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Posts posted by Dracoo9

  1. The discription of Uruk seemed perfect till I read the incence part. Damn. Incence always goes funky on me.


    When I first put it on it actually stung a little and I was worried that it would be the first scent I have to run to the bathroom and wash off. Even now, typing this it still kind of stings but is tolerable. I just get cinnamon and incence notes and its somewhere between air freashner smelling and soap.


  2. The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices.

    My initial reaction to this was: Wow gingerbread poppet? It smells very similiar and just as amazing. And being that I'm a foody lover I fell for this one instantly but it isnt emensly foody so I think those who dont like foody scents would appreciate Shub. Its on my wrist now and I can still smell it away from my face. Its so warm and comforting, a gingerbread scent.

  3. I'v read about Tum, comparing it to dirty socks and in the imp...thats what it smells like. Its kind of...wrong.


    On it becomes..less sock like but still has a slightly grunge scent to it that is practically blocked out by the powerful grape in the front. I'm kind of glad that I didnt fall head over heels for it sence its discontinued.

  4. Form: Free imp from the lab.


    In the bottle and on its a faint floral scent while being aquatic as well. Its very lovely but I wasnt absolutly in love with it. Notre Dame did acomplish its purpose though and calmed be down drastically, helping me take poor, sad news better.


    3/5 for scent but 5/5 for what it can do. So, 4/5

  5. Being that I'm decently new I had to add Antique Lace to 'my things to try' list after reading so many good things. And the lab seemed to read my mind and gave me a free imp.


    This is absolutly amazing! :P Everything they wrote is true!

    On and in the imp there is a faint smell of vanilla but its the kind of faint that you get when you pick up an old, dryed out flower and sniff it. It still has the same scent but theres a faded age to it and this purfume captures a faded vanilla scent amazingly! 5/5 Bottle worthy and then some!

  6. I am soooooo glad the lab gave me this one because I would have never thought to try it.


    I dont really get cinnamon but on the edges of the scent while I can pick out all of the other scents. Somehow on me it becomes strangly close to Dragon's Milk but not powdery or as baby-powdery with a bit of velvet's myrrh to it and it becomes this creemy perfection of honeysuckle and myrrh. I love it! Bottle worthy 5/5


    If you liked this try: Velvet, Dragons Milk, Port Royal, or Upa Upa (has a cinnamon note to it)

  7. On my it becomes 'whoooaaaa red wine!....and roses.' I have never had the wine notes become so strong on me before so this is new. The roses in this blend also dont become powdery like a lot of the BPAL roses do on me. I can kind of detect the musk, darkening the blend a bit. Perhaps if the wine wasnt so crazy on me I might have kept it.

  8. An epithet of the Morrigan, crow-winged Celtic goddess of war, strife and fertility. Adoration of this Goddess is expressed both through the ecstasy of battle lust and the ecstasy of sexual regeneration. Black orchid, apple blossom, meadowsweet, and rue over Irish moss, hawthorn and red clover.

    Despite all the plant life and fruits in this blend instead of it being a more herbal and green blend it becomes a very crisp and white blend on me.

    This reminds me of something my mom use to wear when I was younger and I just think its to lady-like for me to be able to pull off. The scent itself is very sophisticated smelling and I can see how the 'Queen' comes into the blend. And it manages to do all these things while carrying with it an apple scent.

  9. Dee is very similiar to Jolly Roger but the leather is fainter in Dee.


    Dee has earned a lot of respect from me because it is the only scent so far with insence and woods that hasnt gone and become a dry, overpowering scent but becomes a woodsey and soothing scent.


    Despite that I actually really like Dee I dont think its something I would wear and I have Jolly Roger as a replacement.



  10. This was the strongest scent I have ever tried on. I washed it off at around 10 am and the following morning at 11 am I could still smell it on me even after all my scrubbing! That being said....


    This is a very potent scent on me. I was trying on a few other scents at the same time and I had difficulty blocking out Bien. I know what all of the ingredients smell like except for benzoin and 'spiced Moroccan unguents' so one of the two amps up like bad on me with a side of caramel. I cant really say that I hate it but I cant say I like it but its so strong that its all I can smell and it just seems to haunt me. To swaps is goes.

  11. I got this as a free imp from the lab. I have kind of figured that anything that has to do with herbs and other plant life will become this dry, dirt scent. This is exactly what HofN became only slightly sweeter. Its definently more tolerable then what Nosferatu became on me but not something I would wear.

  12. This was probrably the only scent that did a total 180 on me. In the bottle it was nothing but carmel and I loved it for that! But then I put it on and it became this horrendous ash tray smell. I'm sad that something that seemed so good went so bad :P

  13. I got a frimp from the lab of Strangler fig and I was a bit nervous about trying it because of the earthy description and once i did it was strangley...sweet. It had an almost vanilla like sweetness and I went back and looked at the description and sure enough it was described as 'Rooty, woody, with deep green tones.' And then I looked at the reviews and am still a little unsure if the imp is mis-labeled or not but whatever it is its good! In the imp its a faint yellow-ey color. In the reviews they say it has a powerful 'fig' scent and slightly earthy tones. I dont really detect earthy and I dont know what the lab's fig scents smell like.


    Does it sound like I still have Strangler fig? I dont want to order a bottle to find that what I have isnt really it (especially sence earthy scents really dont work for me :P ).

  14. I have no problem with incense notes but the problem comes to when I put it on. I put just a little on and within moments I'm choking in it. I try to put as little as I can but then I can still just smell the incense. Are there any ones that can be recomended that have incense in it but arnt strong? I want to try Morocco but I'm a little unnerved.


