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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Reenah

  1. This is a must-have for any foodie. It's definitely nom-able. Upon opening the bottle, I got a heavy, sweet vanilla, like butterscotch and bright fruit. Immediately apparent is the same juicy green apple in Snow, Glass, Apples. That note is amped on the drydown, sticking around for a good, long time while the other fruits pop in and out, leaving various droplets of juice behind. The carnation also makes an appearance, keeping everything from becoming too sickly-sweet by adding a sharp greenery which is simply heaven. It makes me want to frolic somewhere spring-y. The sugar remains close to the skin, while the vanilla cream, tonka, and sweet pea are more apparent in the throw, which is much less fresh-feeling that the nose-to-wrist experience, but no less lovely. Overall, Agape is dreamy. I have a feeling it will become my first two-bottle purchase.

  2. I just have to comment on how lovely this blend is. It was a frimp and I didn't expect it to be this good, but WOW. It reminds me a lot of Gennivre, which I suppose is the tea. It's sweet, with a green freshness from the carnation which becomes less sharp in the drydown, making room for the tea. There's nothing heady about this rose. It's so light that you wouldn't notice it as first, but it adds a beautiful femininity. All the notes have a blended quality so that you can barley distinguish one from the other. It's definitely got a magical feel I feel like if I wore this in a forest, I may very well attract a unicorn. Maiden will merit a big bottle come spring.

  3. So this isn't exactly the right thread, but I'm not sure where to post this. I have a friend who is in LOVE with the book Stardust and so when I told her about BPAL line, she immediately ordered a bottle of Lady Una (you can tell they're BPAL newbies when they only order on bottle at a time). That package got lost in the mail and the Lab generously sent her a second one. THAT package got to her house, but no one was home, and when she went to the PO the next day to retrieve it, they said the mail truck carrying it had broken down, and everything in it had been transferred to a new one, only her package somehow disappeared in that process. She's waited a few days for it to show up, but nothing has. I wouldn't ask this for myself, but I want her to have a good first BPAL experience - is it worth it to contact the lab about this order?

  4. Well, frankincense is certainly the predominant note all the way through. The very same bitterbitterbitter one that's in Penitence. The red sandalwood attempts to smooth is over as best it can, but has very little luck. The sandalwood only encourages it. It's pretty badass, that frankincense. Overall, what I get from this is the leather note I never had. BPAL's leather is total fail on me. Epic fail. BUT. Anne Bonny's notes come together to a dirty, spicy, smoky LEATHER. So piratical. I'm in love. I feel sexy in this stuff. :P

  5. In the imp, this was kinda bleh, cloying jasmine and a little buttery note. Of course my skin has this ridiculously sappy love affair with honey. The first hour and a half of this is just "I'M REENAH'S SKIN AND I'M IN LOVE WITH HONEEEEEEEY". And I glare at it and say, "Yes, we know, you've made that quite clear from your rather loud romps with Gennivre and Eisheth Zenunim." Eventually, they quiet, and allow a few other notes to worm their way in. The jasmine works VERY well with the honey, and the vanilla is a nice way to temper those two notes, which are usually both feverishly strong on me. Beth's vanilla is so un-foody sometimes, it surprises me, but in a very good way. As for that buttery note I smelt in the bottle, I wish I knew where it comes from, because it comes back a bit after the omgwtfhoney! stage and is a very interesting addition. Sometimes a rich but smooth sandalwood can smell like that, but I don't know what olive blossom smells like, so maybe it's that. The cinnamon is really NOT there for me, at all. Conceptually, this is spot on. It's glow-y (if I had to assign it a color, it would be an extremely light amber) and languid and lazy and very feminine.

  6. I guess this is related to the topic....


    My Q is about single notes. I understand putting out single notes of accords, like the musks and such, but if BPAL is 100% EOs, what's the point of a single note for an organic substance that has it's own EO readily available? Wouldn't a lavender or lotus or sandalwood (random notes off the top of my head, I'm not sure those have SNs) single note from BPAL just be lavender, lotus, or sandalwood essential oil? Or did Beth somehow augment those EOs with other EOs so they smell MORE like the actual thing that the EO? Is that even possible? Most EOs smell pretty lifelike to me already. But I've never smelt an SN, so I wouldn't know.

