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Posts posted by MeiLin

  1. For those who missed it last round, BrokeWitch is a 100% free swap. No money at all to be spent. That's the rule. Basically, you search out free stuff on the internets for your witchee--music, images, paper crafts, e-cards, patterns, recipes, ebooks, whatever you think your witchee would like. It doesn't sound like fun, but we had a blast last time.

  2. I smell like a sexy barista. :eek:


    In the decant, I get kind of a peppery note--the carnation I assume--and the leather and coffee. On, I initially got the leather and coffee big time, no carnation at all. Dried down, it's leather, sweet tobacco and coffee in that order, with the carnation waaaay in the back.


    This is gorgeous and as soon as I can afford a bottle or partial I'm getting it. Just wow.

  3. I chose Halloween: Los Angeles since most of my girlhood was spent in the beach cities of LA. I lived on the southern tip of the bay, and every year we watched the Malibu hills on the north tip glow orange with flame. Really an amazing sight. Consequently, the description resonated.


    In the decant: Hm. Smells musty, like a musty steamer trunk.


    Wet: Smoky sage.


    Dry: Wow, this really does smell like LA during hill fires; that smell hangs over the whole basin.


    Verdict: I'm not sure if I want to smell like Malibu in the average autumn, but damn, she sure nailed it. How do she DO that?

  4. In the bottle: Soft and sweet. Vanilla, sandalwood, something sweet--I think the bark and possibly the carnation, but I'm not getting the characteristic spiciness of either that or the clove. Way in the back is the bay.


    Wet: I'm getting a "clean animal" smell, like your cats when they've been outside--a laundry-from-the-line feeling, but no cotton or linen overtone. Something warm from the sun. The carnation is coming out, along with the clove. This is very subtle and I think it'll be an early fader. So far I'm nuts for it. It reminds me of Ivanushka minus the fur. I'm probably misremembering, and will have to "split test."


    Dry: Carnation, dry sandalwood, vanilla, patchouli, a tiny bit of clove. Still soft and somewhat cuddly.


    I like it. It'll be a comfort scent, I think, but not as comforting as my new favorite, Gypsy.

  5. In the decant: Initial hit is a cologne with a floral undertone. I think this is the tonka and sandalwood providing the cologny tone; don't know where the floral accord is coming from.


    Wet: Coconut, tonka, clove, sandalwood, amber, licorice way in the back. So far I like it.


    Dry: The coconut is gone. Tonka, amber, licorice, sandalwood. Clove is in back, which makes me sad. I like this, but then I usually like all these notes excepting coconut.


    Verdict: Pretty, but faint. Probably good with a decant.

  6. Durian fruit infused honey?! I know!


    In the decant: Faint fruit, like black cherry. No honey, some brandy. Not optimistic.


    Wet: OK, now no brandy, just a sort of weak fruit punch. A little honey to the back. So far: meh, but not wash-off meh.


    Dry: Now I'm smelling honey. The fruit punch/black cherry smell is dwindling.


    Verdict: Eh to meh. Definitely not a bottle, possibly a trade.

  7. In the decant: Moss, earth, wine, in that order.


    Wet: Very men's cologne-y. I think it's the moss. A little astringent--possibly the pomegranate rind? Not picking up much wine or smoke.


    Dry: Here comes the mimosa and wine--oh, and a little smoke, but hovering above my wrist, not on it--something a little sulphuric, like a match head (I love that smell). The longer it sits, the stronger the burnt wood smell.


    Verdict: This is a rather menacing cologne, fairly unisex. Like a lot of moss-based scents, I think I'd like it better on a guy and I might like it better on Sir.


  8. All of these are good notes, especially amber and leather.


    In the decant: Oh yay, lavender and amber!


    Wet: Several people on BPAL.org have said this is the same lavender as in my beloved TKO, and I agree. Very like. The leather is underneath. I like this very much so far; it's a less-sweet TKO.


    Dry: This is a non-sweet TKO. In place of the vanilla, it's leather. It's gorgeous. Even the hubby says so.


    Verdict: Definite partial if I can find one.
