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Posts posted by blacklacestatic

  1. Initial unsniffed impression: I love New Orleans culture and customs, so I really hope to like this. I'm expecting something dark yet alive and full of meaning. I'm nervous that this might me too earthy.


    In the Imp: Wet dirt with a bit of sparkle and sunlight.


    Wet on skin: Still getting wet dirt here, but it's not too earthy, more vibrant and fresh and alive. Dirt with a touch of booze, softerned by flowers.


    Drydown: Fresh earth. A park after the rain. Dirt, but sweet, wet dirt.


    Overall: It's dirt and soil, but with a romance to it, and the kinds of fresh flowers that I love. It's also got an underlying bit of spiciness that makes it a bit creamier than most dirt and soil blends. However, it is a dirt blend and although it is a really nice dirt blend, it's still a dirt blend and just doesn't feel like something I can wear a lot. I am very happy to have my imp, but won't need a full bottle. Jazz Funeral is a pleasant scent that truly exemplifies it's namesake.

  2. Initial unsniffed impression: Intrigued to see what kind of effect it will have. The description appeals to me.


    In the Imp: Very sharp, bright. I recognize something in it but can't make it out.... Juniper? Pine? No.. it's Patchouli!


    Wet on skin: Vibrant, herbal, still quite sharp to my nose. Certainly does wake me up though.


    Drydown: Woodsy patchouli. Oh yeah, lots of it. Feels more suited to an anointing oil than a perfume though. Kind of relaxing, very spiritual, very earthy.


    Overall: Very much a true patchouli scent. I'm not going to wear this often, I like patchouli mixed with other notes but when it's front and center as it is here it's just too much, too strong, too earthy for my taste. It's definitly not a bad scent, it's actually a really pleasant fragrance. I just prefer to wear more sweet and femme scents, not really big into wearing earthy, head-shoppy blends. However if you love wearing patchouli get a great big bottle of this!

  3. Initial unsniffed impression: This sounds intriguing. I wonder if it will actually work.


    In the Imp: Clean, sharp white floral.


    Wet: Sofeter sharp white floral. Classic feel. Not really fitting the description thus far. My jasmine radar seems to be picking something up.


    Drydown: Still sharp white flowers, soapy clean. Not feeling very seductive here. A whole lot of lavender. I think I read somewhere that the scent of lavender is supposed to turn men on. I don't get it. Lavender just smells like soap and detergent to me, and seems more suited for sleeping than sex.


    Overall: I'm pretty neutral in my feelings on this one. It's a generally pleasant scent. It's kind of fresh and clean and I suppose romantic in an old-fashioned sort of way. It's also a bit drab and I think I might be getting jasmine eaten up by either lavender, lilac or wisteria. Not really working as a seductive scent, but perhaps I will try it again around my man and see.

  4. Initial Unsniffed Impression: I think this might remind me too much of Absinthe (both the drink and the scent). Not too fond of Absinthe, bad experiences.


    In the Imp: Lots of words immediately come to mind, this makes a serious impression. Bitter, dark, masculine, damp, thick, musky. It is however, very well-blended.


    Wet on skin: Dark, thick and masculine. Reminds me a bit of fresh, hot asphalt.


    Drydown: Mostly very sickly sweet, dark anise. I don't particularly like licorice blends. It definitely feels evil, creepy, eerie. Licorice and musk. Does civet smell like leather? I get a leather feel from this too.


    Overall: It's just horrible on me. There are no parts of this that work for me. This will be one of the few BPAL blends that I truly can't stand. I even get a slight headache from it. I give it credit for being a very good representation of it's story.


  5. Initial Unsniffed Impression: I'm expecting this to be youthful, fun and sugary. I bought a bottle unsniffed because it sounds sweet and flirty.


    In the Bottle: Creamy, sweet candy. Cherries and strawberries and sugar.


    Wet On Skin: As it first touches my skin, I get sparkly, warm sugar. It goes through a phase where I get something that smells strongly of lime, but that only lasts for a few minutes. Then it smells like cotton candy.


    Drydown: Creamy, dreamy candy shop scent. I can't stop sniffing my arm. It's childhood sweetness and innocence and laughter, yet it's still got an edge. It's magical, perfect scent for a unicorn. I get a very pink feel from this. Sugar glazed strawberries and creamy melted marshallows.


    Overall: It's a much lighter, more innocent version of Sugar Skull. It's a magical fairy princess type of scent, but kinda slightly naughty in a way. I can see myself getting into some (oh-so-fun) trouble wearing this. Probably the kind of trouble that involves dressing up and whipped cream. ;)

  6. In the Imp: Sweet, yet spicy with something kind of odd smelling in the background. I'm not sure what it it, or if I like it.


    Wet On Skin: Dusty herbs and a slight whiff of something baking. A hint of flowers. It gets a bit creamier, sweet. I like it a lot. Soft fruits with spice. Definitely sweet.