  7. This was a very fortunate frimp from the lab. Every rose I've tried so far from BPAL has turned into a LOUD, pink bubblegum scent, and it's been very frustrating because I really do love the scent of rose. This however has has a bitter, tart edge that sooo unlike the rose in Two, Five, and Seven or Gwenyth. It smells greener and more plant-y, and maaaaybe a little more like generic "perfume" from an earlier era. If you're afraid of a grandma-y rose, then this one is not for you. For me, however, it's perfect.


    Wait, actually, the rose note in Moscow was bitter like this one, not bubblegum-y. But it made me sneeze and my eyes water. I have a cold right now though, so maybe Lucy's Kiss does that too, but I can't tell the difference. Hmmmm...


    Conceptually, this doesn't fit at all. This doesn't evoke darling Lucy Westenra for me. She is pure white and blood red, and Lucy's Kiss is pink and gold. *sigh* I wish it did. I freaking love that book. This blend smells classic and elegant and grand, like a Victorian opera. In fact, I'm going to rename it "Gala at the Opera Populaire" and pretend it's from a line based on The Phantom of the Opera. It works so much better that way.

  8. In the bottle this is mostly cool, sweet milk, with pretty, PINK carnation and rose, and a bitter, herbal lavender just barely poking out. I amped the honey (as usual) while it was drying and for a good while after that, so it was pretty much just honey. An hour or two later it was still mostly honey with some milk and comforting herbal notes. On my sister, who is nursing, it's mostly milk with sweet pink florals apparent underneath and a little bit of herbiness. Altogether, hers is a lot more unique-smelling and pretty than mine. Maybe it's a new mother thing. *envy*

  9. Revisited this one and was much happier with the results. What I love about this scent is the bitterness. Bitter cocoa, biting alcohol, bitter blood all running freely. Extremely dark. It really conjures up the image of dark sweaty nights filled the sound of screaming insects and screaming drunken madness as people start to worship some dark version of Dionysius. And yet....I kinda want to wear it ALL the time. I feel very edgy.


    The cocoa is initially the strongest scent, completely unsweetened, though it dies down quickly, dusting the surface of the rum, which is full, dark gold, and rich, but, all the same, very bitter. The "red" notes, wine and blood, accent everything well, making the overall effect deep and complex. The weird thing about me and red wine notes is that for about five minutes after application they smell kinda salty, like onions or potato chips or even BO! (This was the case with Prospero. I still have nightmares of B.O. and grape candy from Prospero.) Luckily, that went away quickly this time around, leaving just a dark, translucent red wine.


    The strange thing about this is how similar it is to The Death of Autumn to me. They share no notes, but the people who keep mentioning vetiver might be on to something. It was something in the rum I think, that also makes them similar. Either way, I definitely need a bottle of this.

  10. Oof. This is my first unsniffed order to go wrong. I was so SURE too. :P The bottle was promising. Heady and fruity. Pineapple was quite evident. Vanilla was sharp like in Love's Philosophy. Coconut made itself known when wet, and the whole thing was shaping up to be that delicious Pina Colada scent that I wanted it to be. Then it all fell flat on the spice. The spice is a little plasticky and dull and everything disappeared but that. *pout*

  11. Oh, so this one was really strange. It starts in the imp with this really well rounded fruit, sharp citrus from the grapefruit and lime is predominant, but the apricot and pomegranate are filling it out and making it sweeter. The ginger permeate the whole blend. As far as booze-y notes go, they aren't apparent, but I guess you could argue for their presence. There's definitely SOMETHING alcoholic, but not on its own. It's kind of like some of the sweet fruits themselves fermented a little, but aren't intentionally being made into alcohol.


    As Screeching Parrot progresses, the ginger CLEARLY takes over. It becomes an herbal-spicy, kinda earthy because of that, like ginger tea. There's still some fermented sweetness, but it's definitely playing the supporting role.


    This was so NOT anything I was expecting it to be. Sophisticated, which anything Tiki shouldn't be, and cool, which anything tropical shouldn't be. It's a foody-spicy quite unlike anything I've tried so far from BPAL. I kinda want a bottle!

