BPAL oils that truly last with my chemistry, but this one is a whisper. Big shame too. :(

  2. Lord have mercy. :loveya: If any BPAL oil is DA BOMB, this is the one.


    I had it last year, then dived for this 2011 version. The only downside is it makes my old beloved, Snake Oil, seem harsh in comparison. It's totally sensual and makes you feel like you're carrying a secret that no one else is completely privy to, even though they hover near. I got two bottles and if I were an oil myself, I would be Smut 2011. :pat:

  3. I had hoped for Christmas in a bottle. Well, Christmas if you've been buried under a pine tree. It seems better suited as a room scent which is what it became. I had to finally give up and use it in my burner. Even then I found I couldn't stand it. :villagers:

  4. One of the most comforting BPAL oils I've used yet. Just gave me a sense of buttery, gingerlove. :wub2: I would not want this one, however, for the hotter months of the year. This is definitely for the autumn/winter seasons.

  5. I just reordered SMUT for 2011, my 2010 bottle long gone. It doesn't need to age, it just needs to be.


    Snake Oil out on the town till dawn. I last used it in September when we were in Dublin. At a pub one of the muscians I was talking to when they were on break went mad for it. :joy: I put a bit on his wrist and I thought he was going to write a song about it, I swear.

  6. This was an imp, and not a choice. For me it's a powdery floral, with the emphasis on powdery. It's so not me, though I would say it's somewhat pleasant. But to name it desire??? If this is desire I'd hate to see.."indifference."


    There was a moment of hope when vanilla seemed to peek in, but it quickly took flight. I could imagine this one on someone's maiden auntie. :violin:

  7. Being a foodie person and having loved several of the Mad Tea Party oils, I snatched this one up quickly. And congrats to Beth for once again creating a magical world within a bottle.


    This one is a morpher and surprising. It's comforting like a bread and butter sandwich from Mom with a touch of what seems to my nose almost a floral/berry thing happening. But it also seems to blink it's tiny eyes and change into another creature.


    I find it makes me feel comforted like many of the foodie blends, but it's not sensational or sugar jolting. And if I close my eyes I could easily feel I am seated at the tea party and part of the tale.

  8. This was a swap, so not a first choice. Well, patchouli, patchouli, patchouli. That's the conversation this goblin had with me,he kept repeating himself (I suspect substance abuse) and nothing else. Someone said vanilla is in there? In their dreams it is. It's not in the description and I can detect vanilla a mile away and it's having nothing to do with this wee goblin.


    I like it for the atmospheric effect it creates. This is a good quality patchouli, so it does bring you along on that otherwordly path patchouli can inspire.


  9. Good Lord. SMUT 2010. No sooner then I received the bottle, that I just reordered two more. I fear running out of this. It always takes so long for my order to reach me as I am in Northern Ireland and they usually wait till they have other international orders to ship, plus the time it takes normally for them to mix.


    I thought Snake Oil was my new best friend. Well, sorry Snakey, you have competition. :twisted: This is Snake Oil, dressed in crushed velvets and emeralds, meeting a lover by nightfall in a secret location near the Irish Sea.


    Wearing it makes me feel conspiratol, sensual and prophetic. Go figure.

  10. This is a jump into a damp, open grave. Wet soil. Then an emergence into a spicy night forest. For those that are disappointed, what did you expect with a name like Depraved? Something sunshiney floral, foodie, or what?


    And I've got a whole bottle of the stuff. Well, this will be one I use on occasion when I want to change gears completely. I think it's going to last me a looooooong time. :rantrave:

  11. Ok. Have ordered various oils for a few years but never tried this. So the time arrived to coincide with Christmas and it's a hit.


    My very first impression was to travel back to my hippie days in the East Village and the magic that was the head shops during the late 60's. So cool, so transporting and otherwordly. For me Snake Oil is a good thing. AND I find it to be a clean scent with none of the often annoying plastic notes I've found in some oils I've ordered.


    It seems incensy, clean and transporting. Snakey...my new best friend. :wub2:

  12. Got this along with Creepy to have an autumn influence at hand. This one is much superior to Creepy in my opinion.


    More complex and pleasing with cinnamon taking off at first, then backing off a bit for the butter to take over. Apple lurks in the background, grinning and the whole effect does make one feel it's an trick or treat autumn night with fun awaiting.

  13. I get a buttered apple. Which is a good thing, but not a great one.The apple not is a tad artificial, but the buttery note combined with it, pulls it together enough so that it's a pleasing autumnal blend. Would not, however, reorder.

  14. I immediately jumped at this one as I am a vanilla freak. And unfortunately, it turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments of any oil I've gotten from BPAL to date.


    It definitely does not smell like melted vanilla ice cream to my sniffer. Worst, it's a "vanilla" that I have smelt in other oils before and one that I never liked. I classify it as a plastic or dirty vanilla. Not sweet, but bitter, almost rancid. I'm really surprised at this one. :cry2:


    OK..EDIT UPDATE; Having ordered Snake Oil for the first time, I figured with it's vanilla emphasis maybe I could mix this with Detestable Putrescence on my skin and get some use out of it. It worked beautifully. It needs the influence of another oil to offset the plastic resonance.