    Drydown: Spicy pears. It's soft though. It reminds me of a much softer Frumious Bandersnatch. MUCH softer. It's very pretty. I think I might be in love.


    Overall: I wasn't sure what to expect here. I don't know what most of the notes smell like individually, but together they are heavenly. I'm very pleasantly surprised.

  7. In the imp: Sharp, Floral Honeysuckle.


    Wet On skin: Florals, I get that weird "pickle" thing I sometimes get from florals. It is surprisingly fresh however. The lavender comes forward and appears to be eating up the jasmine, tempering it a bit. I'm getting mostly lavender.


    Drydown: There's the jasmine. Ready to give me a nice headache.


    Overall: I can't do this one. It's too heavy on the flowers. It's not entirely unpleasant. Might be ok for a sleep blend when my boyfriend is not sleeping next to me. He would hate it.

  8. In the bottle: Tropical fruits, cocnut and something boozy.


    Wet On Skin: So apparently I amp pineapple! But this is okay because I like it. It's a very true pineapple scent, bright and fruity. The coconut comes forward and I start to smell exactly like a tropical drink. It kinda makes me thirsty. It's nice.


    Drydown: This gets much softer as the flowers come through, bu there is still much fruit to be sniffed. It's a definite vacation kind of smell.


    Overall: Lovely, will get much wear throughout the summer.

  9. Initial unsniffed impression: Like most folks I immediately thought, "Giant Vulva!". Bought a bottle because I love sugary scents. Expecting something yummy.


    In the bottle: Glowing and golden with a hint of citrus.


    Wet on skin: Same as the bottle with a hint of musk and a bunch of lemon, but then POOF! Where did you go?


    Drydown: This is very faint on me. All I smell is clean skin, but different from what my clean skin smells like without perfume, so I know it's still there. I get a hint of the lemon water someone mentioned before. It's pleasant but not very perfumey. I don't get anything floral here. It's a very, very light clean scent with a teeensy bit of sweetness.


    Overall: I like it, and I am happy I bought a bottle. This will be good on the days when I don't feel like anything heavy. It's just sweet enough, crisp and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to trying it again as it ages to see if I get anything stronger.

  10. In the Imp: light, sweet, but hard to make out.


    Wet on skin: Sweet and light, but perhaps slightly sour. Not very perfumey. It's strange, kind of like when you smell something funny and you're not quite sure where it's coming from. Not necessarily bad, just funny, kind of off.


    Drydown: A bit richer, spicier and masculine. I think my skin eats up frankincense which is why nothing really came forward until now. Would make a really great men's cologne, but doesn't suit me. The notes are very harmonious now, it's kinda spicy.


    Overall: I would probably be very attracted to a man wearing this, but it's perhaps not for me.

  11. In the imp: Earthy,wet and sweet. Mossy, a bit more pleasant than a typical earthy blend.


    Wet on skin: Spicy earth, hint of something aquatic, a forest at night. Too earthy and piney for me to wear as perfume, but the nicest dirt blend I've tried.


    Drydown: Too much pine, too masculine. Bet it would smell wonderful on my guy.


    Overall: Nice as a scent, but not for me. Pine scents tend to be too manly for my skin. A great composition though, perfectly captures a forest at night.

  12. In the imp: Sweet, red, either red musk or dragon's blood. I have a hard time distinguishing the two until they hit my skin.


    Wet: It's dragon's blood, but it's got a green feel to it. Sweet cherry. Peppery magic. I kind of like it but I know what's coming next...


    Drydown: Now I'm feeling the wrath of the dragon! I amp dragon's blood like hell. It's all I can smell, it's in my brain, it's taking over everything and giving me a slight headache. Which sucks because i do like the smell of it when it's not on me.


    Overall: I wish I could like this but it's just too strong.


  13. In the imp: Highly floral, mainly jasmine. Very unpleasant to me because of the noticeable amount of jasmine.


    Wet on skin: Jasmine, slightly sweetened. I can sense the inclusion of lemon, sandalwood and sage trying to poke out. Where is the lily? :( It's at least kind of faint, which is good because I'm mostly getting jasmine scented baby wipes. Damn skin chemistry. This certainly does not work as a love potion for me. Actually, I get the exact opposite response. I'm starting to get uncomfortable enough that I want to wash it off.


    Drydown: Dry, drab floral. The amped jasmine is gone (thank goodness) but there is really nothing left for me here. A ghost of plain woodsy white floral.


    Overall: Not for me. After I get through the initial jasmine phase, it's not bad, but it's not doing anything for me either. I was hoping for more pretty white floral and less jasmine. Can't wear this one. :(

  14. In the Imp: Fresh, clean pretty shampoo scent. So different than my usual dark, sexy stuff. This could be a nice change.


    Wet on skin: Very true to the scent in the imp. This is lovely. A clean, bright, fresh-scrubbed kind of scent. I like it.


    Drydown: A less intense version of the same scent. This will get some serious use!


    Overall: Absolutely lovely and pretty. A great scent for a hot summer day, or any time you want to feel clean and pampered. Bottle-worthy for sure!