  12. Cockaigne really doesn't like me. You know how I know? Because it PISSED on me! In the imp it was a BIG, moist apple cake with a tiny bit of cinnamon. On me, the apple became strong. Then it got stronger. Then it murdered the cake and cinnamon. Then it turned into preschool-apple-juice. Then it turned into straight human urine. All in the course of five minutes. I gave Cockaigne away before it decided to murder me in my sleep. Never fall asleep in a room with someone who has made their dislike for you so obvious. Especially when you've shut said enemy away in a crowded drawer.

  13. In the bottle, this was MILK chocolate and the butter-spice from Gluttony and an almost over-ripe note of fruity pomegranate. The rather prominent butter disappeared as soon as this hit my skin (just like in Gluttony) and left that yummy spice in it's wake. The spice stayed prominent for a while, melding with the pomegranate occasionally, then slipping away again to stand on its own for a while. If I had to pin dow the spices, I'd say...nutmeg and cloves and pepper, but sweeter. After a while, the spices blend into a warm mix of yum: hot chocolate and spice cookies, mostly. However, I have gotten multiple people telling me I smell like coffee, specifically a Dunkachino (half coffee, half hot cocoa), when I was wearing this.


    Ummm...where was the pumpkin?

  14. Gutted. In the bottle this was the purest, most divine chocolate scent ever. I was in love from the first sniff. But oh....!


    The second it hit my skin it turned into screeching, sharp burnt plastic. I've had it sort of happen before - some vanillas and the first few minutes of Snow White, but this actually just reached out and slapped me in the face. I'm not even sure why, since I've never had problems with the labs cocoa or cream notes before. :P



    YES! This is me exactly. Perfect cocoa richness in the imp and then OUCH! I thought it was the cream emerging for a second. But no. Burnt plastic. Kiiiiiinda similar to October's burnt plastic, but less sharp and more nauseating. The chocolate is still there, mostly as a little sweetness and an hour or two later, it's lingering sweeter, but still with the bitter burnt plastic. Gods, I'm crushed. I was so excited about this blend!! Good to hear though, that I'm not condemned to never wear a BPAL cream note, as you say you've not had problem with others. I reeeeally hope this doesn't happen with Love's Philosophy as well.

  15. Imp: Rose! (duh) Maybe green grass.

    Wet: Sweet rose, baby powder. The grass is disappearing.

    Dry: Rose, a tiny bit of baby powder, and...... super-sweet bubble gum. wtf?


    Overall: Simple. Definitely a keeper, because I smell like a little girl. Okay, that sounds creepy, but you get what I mean - it feels fun and innocent to wear it. If I ever need to wear pink satin, I'll wear Two, Five, & Seven with it. I was glad this rose worked out, because Moscow definitely didn't, and now I feel more confident trying Lucy's Kiss which I've been ogling for ages.

  16. So I love the rosy Moscow scent on my wrists and thought it'd be nice to have a head of hair smelling like it. So on monday, I mixed some with hair serum which is slightly scented and I was sneezing and my eyes were watering ALL day. It was awful. By the end of the day, I was sure I was coming down with the flu because I was really achy too. It was strange, and I was sure it couldn't be the bpal doing all that. So I tried it again today and I was allergic, but it was not nearly as bad as it was earlier this week. Maybe because I took an Allegra. It was so suprising to have such a violent reaction to something that was so tame on my skin. Could the serum have reacted with the oil to become more allergenic?

  17. In the imp: Hello grapefruit! This is citrus perfection. The flowers, particularly the wisteria, make it a bit more grown up. There's a spice peeking from the side which really, really perfects it, probably a combination of the neroli and ginger. None of the cream or vanilla people have been mentioning..


    Wet: The grapefruit begins to go lemon and the wisteria's freshness is all the more prominent.


    Dry: Strongly reminiscent of an Israeli lemon oil my friend had when I was a kid. There's no more spicy depth, sadly, but I still like this a lot. It's very spring-y, a barely-ripe yellow-green. Someone called this "bright" and it's a very apt description. I can see how this was made for a cartoon.


    Overall, this is invigorating, but not just a bland citrus, "fresh". It's emotionlly complex: wistful and dark, but smiling nonetheless.

