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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Storytime version


    In the bottle: Beautiful! I get a definite smell of sweet peaches!


    On the skin: Still sweet peaches, but now I am beginning to smell something a bit darker which must be the floral tea. Really is beautiful! Later, the peach dies down a bit and allows the tea to come forward and shine! Mmmmm! I would really love to eat my wrist right now!


    -EDIT- A year later, this blend has changed a bit from the review posted above! On me now it smells like peachy bubblegum.


    After a bit it just smells like sugared peaches with some tea. Not quite as bubblegummy.


    I am afraid that I am not sure if I like this one as much as I used to... I will have to keep testing it. :lol:

  2. in the imp: Hmmmmm. I can barely smell anything, so I am not quite sure what is in there. Kind of reminds me of my first reaction to Snow White in the imp.


    on the skin: Now I can smell a bit of what I think of as ylang ylang. It is still so light though.


    This one is going to have to go to a better home...

  3. Wow! This smelled completely different on my than I thought it would.


    In the bottle: definitely smell some rosemary with a bit of mint in the background.


    On my skin: Bess immediately turns into a licorice smell. Could be my skin chemistry is a bit off at the moment, but I get a huge whiff of black licorice. Sadly, this one has to be traded away.

  4. I ordered a bottle of this recently as my boy loves giving me massages! :yum:


    Anyway, we both love it!! I definitely smell a spicy orange that is perfect. He normally doesn't like smelly things, but he certainly loves Ignis! Mmmmm! As a massage oil, it is awesome! A perfect consistency and is leaves the skin feeling wonderful and soft. Not too oily either! Definitely loving it!

  5. In the bottle: Mmmmm! Reminds me of spiced cider and apples in a potpourri type of smell. Something I would expect to smell from a holiday candle.


    On the skin: Apples? Spiced cider? Yum!!


    Dry down: Spicyness has softened and I think a bit of sweet apple is peaking through (one of my favorite lab notes!!) At least I think it is some kind of apple or fruit.


    Overall: Many :bow: to the lovely forumite who sold me this bottle and to the labbies who created it!! This one is definitely a keeper!

  6. In the bottle, I can definitely smell a few fruits blended together. Smells sweet and yummy!


    When I put it on, Carnal immediately turns into bubblegum on my skin and stays that way. While I like bubblegum, I don't think I would like to smell like it all the time, so this imp is definitely going into swaps.


    I really wish the fig had come out more and hadn't turned to bubblegum.

  7. The notes in this one sounded soooo good, so I had to track down a bottle! Anyways, the scent is florals... floral everywhere! Normally I would like a strong floral such as this, but it is, in fact a bit too strong for me. The plum blossom and lotus are amped so much on my skin, it is starting to give me a headache.


    It is quite lovely, but just not in the same caliber as Phantom Queen for me. I think this one is going to have to find a new home.

  8. So, I had to try a drop of this one after I received it with my order of Tabella, and this scent doesn't seem to agree with me. Thankfully!


    It does smell pretty woodsy. Not evergreen woodsy though. More like a wooden desk. I also think there might be some vetiver somewhere underneath the wood. After awhile, it turns a bit sweet.


    I am glad I got this as a frimp. It really isn't anything I would ever wear myself though.

  9. Wow.... I am getting a major whiff of the wine grape. It is almost hard for me to smell anything else. It kind of reminds me of sparkling grape juice. It has a light effervescent grape smell. So far it hasn't changed....


    Drying... a bit of light greens are starting to show through, but there is still the overwhelming scent of light grapes.


    I don't think this quite works for me, but I have to say that this scent is very interesting and everyone should try it once!

  10. Oh, my! This is bottled Christmas! This scent is exactly how Christmas should smell. Sadly where I live (Southern California) it never smells quite like Christmas. It is definitely the pine scent that adds to the Christmasy smell, but there is some other note that works perfectly to make me think of a cold night near the fire with the Christmas tree just decorated in the window. I think I need more...