  15. In the imp: Very dry. I can make out the rose and amber, but they are both overtaken by a dusty, outdoorsy kind of smell. I guess that's the straw? A slight bit of sweetness.


    Wet on skin: I know the rose and amber are there, but they are hiding. I get mostly a dry, metallic sweat. My skin is not reacting well to this. It kind of reminds me of the sweat on your skin when the weather is in between summer and fall. I know that's really specific to me, but that's what I get.


    Drydown: More sweet and fresh than before, but there is not enough here to make me love it. Slight bit creamier and softer now, but I have other scents that have given me the same effect that have stayed pleasant throughout.


    Overall: It's kind of interesting as a nostalgic scent, but I won't need a bottle.

  16. In the imp: Citrusy sweet lemon.


    Wet on skin: Delicious lemon cake.


    Drydown: This is dissapearing way too fast. There is just a teensy hint of sweet lemony flowers. Reminds me of Polyhymnia. However it's a bit too faint for me.


    Overall: I think my skin just eats this up. I didn't even amp the jasmine! That says this blend is just way too subtle for my tastes. It's not a bad scent, just not enough. I need a good balance.

  17. In the Imp: Sharp, deep floral.


    Wet on skin: Still a deep floral, less sharp, more earthy.


    Drydown: Drab, dull nothing. I have no idea where this went, but it sure as hell ain't on my skin.


    Overall: Sometimes with lilac, wisteria or cedar, my skin eats it all up till it's gone, leaving me with only the other, stronger notes. Unfortunately there isn't much here besides those three, leaving me with absolutely nothing. Not even the lemon shows through. Cordelia is not for me.


  18. I recently tried all the blends I had with almond, just to see if I still enjoyed almond. Some of them had been getting a little too cloyingly sweet.


    Here's my thoughts:


    Queen of Sheba: Way too strong in the imp, but settled down nicely on my skin. I definitley like this one.


    Salome: Would be nice if it weren't for the jasmine. Unfortunately that overpowers any almond for me.


    Eclipse: Starts off a little strange, but settles into something gorgeous and comforting.


    Voodoo: Not terrible, but the almond here sweetens the pine and gets a little heavy. Would be nicer in Winter.


    The Organ Grinder: Much too much. Anything with sarsaparilla or sassafrass rarely agrees with me. The almond here gets way too heavy due to the inclusion of other saccharine sweet notes. Then there's the pine again. I don't think almond & pine together work for me.


    Hellcat: Very Sweet! I think I like it though, it's a creamy kind of sweet.


    Miss Lupescu: Starts off weird, dries down nice. There is a hint of what I didn't like about The Organ Grinder here, but it doesn't last. This is fairly pretty, but not something I'd wear often.


    Calliope: This smells a little bit too "kitcheny" for me. Almond sweetens up some citursy herbals but is ultimately overpowered by them.


    Butter Rum Cookie: Yum, yum, yum! If you like the foodiness of almond, this is the blend for you!


    Hony Mone: One of the few blends in which jasmine does not ruin it. The almond here is delicious and sweet.



    Overall- Almond is fine for me in some blends, and not so fine in others. It's not a note that is going to make me go out and buy a scent just for it's inclusion, but it gives a pleasnt sweetness to certain scents. I love it when it's partnered with honey. Not so much with pine.

  19. In the imp: Really sweet, kind of stings my nose, a kick of cinnamon.


    Wet on skin: Sweet yet sharp, which is weird. Kind of like a 4 year old stabbing you with the knife they just used to cut the cake at her birthday party. Hmm... The cinnamon is more prominent here, which is great because I love cinnamon.


    Drydown: Now it's quite creamy and delish. The vanilla came forward and the frankincense, a note I'm usually on the fence about, keeps it from getting too foody. The cinnamon reminds me of the cinnamon in Chimera, one of my faves. It's got that cozy quality about it.


    Overall: I think I like it, but the wet phase was weird. I'm on the fence and will have to try this again another time. I'm leaning towards like though.


    Eta: Yes, I like it. I like it a lot. The more a sniff it, the more I love it.

  20. A scent that is both coquettish and sinister. Exotic and lush, brimming with grace and viciousness: almond with star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood and Egyptian musk.

    In the imp: Jasmine and musk, but fresher than I was expecting. A slight sweet woodsiness is hiding back there somewhere.

    Wet on skin: I'm not getting much of anything right now, it's smooth, kind of medicinal.

    Drydown: Jasmine!!!!! Normally I get the jasmine amping as soon as it touches my skin, but I guess something here was holding it back for a bit. Now this is nothing but jasmine, my skin chemistry always does this. Sigh.

    Overall: Salome is not for me. It's not quite as bad as some other jasmines have been for me, but it's still not ultimately wearable. Please keep in mind that this is solely a result of the note not agreeing with my individual skin chemistry. If jasmine is a note you enjoy, check out some of the other reviews and disregard mine!