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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by LunaSea

  1. I also have trouble getting my mind to settle down enough so I can sleep (although not to the extent you describe!) and have had excellent luck with TKO. My husband has even commented on how I just "conk out" when I use it. But I haven't had any trouble with waking up in the morning or feeling groggy. I haven't tried any of the other sleep blends so I can't compare, but I'm quite pleased with TKO.


    Another thing to note is that the TKO just helps my mind relax and shut off all that crazy worrying. I can wear it while I read in bed and it doesn't knock me out or make it so I can't focus on my book. But when I shut the book and turn off the light, I fall asleep much quicker and more easily. Hope that helps!

  2. I was very excited for Bengal as a great scent for fall. In the bottle, it is spicy, with a creamy sweetness underneath. Very yummy. :P


    The first time I tried it, I dabbed a bit on my wrist, and the spices really came out. Very cinnamon, with other spice in the background. I couldn't put a name to it, but it must be the clove, because it didn't strike me as pepper. The spices fade out a little as it dries, and the creamy scent of the musk comes out. After about an hour, my skin seems to have eaten all of the spice, and left me with a musky scent that reminded me a bit of Hexennacht.


    However, I hit a snag today when I did a full application of Bengal. The crooks of my elbows, hollow of my throat, and behind my ear all turned red, and boy did my elbows sting!! :D I've never done much more than dab any cinnamon blends on my wrists, so I never knew I was sensitive to the cinnamon oils. I will be careful with the cinnamon blends from now on and only apply them to my wrists.


    I really love the way Bengal smells in the bottle with the spices over the creamy honey and musk. Very beautiful, warm and comforting for autumn. So, since the spice fades pretty quickly on me and the tiger bit my sensitive skin, I finally ordered a scent locket. About time, I'd say. :D

  3. Oh, poor Josey! :P That must be tough. What I would do is go ahead and wear your D+G when you are feeling disconnected and want that lovely, comforting boost. I know what you mean about wanting to keep that memory connection. Then, on days when you're feeling not so lonely, or maybe hanging out with a new group of people, you can wear your fave autumn BPAL and make some new memory connections.


    Hang in there!

  4. In the imp, Aizen-Myoo smells so fabulous - fresh and sweet and heavenly. Which is why I made the mistake of doing a full application right out of the gate, instead of my usual test-dab.


    Once this oil hits my skin, it gets sweeter. Occasional citrusy whiffs come off of it, but for the most part it just gets much too sweet. Yes, you read that correctly. I said something was too sweet! ::looks around and ducks, for the sky must be falling::


    I actually felt rather queasy wearing this, and couldn't wash it off because I put it on and then we headed out to run errands. It was just much too strong for my taste. I may try it as a room fragrance, but for now it's in the swap pile. Hmm - unless it's finally time to get that scent locket I keep threatening to buy but never actually do...

  5. My daughter is 3, and I've never really thought about picking scents with regard to her. But, my tastes are the lighter floral scents, or things that are fruity, sweet, rich foody (esp. now that we are approaching autumn!) so nothing that should irritate a little nose. She likes to sniff my oils too - in the bottle or on me. Whenever I have the hubby smell something, she has to check it out too.


    One day, however, I was sitting on my bed perusing my pile of imps, and she said "Put the oil away!" She wanted to play... :P

  6. In the bottle, Honey Moon is wonderful - sweet, rich honey. Wet on the skin, I still get the lovely, yummy honey scent. For about 30 seconds. Then, the honey completely vanishes, and I'm left with something rather perfumey. Not jasmine (I like jasmine). Not thyme. No Hawaiian tropicals. Not even what I think of as the scent of the lunar oils. Just something perfumey that gets stronger as time goes on. I am rather heartbroken. I will definitely try this in my oil burner before I decide if it needs to move on.

  7. Carnivale ('05) is very sweet in the bottle. Fruity and berry goodness. As soon as it hits my skin, I get, "Wow! Spicy!" It makes me think of those red hot candies, even though I really don't smell cinnamon.