    I also like scents with vanilla, and sweet or foody scents :P I also like hazelnut, coconut, pumpkin. I'm not a big floral person but I do love Rose Red.

  15. Sugar moon on me smells like if Smut (2008) had an offspring with Red Lantern (that carmel smell :D )


    There is an almost foody scent to it in the bottle but once its on it fades away almost instantly. Instead I get a yummy woody-blackberry scent thats really divine. I put some in my hair and kept finding excuses to lean over and smell it in my hair :P The strawberry also pokes into focus for a bit before vanishing again.


    4.5/5 (Just because I wish it were a tad sweeter)

  16. HANAMI
    Sleeping under the trees on Yoshino mountain
    The spring breeze wearing cherry blossom petals

    In Japan, the advent of spring is heralded by a blanket of pink and white that spreads gently from the South to the North to cover the islands. Hana-mi translates to "flower watching", and it is a sport of leisure that has been enjoyed since the Heian Period.

    A scent of peace, reflection, and renewal of the spirit: sakura, ume blossoms, and wisteria.

    I looked and couldnt find a 'Hanami' topic anywhere so, here it goes.

    First of all the label art is absolutly stunning and gorgeous.

    In the bottle:
    I smell the cherry blossom the most then the ume and wisteria seem to fight for dominance and I have difficulty picking them apart unless I really try. In the bottle this is defenently a spring scent and the color that comes to mind is pink.

    The smell hasnt really changed on me but it has become a very strong floral scent. I put just a tiny bit from the cap on my wrist and I can smell it still with my hand at my waist.
    After a while the wisteria comes out more, much to my disapointment because I prefer the Sakura.

    Review (slightly longer than usual due to it being the first):
    If you expected this scent to have a slight sweetness for me it doesnt. With that in mind I'm stuck on my opinion of this scent. I was expecting a slightly sweeter scent probrably because of the Sakura but instead I get wisteria. I havent worn anything with Sakura in it before but I have wisteria and I think I may amp that.
    3.5/5 (Like- will come back to in case something in the future changes)

  17. The creme blends more in to this blend so it doesnt have that coka cola smell that Love's Philosophy had with me. The boy smelled it and said it smelt like cake icing and I have to agree, it kinda does have that vanilla almost foody scent while not being foody.


    Its a sweet, beautiful scent shile not being to sweet. I really am pleased with this and glad that I bought it. If your on the edge about getting it or not I'd say buy it and if you dont like it, sell it later someone will deffenently be after this later!


    6/5!- Amazing!

  18. In the bottle all I get is a very strong candied melon, which isnt a bad thing because I love melon!


    On it still smelt of melon and I still have yet to pick out any other of the scents but melon and slight peony but thats it. I'm kind of glad that the dragon's blood was so slight because the only other thing I've tried with Dragon's blood in it turned to baby powder on me (Dragon's Milk) and it didnt happen with Earth Rat. Plus the image on the bottle is so amazingly awesome! The only downer to this scent was it has a slightly shorter wear length then others I have.


    Rating: 4.5/5

  19. did you email them at answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com from a non-yahoo email address? if so, and you haven't heard from them by the end of business on Monday, i would email again. it is the weekend, afterall.


    i've gotten the wrong bottle in an order once before, and they were very nice about it. they apologized and sent out the correct bottle right away.



    Yes, I emailed them from a non-yahoo one early this morning.


    Thank you, that helps my nerves a bit (I didnt know if they would believe me from reading their FAQ and policy info).

  20. In the bottle: I'm not really sure what I smell :P theres....vanilla and some scent that I'm not really acquanted with so I'm assuming its the 'creme' because I know what saffron smells like (mmm saffron).


    On: ...where is it? I had to put on three times the normal amount I put on to smell it but when I did it smelt preaty damn good but still a bit....odd.


    After a few hours it began to smell kind of like vanilla coke. Which is weird for me because I dont like soda. It also smelt similiar to some Sweeties (i think thats the name of the candy?) that I use to have when I was a kid. Later in the day it did get a bit stronger before finally vanishing. I'm just sad that it had such a strange life span.


    I like it but its not as good as I hoped it would be. But the boy likes it so we'll see.


    Rating: 3.5/5

  21. This is for the '07 RR


    In the bottle: I can practically smell a real rose, thorns and all. Its really incredible to how perfect of a rose scent this is. There is also a slight edge to it, giving that cold, dew scent.


    On: Smells just as lovely out of the bottle as it did in. I still cant get over how rose like it is! Rose also tends to go powdery on me (the rose in Alice and Delirium for example) but that doesnt happen with RR, which is a nice change.


    The only problem I have is that RR disapears completly in about an hour or so for me. My skin just sucks it up like a spnge :P

  22. In the bottle: I definetly smell the guava and the banyan fruit. It smells slightly sweet in a fruity way. Where are you lemongrass?


    On the skin: It still smells relatively the same, I still cant detect the lemongrass but the banyan fruit comes forward more.


    I had real high hopes for this because the Cheshire moon has a special place in my childhood and I'm sooo glad that I love this scent as much as I do. The only thing that sadens me about this scent is the fact that it seems to go away in a few hours, something I wouldnt mind so much if this wasnt a LE. And on top of it all the picture on the bottle is adorable and so perfect.


    Rating: 5/5- Love it!!!


    And when the Boyfriend smelt it he had a big smile on his face and said "you found a real winner for me." :P
