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Posts posted by Dracoo9

  1. This smells a lot like....Kabuki somehow. Kabuki became a horrible migrane on me and so does Kyoto. Its not really floral...just a headache indusing sort of heavy foodie-floral that I cant handle even though I tend to gravitate towards foodie blends and appreciate floral.

  2. You know...dont let your boyfriend try this one before you do...because he'll take it and insist that its his.


    It smells very fruity, cranberry-esq with a tangerine kind of scent to it to. It also isnt boozy on me, if at all and I like that. I think I may have to get another imp for myself because mines now gone, gone to its new master :cry2:

  3. My boyfriend knows that I love lilies so on my birthday he bought me the most amazing bouquet of lillies. I kept huffing them and would move the vase around with me where I was sitting, having my lovely tea. So to say the least...it was time to get a lillies scent. On me Tiger Lily becomes...odd. Just that typical 'perfume' scent. I'm starting to think that maybe honey does this on me. This was not what I was wanting from Tiger Lily. :( And so the search continues for the perfect lily....

  4. Everything except for the linen says 'Absolute Win' for me. However, the 'linen' smell really doesnt care for me much and the feeling is then returned. White Rabbit is where linen got its revenge. The linen, no it can be described as linen....more like the monster linen that hides under peoples beds for decades before crawling out, caked in stuff you cant identify jumps out and attacks you! I didnt get any of my beloved vanilla or ginger...or tea. Just monster linen. So, if linen does weird things on you...dont follow the White Rabbit.

  5. I know what lavender smells like...and magnolia...and I dont get either from this blend. Yvaine to me is the best smelling tea I could ever have >.< If there was a tea that smelt like Yvaine then I would buy it up instantly. She doesnt have much lasting power on me, even when I put some in my hair and the throw is on the decent side. This is probrably one of the first blends that I cant really smell any of the components of O.o Either way....I bought it because its still magnificent 5/5 :lol:

  6. I went to will call a while back with this on my list of things to sniff and I fell in love with it there. Upon returning home I quickly ordered a bottle and have yet to review this top favorite of mine.


    The pepper never shows up in this blend, very different to Tweedledee whom upon me sniffing it the first time threw a whole bunch of pepper in my face >.< Xanthe is mostly spun sugar with a bit of fruitiness that I suppose can be compared to gum. Either way I enjoy it as a fruit lover. Its not exactly a foodie blend I'd say but it deffinently is sweet without being cloyingly so.


    Fruit Lovers Rejoice!

  7. When I first bought a bottle of Nuclear Winter I was kinda bumed. It smelt really weird and like most aquatic-like scents from the lab I expected it to become instant fail. Oh, how wrong I was....


    I love mint and I love pine. The problem is finding a pine scent that loves me back and I finally found it with Nuclear Winter. This is a perfectly balanced blend of pine and mint. The pine isnt overpowering like with Pinesol and the mint evens it out so that its not like your walking around smelling like you just became a pine tree. this is one of my top blends for sure :wub2:

  8. Form:Bottle


    On: I absolutly love this. It doesnt change to much from bottle to application. I smell daffodil, plum, and orchid the most with the first two going strong. After a few hours this definently fades significantly and its mostly just a lovely fruit scent with a light floral in the background thats perfect for a summer day. One of my GC faves :wub2:

  9. I wanted sooo badly to like this, being a fruit blend lover I thought this would work out.


    I put it on and after a few minutes it becomes this powdery, apple soap smelling thing :( I will definently hold on to this hoping that something changes but right now I dont care to smell like Apple soap.

  10. Form: Bottle

    In the Bottle: Sage. Deffinetly sage and a bit of blackberries in the middeground with a dark muskiness in the background.


    On: More blackberries with a faintness of green tea. I wish there was more green tea to be smelled here but I do enjoy fruit blends. the sage is still present and is hiding in the background in just a way that makes me think that it'll pounce and overpower the blackberries :(


    Later: The sage never pounced on my precious blackberries but the green tea is faintly in the background with a bit of the sage still there. I realy like this blend and I would recomend it to any fruit lovers and those who are wary of foodie blends I'd recomend this ;)

  11. Cherries have frightened me sence Kabuki came along but being that I vowed to try all the Wonderland scents I had to snag it.


    This becomes a very cherry-licious smelling pencil shavings on me. But the most delicious pencil shavings and not with a crazy cherry smell like Kabuki became on me. The only problem I can see, besides the pencil shaving scent is that it carries a medicinal undertone to it.


    While I will not wear it often, or out I'm going to see if I can hang on to it for some use. ;)

  12. Form: Frimp from the lab.


    I love Rose Red so I was expecting TFaS to smell similiar. To my nose they're not even close. Rose Red has a strong, freash smell to it that makes me think of a large, bright, blooming, red rose. Smelling TFaS I think of a small little pink rose. This smells more powdery to me and mostly of tea rose like-ness then my beloved Rose Red.


  13. I've been a crazy fan of Snow White 07 sence first sniff so it went without thought that I had to get the room spray.


    This smells exactly like Snow White 07 (which smells the same to me as 08 as well). I absolutly love it. I sprayed some on a little pillow and put it in my clothes drawer and now whenever I get ready in the morning I get a lovely waft of Snow White ;)

  14. When I looked at all the sprays there was some note that conflicted with what I usually go for. Woods was part of the fear in this spray. Woods dont behave on me so I dont buy them even though I love the smell of pine and juniper. What I failed to realise was that because this is an atmospheric spray...im not wearing it!