  18. Okay, I need a serious foodie recommendation. I loooove smelling like baked goods, but the predominant (and HEAVENLY) note in every baked-good scent I've tried (Gluttony, Pumpkin III, Cockaigne, etc.) disappears entirely and I'm left with the other scents, which aren't nearly as good. You know which note I'm talking about: the butter and warmth thing. It's SO perfect in the bottle and then....*sigh* Gluttony turns into generic spice-cinnamon on me, cockaigne turns into apples and piss, pumpkin 3 is also the spice-cinnamon thing, with a dash of fruit. Though I'm still a newb, I'd bet that most of the foodie scents have the same note, because it is sort of perfect when it isn't on me.


    Honey and vanilla do work on me, like in Hunger or Dragon's Milk. And though this isn't traditionally a foodie, Lou Garou is a minty cookie on me and I can't get enough. Vampire Tears (grapefruit and lemon) and The Dodo (cinnamon tea) are good too, but not really the bakery scent I'm looking for. I'm definitely going to try Lick It One More Time when I place my big holiday shopping order, but I'm very sad to realize that I'll have to stay away from the Gingerbread and Egg Nog and other deliciouses (new word? yes.) that, in theory, make my mouth water.


    Does anyone have any suggestions for a fellow foodie who keeps getting disappointed by lovely descriptions and less-than wrist sniffs?

  19. In the imp, there's an orange but it's completely over powered by a sour-ish thing, maybe herbal. Reminds me of that nauseating thing De Sade did. Wet there was a really fake orange lollipop with a little fake raspberry lollipop. The sour thing is fading. Was that the neroli? It only fades comepletely when the whole thing has faded to a ghost of scent. Then I have a suprisingly sophisticated orange with a tiny bit of a berry to add depth. Too bad I'm the only one who can smell it!

  20. Oh god, get it off of me!!!

    *slathers self with gluttony*

    Ahhhhh.... that's better.

    So I love the scent of leather...high quality shoe store type smell, but I do not get to indulge that love much, seeing as I'm vegetarian. In the bottle this had that sort of bite, but, over that, something nauseating and industrial.

    When I put it on it only got worse. I couldn't stand it long enough for the dry down. I was reminded of being on exhaustively long car trips, the smell of a car's seat and the feeling of aboslute about-vomit-ness. I scrubbed. It still wouldn't come off. I went for the kitchen sink and used dish soap and the rough side of a dish sponge to no avail. So this has staying power, but, for me at elast, that's all it has going for it.

  21. In the bottle: VERY Dragon's Blood, so much so that it borders on cherry cough medicine. A little spice in there as well.

    Wet: The spice remained at bay while the two scents that DB always becomes on me do battle: soap and freesia. It was a very interesting and rather unpleasant brawl.

    Dry: First it was a nice cherry/freesia thing that is really all I want in dragon's blood. Then the spice came out and it turned into a sort of apple pie thing, with just a little too much air-freshener-esque cinnamon for my taste. That took on a more pleasant incense note, before the whole thing wore off and all there was was a sweet-ish residue that I could only pick up with my nose crushed to my wrist.


    Bottom Line: I'm glad this was just an imp. Too confusing, unpredictable, and not my favorite at all. And it faded extremely fast.

  22. Ohhhhh, this was an interesting one. I got two frimps of this from Shelldoo and was very sceptical. I am and always will be a foodie and a nut for all things sweet. So based on the name and the descriptions here I was sure I wasn't going to like Delousing Powder.


    Bottle: Lemon and detergent powder that are trying their very hardest to be perfume.


    Wet: Lemon is the most prevalent note. The powder becomes something softer, like a really nice talc powder. And then all of a sudden, there comes a creamy scent along with a musk!


    Dry: I consider it a testament to my body chemistry that it can turn something called Delousing Powder into something this creamy. The warm musk is still there too, now mixing with pine a few hours later. Again, lemon is overt note. The powder is all but gone. How on earth is this the same concoction that everyone else here is reviewing?


    To me, this smells like....the manliest scent I've ever put too my nose. It smells like everything those men's body sprays like Axe and Old Spice got wrong. If men would wear clouds of this instead of that junk, I'd take them home. Buuuut it's not really what I prefer to smell like. I think I'll keep one for the next time I'm feeling lonely and swap one.