  11. Oooh! I think those all sound good. So, I believe that I have already tried Blood Kiss and there was something in it that didn't agree with me. I also have tried Smut '08 as well and the same thing happened. I can't remember exactly what either one smelled like on me, but it smelled awful enough for me to add them to my do not like list. Do the Smuts vary by year? Or they always the same? Maybe a different one would smell better. Oh, and Western Diamondback smelled like intense fake leather on me. I do like leather, but this one went horribly wrong on me.


    Kinda silly... I actually have a decant of Boomslang that I have sniffed, but never actually tried...


    So, need to try Perversion, Hetairae, Eat Me, Black Lace (almost afraid to try this one as it is so hard to find), Bastet, and Snake Oil.


    Are there any others out there? Oh, and for those of you who have tried White Phoenix (my ultimate favorite!), I was wondering if there was a warmer/sexier version of it. The notes in White Phoenix managed to work wonders with my skin chemistry (that seems really out of whack often).

  12. I am definitely looking for some sexy scents right now. So far I have fallen in love with Robotic Scarab (my warm comforting scent), White Phoenix (My sweet peaceful scent), and Phantom Queen (my I feel pretty scent). Now I really just need a sexy, provocative scent.


    So, my boyfriend loves foody scents, but to me, they aren't very..... seductive. I would love to find something that the both of us like. I have tried Love Me and it didn't agree with me. I have Scherezade and it smells good, but just isn't sexy enough. Oh, and O smelled horrible on me!


    Anyways, some suggestions would be wonderful! Thanks!!

  13. A very mellow scent. When smelling it I immediately get a sense of leather! The leather is so strong on me, that I think this is one scent that is going to have to be traded away.


    On the dry down, the leather moves to the background and the sage and something herbal peaks through. Smells pretty good, but I just don't think it is me.


    I don't really like the initial leather stage (leather just isn't me), and the second stage is a bit light for my taste. Anyways, I am sure this will make someone else happy!!



    I've come to appreciate leather as a note, and really this is a good one. Leather, sage, and Snake Oil combined. I don't see myself wearing this one too often, but I do like it.

  14. Wow! The perfect nighttime blend ever!!


    I put this scent on right before I fell asleep, and I actually woke up feeling rested! The scent is a beautiful sugary lavender that is very calming. I would definitely recommend this scent to those who have trouble sleeping as well as those who like lavender! Definite keeper for me!

  15. Oh, my! I did not expect to like this one!!


    The cream offers the perfect amount of sweetness to a light floral/woody scent. I don't normally like wood scents at all, but it blends perfectly with the lotus.


    I don't normally like scents that even have a hint of foodiness to them (I like how they smell, but I wouldn't want to smell like them), but this is a major keeper for me! In fact, I think I might have to search around for some more.


    Everyone should try this scent once. Even if they have doubts. It is a nice sweet, but not overpoweringly so, flower.

  16. Oooooh! A pretty floral! I really like it, but the strength of the flower in this one makes my nose twitch. I agree that this scent has to have some jasmine in it. A very green floral scent. Just lovely!


    I am not sure if I am going to keep this one though. It is a nice floral, but I am in to floral scents with a bit more sweetness rather than greens in the background. Sadly my boyfriend does not like this one. (He only really likes foody scents... *sigh*)

  17. This is so sad! I though Phantom Queen was the first scent I ever reviewed.... Ah, well. Phantom Queen is and will remain my first BPAL favorite!


    In the bottle there is a hint of mossy greens mixed in with... light apple blossom!! Mmmmmm! This is why it is one of my favorites. In the beginning I mistook the apple blossom note for a different floral, but I now know that it is the apple blossom that made me fall in love!


    On the skin: the mossy greens give the apple blossom depth. This scent is truly lovely!


    -EDIT- After trying the Black Orchid scent, I now know that it is Black Orchid and not apple blossom that is the note that makes this scent wonderful to my nose....

