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Posts posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. Oh wow, this is gorgeous! Exactly like the description says...I get a soft, soft evergreen scent, without the harshness and astringent bite that can oftentimes accompany this note, plus warm, bright berries and a coconut note for sweetness, plus a touch of ozone. This is very delicious, and I may need a big bottle. In the drydown, I get mostly wildberries with creamy coconut and the faintest hint of pine. Love this one!



  2. I'm a big fan of just about everything BPAL, but uh, here's the thing: I do not like Dragon's Blood. I don't even like Dragon's milk. I'm just letting you know that up front, because if you are reading this review, chances are you do like Dragon's blood. Now you know where I'm coming from when I say I am afraid. I'm giving it a chance, though, so here we go:


    Well, I really like the ylang ylang in this blend, straight outta the gate! There's dragon's blood resin, and poppy, and this smells red, and fiery like the flames that mythical dragons shoot out of their noses. The poppy keeps the dragon's blood from becoming excessively sweet which is my major complaint with it typically. Overall this is the least offensive dragon's blood scent I've smelled to date. This smells pretty epic, and conjures images of great dragon adventure stories. I actually like this!

  3. I really like this one...It almost seems aquatic to me at times, but flowery, too, in a really dreamy ephemeral way. A touch of lemony sunshine. Smells like dew drops on flowers at dawn in the summer. It's very fresh and clean and would make a wonderful room or bedding fragrance. I'm hanging on to this one to wear in the warmer months ahead, or for those unbearably gloomy rainy days when I long for spring!

  4. I gave this one to my guy. It smells incredible on him. It smells pretty good on me, too, but definitely better on him. On me, the frankincense comes out more than on him, but on me there's also a weird astringent note that doesn't appear on his skin at all. ON him this smells really complex, full of herbs, somehow warm, and very gloomy...in the best way! I hope he wears this one a lot because I love to smell it on his skin!

  5. I love roses...I mean, really, I could wear (and have worn) a high quality rose essential oil as perfume. This is a really strong, dark rose (a, er, black rose...ahem) Unlike others, I get MOSTLY straight rose, slightly tempered by musk and amber. Really nice and gothy. I'm not sure exactly how rose + musk + amber = this deep, dark, gloomy rose scent, but it does, and I likes it. :heart:

  6. Before I found BPAL, I had a phase of about a year, where I would only exclusively wear Demeter's Brownie perfume with a hand blended chocolate body lotion that my friend made for me. I really believed in that whole theory about men and their libidinous affinity for baking smells...Anyhoo, this is my old sig scent intensified, and imbued with magical properties! This is ooey-gooey fresh out of the oven brownies...this is my aphrodisiac brownie perfume loving wet dream! I think I even like this more than (dare I say) El Dia De Reyes!


    I only have a wee partial decant of this and now I think I'm going to cry, because I could wear this everyday forever and ever!



  7. I love this! Herbs and lime with a sprig of pine! I was obsessed with witches and their spells, herbs, and ointments as a child (and I still am!) and this blend makes me really happy to wear both in concept and and in scent! I don't get any menthol, and I find this to be a touch too sweet to be considered unisex. Even if it was, I still wouldn't share it with my boyfriend :twisted: cuz I lurves it and it's all mine! Muahahaha!

  8. I am one of those people who cannot wear snake oil...Well, I will wear it on occasion (at least I did before I had this), but while there are many things that I like about it, there are at least as many that I find disconcerting (plastick-y vanilla, I'm lookin' in your direction!) This is my holy grail! It has all of the positive elements of snake oil, none of the negatives, and a light toasted coconut and plum base that is driving me (and my boyfriend) wild!


    I am so ecstatic that this got resurrected. I could never afford to get my hands on even a decant of it before! I only wish I had taken a leap of faith and bought a backup bottle in addition to this one, unsniffed, because this is magnificent. It's everything I ever hoped it would be in my wildest dreams and more! I just got my bottle tonight and I'm already frightened at the prospect of running out! It's so exotic, and sexy, spicy, warm, and imminently wearable. I adore this!



  9. Yummers...amber and myrrh is such a winning combination for me (Inez what?) There's not very much that could interfere with my profound love for those two notes together. In Loviatar there is the addition of a strong leather note, which smells like the black leather chair my parents had in their living room for years. Plus, there's musk slinking around in there, too. I love this...I don't find it to be too masculine at all (this coming from the girl who lurves sandalwood above all else in the world). It's sexy and delish.

  10. Whoa, this does smell like bubblegum! Both in the imp and on the skin - bubblegum! But like, complex and wearable bubblegum! Oh, now it's getting a little bit like Fruit Punch, too. Bubblicious Fruit Punch flavored bubble gum...but in a good way! :lol: I'll definitely try this one out sometime when I'm feeling down. So glad to have a decant! :)

  11. In the bottle, this smells like cheesecake or cream cheese frosting, or some other type of soured cream vanilla. I kind of like it, actually, even though it's kind of weird...


    On my skin, there's the minty note, but it's definitely saffron. Within five minutes this is all creamy french vanilla with an exotic hint of saffron. My boyfriend says this one smells like "creamy exotic vanilla" and his eyes roll back in his head when he inhales the scent.