    On drydown, a softer floral note comes out (you'd think that, after almost a year, my nose for specific notes would be better, but... le sigh.) Anyway, it still has that sweet-spicy scent to it, but that is balanced out by the floral notes.


    Overall, I like the scent, but I don't see it as something I will want to reach for time and time again. I'll have to give it a few more goes to decide if it's going to stay with me or move on.

  8. Despite my poor track record with rose (it always seems to go to powder) I couldn't resist this blend based on the description and other notes. And, amazingly enough, the rose didn't turn to powder on me!


    Unfortunately, the rose dominated all the other notes, and I have a strange prejudice against rose scents now, despite my love of the flowers. If the other notes would come out to play with the rose, I'd be happy, but as this is not the case, I fear Love in the Asylum is destined for a new home.


    Cool, creepy label, however! :P (Or am I the only one who found it a touch creepy?)

  9. I finally tried Sea of Glass today. I am dying for fall scents and it is still too damn hot outside to wear something heavy, so I thought this might be a nice, refreshing scent to help me feel cool.


    In the bottle, it is very fresh, ozone, water. It is practically a dead ringer for my beloved Tempest. Wet on the skin, it's still giving me the Tempest vibe. After a few minutes, I start to pick up hints of other notes - citrus? And maybe something herbal. It is quite lovely and fresh.


    Drydown is still faintly ozone and aquatic, but the herbal element has come to the front. I do like this scent, but it is similar enough to Tempest for me that I won't be getting a bottle any time soon. Maybe when my Tempest runs out I'll switch between the two.

  10. I found BPAL at the very end of October last year when the Yule LE's came out, so I missed the opportunity to buy Samhain. I was lucky enough to recieve an imp of this from a swap with a very generous forumite, so I finally get to see what all the hubub is about.


    First, let me say that I never checked the notes for this blend. So when I brought up this thread to write my review, the words "black patchouli" jumped out at me. What?! I'm wearing patchouli? And not diving for the shower to scrub it off? Wow, my scent tastes are changing! :P


    In the bottle and wet on the skin, this is a very rich, definitely autumnal blend. It makes me think of mulled wine and incense. Maybe a whiff of dried leaves. Warm and comforting, and I can imagine walking through the autumn leaves, despite the fact that the sun is beating down on the green grass outside today.


    As the scent develops, the winey note is more prominent, richer perhaps. I never specifically thought, "Oh, pumpkin!" or "Oh, apple!" but there are definite fruit notes as well. And a tiny bit of smoke, but not much. Like a bonfire in the distance.


    A few hours after application, it is mostly woodsy and leafy. I prefer the spiced wine stage, but this isn't bad. Now that I know there is patchouli in it, I keep sniffing and thinking, "I *think* that's patchouli..." but it isn't making me go :D so either my perceptions are changing or it isn't the same patchouli note that I am used to hating. Either way, I am so glad I got to try this blend. It is definitely autumn in a bottle. And while my heart still belongs to Jack, I will order a bottle of this if it becomes available again this fall. That is something I never would have done before, as the "p" word usually makes me pass right on by.

  11. [snip]

    I have so much trouble with the Gaelic names that it's not even funny.  The only one I can pronounce without feeling stupid is Baobhan Sith and that's only because it sounds stupid being pronounced the way it's spelled, so I had to learn the right way. :P


    My head sees "Baobhan Sith" and thinks, Bah-o-bahn Sith. Isn't he one of the Dark Lords from Star Wars? :D


    I don't talk about the oils "out loud" with many people, it's mostly here on the forum. But when I am talking in person and don't know how to pronounce the name I usually toss the imp at my hubby (ok, pass it gently. I do respect my preciouss) and say, "This one. I have no clue how to say it." The hubby is well-read enough that he can usually come up with a pronunciation.

  12. Well, Fire Eater is a strange one. In the bottle, I can't smell anything. Weird. I apply a bit, and still really don't smell anything. Sniff harder - wait, I'm getting a bit of a soft floral with something warm underneath it. Ok, that's promising. Apply a bit more. Nope - damn, it's gone to powder.


