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Posts posted by Idlewild

  1. Nyx

    I like to try imps that come with my orders blind - without reading up on what's in them or what they're supposed to be first. I sniffed this in the imp and it smelled sweetish but not overpowering, and somewhat feminine and seductive. Put some on my wrists, inner elbows and neck, and wowie. It blew me away, came on very strong on me. I couldn't place the scent but it seemed familiar and lovely so when I searched on it and saw jasmine, I went AHA! We used to have a lot of jasmine draped over trellises in one of the houses I grew up in. Had to take a shower immediately after putting it on (unmissable shower-with-husband opportunity :P ) and it stayed pretty strong even after a shower. Unbelievable. I'll have to use a really light hand when applying this in the future. The husband in question thought it was wonderful though, so if the consensus stays that way, I may end up with a bottle. Definitely very, very feminine on me. I felt like I ought to put on something pale pink and ruffly.

  2. I'm trying this out as a room-scent in an oil burner. The first thing it reminded me of was plum wine. My bpal pusher danuv, who sent me the imp, said "Oh, that's good for you since you like plum wine." Yessss. I love plum wine. Sweet, exotic and intoxicating. I'll be interested to see how this takes when I try it on my skin, but I'm adoring it as a room-scent.

  3. Sweet and pretty on me. I like the musk scent but it's definitely predominant in this over all the other notes, and I wish the herbal would come through more strongly. Looking forward to spring, I think this'll be one I'll want in my oil burner, and to wear with some kind of cute little floral dress - it's sick how many of these perfumes make me want to run out and buy the perfect outfit to match them! This definitely felt quite young on me, and I'd think it'd suit an older teenager.

  4. Most of the oils with rose notes in them that I've tried go very rosy on me, so far. Eve hasn't, it's behaved very nicely. I ordered a bottle without trying it, based on the notes in it, and I must say I haven't been disappointed. It's soft and feminine and makes me feel alluring and beautiful. It also lasted well on my skin, though that may have been because I accidentally slathered pretty heavily. I'd go for a lighter application next time. It has a slightly musty sort of undertone on me, not too clean and crisp. It's certainly sweet, but didn't turn powdery or old-ladyish on me. It made me feel like a vamp, which was probably a bad thing for work, but what the hell, you only live once, right?


    An instant favourite for me! I hope that repeated wearings don't show up any interesting skin-chemistry tricks.

  5. Vinland is very austere on me - kind of crisp and woody. It smells kind of dark green to me. Slightly masculine. I enjoy it on days when I want to project that side of my personality - woodsy and aloof. My husband loves it on me though, so who knows what he smells? It also worked wonderfully as a room scent for us in an oil burner- I was very pleased with how fresh and crisp and green it made the room smell.

  6. I spent all day wanting to review this scent!


    Out of the bottle on me it smells like pot pourri - my mother and I used to make it when I was a teenager, with dried rose petals, orris root powder, and a bit of rose essential oil. So it's a good smell for me. It reminds me of a particular house we lived in, and it evokes all that without making me sneeze nearly as much as old pot pourri.


    As the day wore on, I found a strange thing happening. The scent started to smell more of fresh roses rather than dried roses. It got sharper and cleaner on me. That didn't happen the last two times I wore it, or else I didn't notice, but I hope it's a repeat occurance.


    I got this imp as a freebie, kinda liked it the first time I tried it, then ran back to it when I was trying to find something to put on after washing off a scent that went disastrously on my skin. This morning it just seemed the right kind of comforting without being as blanket as Dana O'Shee, which is my favourite comfort scent. Seance is definitely a bit more alluring!

  7. Oddly, this one came out smelling like curry powder on me. Turmeric-ish. I have no idea where that came from, but it wasn't really to my taste. May well be a skin chemistry thing. It was so overpoweringly savoury-foodish that I had to wash it off. I will probably try it again another day just to see what it does and whether it was a hormonal freakout.

  8. This settled down very quickly into a unified scent on me. I can't pick out any individual notes. It sort of smells like those candy musk sticks dissolved in red wine on me, which sounds culinarily disgusting, but is warm and mellow smelling. I feel like I'm wrapped in my old leather jacket. I'm a woman, but I didn't find this too masculine at all. It definitely does boost my confidence. It makes me feel like I'm home.

  9. The first time I wore this, it felt really a little to demure for my tastes. Sort of elderly. I kept coming back to it though, and found that it's a perfect scent for the days when I just need a little bolster to the femininity. I found it to be very feminine, light, and made me think of pastel pinks and greens, faint morning light on a garden in spring, or something.
