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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by kebechet

  1. I have to assign 900 tickets to David Bowie today, so I had to go in. =P Sucks here, but y'all could have guessed that. Heh! Pain is making me vulgar, and when my boss asked me why I'm going so slowly today and seem distracted, I said, "Because my vagina is dialating."




    Only 700 more tickets to go...

  2. When I went to the post office today, my new friend there warned me that the USPS and most international postal services are on high terrorist alert since the Madrid bombing and postal inspectors all over the world are running fine-toothed combs through every shipment. We should expect delays.


    Love it. LOVE IT!!!

  3. Ok, at the risk of being way too graphic -- especially for the menfolk here -- this is what's up:


    Out of nowhere, I had a very severe, violent reaction to my birth control pills. It got steadily worse until it became something I couldn't stand anymore. I don't know when my body changed, but when it did... jeebus. My ob/gyn is switching me to an IUD, but since I've never given birth I have to use Cytotec in order to dialate prior to the proceedure tomorrow. It's 24 hours of extreme discomfort, bordering on completely incapacitating. I'm on Hour One right now, and it's damn near unbearable. The great thing is that I have to go in to the amphitheatre from 10am til 9.30pm.


    I laugh at my misfortune and bad planning skills.




    - - -


    I love you guys so much. Thank you all for always being there for stupid ol' me.

  4. I'm going to the doctor's for a medical proceedure Friday morning, and I'm in a bit of discomfort tonight, which will likely worsen tomorrow, so I wanted to warn everyone that my replies to shipping inquiries and general emails will have to wait for just a short time.


    I'm sorry about this. =/

  5. Hey guys -- quick note...


    I had to go in to the office today and yesterday -- the other office, unfortunately, as I still work for the theatre. Blech. I had to do a 10 hour day there yesterday, and 10-10 today, so I might be a little slow in getting back to everyone that resent their emails. I'm going to get through as many as I can when I get back tonight, and more when I get back tomorrow around 7pm.

  6. There doesn't seem to be a problem with our SMTP server anymore, but there may be a problem on my side. I am going to resume replying to everyone tomorrow night after 7pm, after I do a complete reinstall on this computer.


    Thanks for your patience! Hopefully we can straighten this out asap.



    [cross-posted to the LJ Alchemylab forum]

  7. ROTFL!!! I'm surprised you're not hiring people off the street! "Can you tie tags? Can you work a pipet? Hey you!! Can you screw on caps?!"



    Ebony, I know this sounds silly, but... so many people I've hired haven't been able to do these simple things! I'm not going to launch into a litany of grief here [no matter how tempting!] but it's taken me over a year to find someone who could affix a label straight, fill out a customs form correctly, cut labels without butchering them, fill orders without screwing them up. No joke!


    Once the shipping snafu is completely behind me, I need to hire more people. :P

  8. Ok guys, as soon as everything calms down [HA HA HA HA HA -- ugh] I want to put together a section of the site that has info about all of our beloved customers. If any of you want me to put you up, please leave a message here with


    Name [First name only if you want. I don't want to promote stalking! :D]

    URL, if applicable

    Photo, if you don't mind

    Sin of choice [Not the scent, the proper sin :P ]

    Virtue you embody

    Astrological Info

    How you found out about BPAL

    Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general


    I reckon I should be able to get this done in about a month, but I did want to throw it out there early.


    Thanks, guys!

  9. Should I panic yet?  Mine was supposedly sent out on the 29th of Feb and its not here yet

    Orders placed while we were gone [all of which are tagged as 2/29 for some reason -- gotta love CcNow... I have no clue when any of the orders from that time really came in] are going out now along with more reshipments. We're about halfway through all of those orders -- we've barely scratched the new orders because of the USPS issue.


    So... when can I get myself an assembly line?

  10. Unfortunatley all the papow address are hosed until further notice.


    As an aside, I was looking at our links page and we still have a positive review for our old host (who won't release papow or keep it up) If only we had time to give them the review they deserve.



    Er, I thought I deleted that. F*ckle. Remind me to do that tomorrow. =P

  11. Blood Lotus, by the way, is haunting, delicious and has made me very VERY happy! :D


    I eagerly await all new scents. I have been wearing Black Forest all day today on this rainy, gloomy day and it has been JUST the thing to lift my mood.....



    We love your good work!  :D

    For the record, Blood Lotus was inspired by Bloodlotus. :P I've always loved your screen name, darlin'!

  12. The links section has been updated. :D Many more will be added over the next few days!


    As of tonight, we have finished all but five reshipments. Another batch of reshipped orders are going out tomorrow afternoon, and then one more on Saturday morning and I think we'll finally be done with that.




    The last of the international reshipments are going out in the Saturday batch.


    I should feel relieved, but I won't be able to relax until the shipments actually arrive.


    Starting Monday, we'll be able to get crackin' on the orders that came in while we were on vacation. At this time, I expect a maximum 10 business day day turnaround on them.


    Back to work!

  13. Just curious: Elizabeth, are you shipping from a different PO? What the hell happened with all of those orders?!?!? Inquiring minds want to know!



    Nod, I'm shipping from the downtown annex at the moment. It seems to be working out -- at least, I hope it is. As far as I can tell, reshipments are getting to their destination domestically within a few days. Internationals remain to be seen. :D


    I still don't know what happened to the initial shipments. I've been so busy repacking that honestly... I haven't had any time at all to investigate. I don't want to assume the worst, you know? My friend hasn't gotten back to me about where she saw our oils [she's out of town on business =P ] so I won't know anything about that til she gets back. It's making me sick just thinking about it.


    Ugh, it's almost 1am, and I'm too tired to make sense.


    Thank you again, everyone, for all your love, patience and support. The Lab wouldn't exist without you...


    Edited to correct typos. Man, I was tired last night when I wrote this. :P

  14. I just received another request for a list of scents that are suitable for a man to wear. Though I think it's a matter of taste, here's my list of our more masculine and gender-neutral blends for future reference.


    One of these days, I have to update the FAQ. :P







    Baron Samedi



    De Sade


    Fenris Wolf

    Golden Priapus


    Jolly Roger



    Loup Garou

    Mad Hatter





    Titus Andronicus



    Vicomte de Valmont






    All 7 Sins

    All Celestials

    All Tarot Blends



    The Apothecary




    Black Forest

    Black Phoenix




    The Caterpillar











    Embalming Fluid















    Pulse Priapus



    Serpent’s Kiss


    Snake Oil







  15. I've never gotten anything from the USPS about any of my orders - is this a new thing just for reshipments, or is it supposed to happen every time?  Just curious.

    The option was always there and I always activated it, but it didn't seem to work until recently. =P


    Well, I think its working at least. =/

  16. We're still going through all the orders manually. It's taking some time, as they span over almost a full month. If your package has been eaten by the post office, you won't receive an email from me until the moment it ships. At this time, it's the only way I can keep things organized. If I haven't emailed you yet, it only means that I'm still repacking your order and you'll get a notice from me and, if it is a domestic order, from the USPS automated service when it goes out again. I'm truly sorry for any confusion that my previous post may have caused. I've been a little frazzled, and I seem to be typing out of sync with what I'm thinking -- if that makes any sense. We still have more than 70 orders to go through, so please be patient. I want to get all this cleared up by the week's end, so you shouldn't be waiting too much longer for a reshipment, barring another hellish incident.