    Reading the reviews, I see mention of rose and carnation, both of which don't work for me. Sigh. I hope someone whose chemistry plays well with those florals will be able to give it a good home.

  13. Manila is one of those scents that I thought, "Yeah, I'd like to try that some day." But it wasn't high on the list. The lab gifted me with an imp in a recent order, and for some reason the imp was really calling my name, so I tried it out tonight. Oh my god - what a gift this is!


    In the vial, I can smell the banana, but not sweet, sticky, over-ripe banana but more like standing near banana trees. (Ok, so I've only done that a few times in my life. Still...) :D Wet on the skin, there is the lovely fruity scent of the banana with something fresh - green? I really liked it, so I put on more. Hubby really liked it too. Unfortunately, I had to leave for my pottery class.


    But I digress. Anyway, the fruity note faded after 15 minutes or so, and the incense note others have mentioned came out, along with a scent that was very familiar, but I couldn't place it. All I knew was that it smelled like another oil I loved, but couldn't remember which one. Then, it hit me. Hunter Moon. :P


    I may have to order a bottle of this in the near future. Definitely a new favorite!

  14. Freak Show. In the bottle, it smells rich and foody, yummy vanilla, with something fresh (lemon?) underneath.


    Wet on the skin, the cocoa comes out along with the citrus. Very tasty - what I had hoped for with 13, but didn't really get. After just a few minutes, there is a bit of a green note coming out. This blend is morphing quite a bit on me. Another few minutes later, I get a sharper, peppery note. I'm really enjoying this scent, but it keeps changing on me, defying my attempts to pin it down.


    Then, out comes a smoky note. It reminds me of fireworks, or incense smoke. I usually don't like the smell of smoke, but it's very pleasant here. There is still a sweetness under that smoke, and I get an image of being a child, sucking on a lollypop, lighting firecrackers on the Fourth of July.


    The drydown remains that sweet, incense smoke note. I had rather hoped it would stay a rich, foody, vanilla scent, but then again, I didn't apply very much. I do really like it, but it isn't what I expected. I need to try it again and see what happens.

  15. Oh, Eden - how I love you! :P


    At first, I was a little worried, because in the vial and wet on the skin I got a sharpness from Eden that I didn't quite expect. Lots of sandalwood, and the coconut was definitely toasty and sharp. I expected a creamier scent based on the description listing honeyed almond milk.


    But, as Eden dries, the sharpness fades, the fig and honey milkiness come out, and I am in heaven. I am another one who has had her nose mashed to her wrist all afternoon. Absolutely perfect!


    I was so sure that I'd love Eden that after ordering the imp with 13, I went ahead and ordered a 5ml in my Honey Moon order. I am so glad I did - come to mama, my beautiful bottle! This scent has leapt to the top of my favorites list!

  16. ... Milk Moon is Flower Moon's warmer, gentler cousin; it is a scent that emulates the closeness of child and mother. In it, cream and warm honey soften our traditional blend of lunar oils.

    Milk Moon - mmm! I just received this bottle in a swap yesterday, and it is already high on my favorites list!

    In the bottle, it is very creamy with a faint bit of tang. I don't get much of the lunar oils.

    Wet on the skin, it smells of coconut - so yummy! I'm not getting any of the mint that others have mentioned. Just creamy coconut and milk, a touch of rich, sweet honey.

    This blend doesn't morph much on me, the coconut fades on drydown and I'm left with a scent much like it smells in the bottle. Yummy, sweet and creamy, with a hint of tang. Definitely a keeper!

  17. I ordered the King of Clubs specifically for my husband (well, for me to smell while he wears it! :P) but as he had to go out of town at the last minute yesterday, I had to dip into it for myself!