    All the funkyness that my skin does to woods isnt here!!! Rejoucing can begin in the icy forest and cookie bliss that is the Yuletide Past Spray!!! This is probrably one of my favorite scents I own. I sprayed it on a little porcelin Jack-o-lantern on my desk and it waffs all around my room for days. This is absolutly amazing! During the first few hours I mostly smell the woods but then later the spicey cookies come in and all is wonderful :wub2:

  15. When I fist saw this scent I immediatly had to pounce on it. Vanilla= win. Mint= win. So, mint+vanilla must be amazing!


    For the first time I had a problem with vanilla :cry2: Snowblind became very plasticy and someone headache inducing. I've never had a problem with the labs vanilla doing this to me. What I can determine is that the mint is slighty different then the one used in Lick it and the vanilla is different then the one used in Eat Me or the one in Dorian.


    Through some order confusion I ended up having two of these little ones so I plan on keeping one and seeing if anything changes.

  16. I got this from the Trading Post and was surprised to find that I landed myself an unreleased spray.


    Sniffing the outside of it it smells just as all the others have described. A very aged rose.


    Sprayed it still smells like an aged rose. If you took antique lace and replaced the faded vanilla with rose then you would have this spray. I dont smell any violet as some described but I do smell a faded something.


    I prefer Rose Red sort of rose scents compared to The Fainting Couch but its still very good :yum:

  17. I agree that once aged Cheshire Cat stays a lot longer. For me my skin soaks this particular scent up very quickly, along with other grapefruit notes. I put it in my hair, that way I can still enjoy it and I dont need to worry about my skin soaking it all up :P


    As for Shanghai for me Morocco is similiar but more distinguished and a little goes much longer.

  18. Insence always becomes this horrible monster of doom on me so I was warry of snagging a decant from a circle but I wanted to try it and I felt darring so I snagged an imp.


    I'm soooo glad that I did. This was one of the few scents that I actually said to people (my mother and the boyfriend) 'I smell delicious!' This scent is creamy with the florals, which is amazing that I like because I tend to dismiss most floral blends. The gardenia and the Monoi are the ones I smell the most, with a small peek of vanilla. The only thing that I dont like about this blend is that it stays on for an hour or so then runs far far away. But I suppose thats what getting bottles is for?


    Rating 5/5 DELICIOUS!

  19. This scent was very bizarre for me. It smeld a lot like this one candy I had as a child that I lost in the depths of my room before finding it years later. That stale sweetness is what Blood Kiss reminded me of. After putting it on later it began becomming a fairly annoying scent and I tried washing it off to no avail. Later my mother asked if I was aroung flea powder at my work then I realized, thats also what Blood Kiss reminds me of! Stale candy and flea powder! There is something about this scent that I like despite the strange combination of scents but I definently am not going to wear it around (because I secretly find some delight in the scent of flea powder X.x)

  20. I finally ordered this from a fellow BPAL member on the forums and I must say....its LOVELY. To me this smells A LOT like Dorian but perhaps its Dorian's colder brother that never got enough love. I definently rate this a 5/5 but I'll have to think about getting a bottle or not because for my vanilla scents I have Eat Me. But this definently is a favorite of mine now.

  21. First off, I was terrified of the Patchouli ingredient because often it becomes a dirt beast on me. This time it behaved quite well. I smell the violet faintly, infact it is faint in general despite how much I put on. After a while this just becomes a faint....scent. It doesnt smell of anything dishtinguishable but there is a scent close to the skin. I didnt mind it but I didnt love it. Off it'll go. 3/5

  22. Pine usually does odd things on me (I dont even get a cleaner scent or anything close to pine) and this time was no different. This soon became a vanilla scent on me that was a bit pleasant before this plasticyness came into being then turned into what Zarita the Doll girl did- a horrid thing of floral plastic that was giving me a headache. Yew, away with you!

  23. As soon as I saw the name of this scent I wanted it (oh, Final Fantasy, I blame you!). So, I got my imp off a fellow forum member and immediatly when I put it on it reminded me of another scent BPAL related. This continued to bother me for a long time before guessing that it does smell slightly similiar to Mad Hatter before it disapates into nothingness (that kind of cool mintyness) then I figured it out! On me this has the dry down of Mad Hatter after hours of wear with a dandylion like scent from Fairy wine with the muskyness (and slight citrus) of Croquet (which was what it reminded me from the start). And I LOOVVEEE Croquet (and the lab knows it I think because I get imps of it all the time). So, yes I will probrably get a bottle of this in the future, I'm sooo glad this worked out on me!

    This is definently a spring/summer scent and makes me feel girly. 5/5

  24. This scent is such a tease.


    In the imp I get bubblegum and orange lollipop. This is amazing!


    On: Hello bubblegum!! And I do so loooovveee that bubblegum scent. After a while the bubblegum calms down and I get the orange lollipop then after a while a strong scent underneath, which I guess is the 'womanly perfume.' Its like a woman was chewing bubblegum, spat it out and replaced it with a lollipop then once it was gone and with it their scents all thats left is the perfume shes wearing.


    I really like the first and middle stages but hate the last. Guess I could reapply it whenever the last stage starts lurking. I love the scent though! 4.5/5!

  25. In imp: Mmmm coffee....now I want some -.-


    On: Wow, really strong throw I can smell it clearly without having to sniff for it, with my hand quite a ways away. I still get the coffee but there is a wood note to it that I cant decide if I really adore but then I get a whiff of the coffee scent and cant complain about it. For some reason theres a sweet note to it that I cant place...ah, oh well it smells like coffee. I dont know about getting a bottle but I'm keeping the imp with a bottle a possibility for the future.


    After a few hours this just became a very bizarre, strong, and headache inducing scent. And away the imp went!