  18. So, I recently acquired a bottle of The Haunted Palace in a swap. At the time I hadn't looked at the notes in it (silly me!) but I got it anyways.


    Normally amber scents seem to go haywire on me. They turn into a bad popcorn jelly bean smell on me. In fact, the Haunted Palace is the first scent with amber in it that I have fallen in love with!! (now starting to think it is the honey note that turns icky on me...)


    Anyways, in the bottle, the Haunted Palace is a blue scent with bits of greens mixed in. I can definitely smell gardenia with a bit of rose. All the other notes stick to the background, but make this scent full of promise!


    On me the scent turns floral (yay!) with a hint of vanilla in the background. So far I have been wearing it for... 3 hours and it is still going strong.


    I think I am going to have to go hunt more of this one down....



    Hmmmm, sadly it isn't quite what it used to be on me. The rose has turned a bit strange. Almost plasticky. Not for me anymore sadly.

  19. Mmmmmmmmm! So good! Besides the snakes, this is one of the first CD scents I have fallen in love with!


    In bottle: Orange jasmine flowers! So pretty and tasty at the same time!


    Wet: Orange smell comes out a bit more. It is such a nice sweet orange with a bit of florals in the background.


    Dry down: I love it!! The orange and flowers mingle together into something that is not foody, but sweet and flowery at the same time! This is what I was hoping for when trying Faith (sugared violets), but with Faith I got more of a sickly sweet soap smell. Melisande works so well in my opinion. Now I just have to get approval from the boyfriend.

  20. Midnight on the Midway is my scent for today.


    Anyways, the moment I put it on, I smell soap. Very nice soap, but soap nonetheless. After about an hour, the soap smell has faded and now it is a light, pretty floral with a hint of sugar sweetness that I love and adore! I am not sure if I like the initial soap smell though. To me, perfume should not smell soapy on the skin. Anyways, I can't decide whether to keep it or swap it away.... So tough!


    I do dearly wish the initial smell was the same as the dry down smell. I think I can find this one a better home. Breaks my heart that it didn't work better on me... *sigh*

  21. So since I had heard so much about this scent and everyone seemed to want it so much, I had to find a sample for myself! I have to say, it wasn't what I was expecting. Actually, now that I think about it, I am not really sure what I was expecting.


    Anyways, in the bottle it smelled slightly sweet with a hint of something brown sugarish. Also, there is a little bit of a bite in the background. Not exactly sure what it is.


    On: mmmmmmm! Smells so good! I don't usually like coconut, but in this scent it works perfectly with the other notes! Not as sweet anymore as it was in the bottle, but it is still so lovely! Also, this is the first scent with amber in it that I like! Whoooo! Mmmmm. Now I am getting a bit more of the vanilla.


    Verdict: So good!! I wasn't expecting to like it this much. Darn.




    ETA: Okay, I ended up getting rid of my bottle (swapping for the AMAZING Glowing Vulva), so reading this review again, I wonder why I remember not liking this scent. So, reviewing my Snake Charmer Res. decant....


    On the skin: Snake Oil. Huh. Not as strong as regular Snake Oil. Softer. With a slight hint of added sweet fruitiness. Must be the plum.


    This scent is quite faint. Huh.


    Retesting my tester of original Snake Charmer:

    So faint and powdery. I can barely smell a thing. Mostly a slight vanilla amber.

  22. Pickled Imp:


    I just bought a partial of it off the forum to try as all the notes sounded interesting... Anyways, tried it on and I can definitely smell that each note is present... mmmmmmm! Anyways, the combination of cinnamon and clove reminds me of Thanksgiving, but the pine gives it a bit of coolness that tones down the warmth of cinnamon. All together, it definitely smells like Thanksgiving!


    I love this scent, but I don't think it is for me. I'll try it again once more, then possibly put it up on my sale page for other people to get a chance to try!


    Oh, and a little of this scent goes a long way (in a good way)!