    In the bottle, the prominent note to me is the almond, but it isn't a sweet, cherry-ish almond. I think the earthy notes are balancing it out, making it more subtle. Wet on the skin, it seems the same, but then this yummy feral, animalistic note comes out. The dark musk? Must be. (I swear, after 8 months, I feel like my nose is still such a noob.) It reminds me of a note in Hunter Moon - which is a good thing.


    I think I didn't apply enough of the oil, however, because my skin seemed to eat everything except that musky scent. Don't get me wrong, I love musk, but I wanted to experience the other notes as well. They all sound so yummy. I don't think I'll be wearing this myself, as for me it is too masculine. (We all know I love the sweet stuff!) But I can't wait to slather it on the hubby when he gets home tonight!

  18. In the bottle, Queen of Clubs smells divine! The first note I smell is the almond, with that memory of cherry to it. It is a rich, deep blend.


    Wet on the skin the almond is there, joined by a wonderful, elegant incense. It is a very complex fragrance: elegant, rich, a bit sweet and fruity. Lovely. And the rose isn't betraying me - wonderful.


    But, le sigh - I really shouldn't get my hopes up for any blend with rose. After 10 minutes or so, here comes the powder. Why oh why does my skin hate rose? :P I want to hang on to this oil and try it as a room fragrance, because I really was falling in love with it.

  19. It seems like Beth really nailed the Butterfly Effect with the blends that have been reviewed so far. They all sound like wonderful changing blends.


    CT2: LXII (62)


    In the bottle, this is rich, buttery caramel. Foody heaven! It seems to be a blend I'd reach for on chilly days, being so wonderfully rich. But once it hits the skin, it transforms into a light, sweet fragrance. At first I thought - berries? Floral? My nose is still such an amateur. But after experiencing the drydown and reapplying, I can tell it's a lovely aquatic note! It is so fresh and sweet, really perfect. There might be some berries or florals in there as well. Mmmmm...


    I will relish this bottle, and use it all. Thanks, Beth!


    Coming soon:


    CT2: XV (15)

  20. Chiroptera is a lovely spring, early summer scent. The most prominent note for me is the lemon balm, with the lovely soft florals behind it. Very light and refreshing. I think I'm also getting a bit of the herbal notes too, because it really has a wonderful freshness to it. It is beautiful!


    I got to try this scent courtesy of the Oblation Caravan, and I started to lament the fact that I won't be able to get a bottle of it now. But, after about an hour, the lemon and florals are gone and I'm left with an herbal, faintly medicinal smell. (Only when I put my nose to my skin - it isn't wafting around me or anthing like that.) I thought it might be because my poor nose is overloaded from sniffing all the goodies in the caravan, but after reading ohm's review about the "cooling nose" effect, I think I'm getting the same result. :P

  21. Thunderbird is fresh, sweet rain in the imp. Very lovely - I am a big fan of aquatics and ozone. But something gets really amplified when it hits my skin, and the little dab I put on became very overpowering. I think it was a floral note - I am having trouble reaching for words right now, because all I can remember was that the scent became very strong and gave me a bit of a headache.


    It had great promise for me in the imp, but with this floral note going haywire... :P For a fresh, rainy scent, I think I will reach for one of my first loves, Tempest. (Which I recommend people try if they're looking for a rainy scent and can't get ahold of any Thunderbird!)

  22. Corazon: mmm - the mango and musk are the prominent notes in this blend to me, and I am really enjoying it! The musk makes it feel more like a fall scent to me, not one I would reach for in the heat of summer. It doesn't change very much upon drydown, maybe going just a bit softer on the musk. Overall, fruity, sweet, musky - all the things I love! :P


    It reminds me very much of my beloved Hunter Moon, and I am so happy that I got to try it, courtesy of the Oblation Caravan. I'd really like to be able to track down a bottle for myself!

  23. In the imp and wet on the skin, Oisin is very light and herbal. I quite like it - a nice, fresh scent. I agree that it is both a good summery scent, and would be fabulous to swipe on your favorite guy.


    However, it is doing the same thing that Ides of March did to me and going rather powdery. I need to figure out which herb is doing this on my skin, as it is becoming quite frustrating!!