  15. I'm always with the foodie scents, but finally used this imp I had hanging about. Well, I am ordering it. It haunted me and I have to have it. For me, yes cinnamon is there, but it turns clean and just keeps calling you back. :wub2:

  16. I wonder if the specific oils we are using could account for some of the difference between people who slather and people who dab. When I posted that I only needed a little dab of oil at a time I was wearing a lot of Blood Kiss, Blood Amber, Lilith. Those are quite strong scents. When I tried Inez and Sudha Segara lately I was shocked how much oil I needed to get myself to smell good.

    That makes sense to me - my faves are generally lighter (I'm not an incense/resin/heavy musk fan), things like Alice and White Rabbit and Antique Lace and Dorian. When I wear Glowing Vulva, I have to remember just to use teeny dabs or it will be crazy!


    Oh for sure that has to have something to do with it. However, even on the scents that are the strongest on me there is no way I am applying it with a toothpick!! I just roll my eyes when I read that. :eek:


  17. I apply the oil with a q-tip that has the ends cut off, a little oil on each wrist and on both sides of my neck. I have to re-aply after two or three hours as my skin seems to eat the scent and it doesn't have any throw after a couple hours. I would rather use less and re-apply it often. Even if I know I'm keeping a bottle I use a q-tip because I don't want to contaminate the oil, but if it is a favorite "keeper" imp then I'll use the plastic wand. I plan to get empty imp containers and fill them from my (few) bottles as imps are easy to use.I'm not a placid person but not really wound up either. I do get nervous and have a good bit of anxiety but somehow I've gotten used to it and am more easygoing now. Maybe my scent will last longer as I get less and less anxious?
    When you figure out how to get less anxious, please let me know! :lol: Think of all the money I'll save on thse oils!
    I've been testing my imps using toothpicks, one side, then if I want to apply more I turn the pick over and use the other side. Then I put the toothpick in a drawer to smell it up a bit! :)
    Toothpick.......I'd need a log!

  18. Wanted to put this up as a new topic, but it's not letting me, saying I don't have permission... :evil:


    Anyway, I read that scent lasts longer on certain personality types. Seems generally that the more high strung, emotional/nervous types seem to burn off scents faster then the calmer, low key types. I'm curious as to the people here and how this may apply.

    How interesting! I tend to think of myself as low key/unemotional, but then, I do tend to anxiety, am a bit impatient, and am a a very fast talker... I'm not someone whose skin eats scent in 30 minutes (except certain scents - Severin, I'm looking at you!), but I also put a lot on: upend bottle onto finger, swipe on the two pulse points in my neck, another upend/swipe, dab on base of throat, left & right collarbone, another swipe, back of hand, wrist, and inner elbow, another swipe, other hand/wrist/elbow. Sometimes I then do the back of my neck or my cleavage. The only times anyone's commented on my perfume have been when I've just put it on (my husband, my mom), or when I've got into a warm car with someone!


    Body-temperature-wise, I'm always hot rather than cold, which you'd think would amplify my scent? Perhaps I burn it off more quickly?


    Sounds like you fit in the category of those that don't hold onto scent. I am similar to you insofar as I also tend towards anxiety and can get impatient. I'm also a major worrier. The theory is that our sort of personalities (and it can encompass other personality traits but the idea is we're not the most calm, stable and/or low key types walking about) do in a way, "burn" it off. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions as there are in all matters, but from what I read the research shows a definite correlation.


  19. Wanted to put this up as a new topic, but it's not letting me, saying I don't have permission... :evil:


    Anyway, I read that scent lasts longer on certain personality types. Seems generally that the more high strung, emotional/nervous types seem to burn off scents faster then the calmer, low key types. I'm curious as to the people here and how this may apply.


    I suppose that one could call me overemotional and I suppose nervous could at times describe me pretty well. I'm not sure about high-strung... *shrug* As I said before, my skin eats oil fast! some things are particularly strong and last for a while (Misk. U. to name one...) but most things need slathering and at the very least one re-application during the day.


    Well, sounds like me and there might be something to this theory about personality types and the connection with how they retain scent. We must just burn it off!

  20. Wanted to put this up as a new topic, but it's not letting me, saying I don't have permission... :evil:


    Anyway, I read that scent lasts longer on certain personality types. Seems generally that the more high strung, emotional/nervous types seem to burn off scents faster then the calmer, low key types. I'm curious as to the people here and how this may apply.

  21. A fellow slatherer! I :wub: just sit here with my eyes pinned at descriptions of these tiny applications. :blink:


    No kidding! One drop from a reducer cap on each wrist is enough?! My skin really absorbs it too.. because I do not have a cloud of scent following me around-- even though I kinda wish I did. During my period especially the scent is gone in like 1 hr. I reapply a few times through the day.


    Average amount for me to use at one go during morning application is probably 1/2 to 3/4 of an imp. Am I a bad person?? :lol:


    *lol* Not a bad person at all. I'd say I'm about in the same space as you. Not only has no one ever complained about a scent being too strong, but I almost never have anyone even mention a scent I'm wearing unless I shove a wrist under their nose. I wish my skin didn't absorb the scent like it does.


    Well, I am starting to feel a bit better. Sort of like going to a support group and commiserating with other sufferers. :lol: I was beginning to wonder if I was alien spawn or something. Now, get ready for one of the delicate creatures to post soon about how one dab lasts on them from sunup to sundown and fills an entire stadium with their scent.