    I might need more time to bond with this one, but I feel like this might be one of those scents (like Glowing Vulva) where I like it well enough at first, but after a little time to bond with it, it's genius suddenly smacks me upside the head one day and I start to hoard! In other words, this smells like one of those BPAL greats. It's lovely, exotic, romantic, and pretty. It also seems suited for year round wear (though I am particularly looking forward to having a halo of it's sweet vanilla saffron goodness wafting all around me in the sunshine this spring/early summer).


    I'm glad I found this bottle of Love's Philosophy - I'm gonna hold on to it tightly with both hands!




    ETA: Yeah, this one is rapidly growing on me, and steadily climbing its way up my LE top ten - just like Glowing Vulva. It's insidiously working its way into my heart. There's something about this scent, just like GVaRB, a certain je ne sais quoi - I find that I actively *crave* it when I'm not wearing it. I miss it...For me, that's exceptional!

  12. Ohhhh, wow, this is a warm, voluptuous, romantically tragic rose! Delicious! This is the opposite kind of rose scent from something like Two, Five, Seven or Kurukulla - those bright, juicy, fruity roses. This is more of a sorrowful floral romantic rose a la Blue Moon, and Lady Luck Blues. I don't get any spices, at all. I can tell there's a breath of something-or-other else in there besides just rose, but I can't tell what it is as it is very subtle. This is great...a definite keeper! Good thing the lab gave me two frimps of it in my last order!

  13. First sniff on the skin = :thud: This is sooooooooo good!!! I LOVE this blend! Bright, sweet, zesty, flirty, and fun! I get a lot of lemon verbena, honeysuckle, and heliotrope...there's orange blossom in there, too, right? Anyway, this one is not for the lemon shy, but if you are a lemon verbena lover such as myself, this is heavenly! Lolita is a gorgeous sweet, sunny, summery citrus blend. I must have more of this!

  14. In the imp this is medicinal and peppery...it has promise, though! On my skin, I get the nutmeg (yum, yum!) and myrrh (double yum), plus, what I suppose is the poppy. The sassafras is center stage, and it's the one note I'm scratching my head about. I feel very ambivalent about sassafras in general, you see...I'm confused about whether or not I like it in Tombstone, Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener, etc. Sometimes I smell it and think it's rooty and delicious, and then...car tires. I get that on both me and my boyfriend, so I don't think it's a skin chem. issue. In any case, I find this to be the least offensive sassafras I have ever smelled, the other notes balance out this blend like whoa! This is a definite keeper, potential big bottle purchase for me. Spicy, sweet, dark, and complex. All the things I love are represented in Laudanum.

  15. Hmmm, this one is really nice...in the same scent family as Arrival at the Sabbath, Odin, and Lyonesse, as well. Golden, caramel with spices. This blend is fairly unisex. I find it to be a more masculine counterpart to, say, Arrival at the Sabbath. I think I'll have to slather my man with this one and report back. On me, it's lovely, though, and a definite keeper!

  16. This is really amazing...it almost smells like it could be a Snake Pit. It has similar spices to Snake Oil, but it's lighter, and more golden and shining. I get a lot of golden amber, the iris, and the spices, but no berries. This is destined to become a top ten GC fragrance for me, and I may need a big bottle purchase. Brava!

  17. Hmmm...this is definitely in the same scent family as Antique Lace, but with more complexity and subtlety...There's the same "waffle cone" vanilla from Antique Lace, with the addition of discernible coconut meat, the faintest breath of frankincense, and I can just barely pick out the white rose. I could definitely see myself wearing White Rose alone for those days that I feel like exuding something flirty, playful and less overtly sexual than Red Rose. It smells very pure...probably that holy frankincense note I'm picking up.


    Together, these two complete each other and become one well-rounded, complex and gorgeous blend. I love both Red Rose and White Rose so much - both together and individually!



  18. Alone, Red Rose is one of the best things I have ever smelled. No, seriously...This scent is everything that I love...intense, dark, spicy, warm. Ooohh la la! Unlike others, I do get a lot of rose in this blend. When I was a lot younger I used to wear rose essential oil that I blended with various spicy single notes that I got from The Body Scent in Seattle...This smells a lot like that. It's not like Harlot at all, though. It's far spicier and darker. This is everything that I wanted Harlot to be...and more!


    With White Rose - Now this smells like a complex, well-rounded BPAL blend. It smells heavenly together...White Rose adds vanilla sweetness and coolness to the mix. At the same time, I feel like the two blends together almost cancel out the really spectacular, unique elements each one has individually. I really like the intensity in each blend when each one stands alone. I also like them together, too. I'll have to experiment with mixing these two more...


    In any case, I reeeaaaallly love Red Rose!!! I want to smell like this ALL THE TIME! I hafta have more, and I'll die if I run out!!!




  19. I was nervous about this blend after reading previous reviews, but I am here to tell you that this scent is nothing short of AMAZING!!! I don't get ANY patchouli, except in the background as an indecipherable anchor to the blend. I get NOTHING medicinal or sharp at all (aside from when it was wet, it smelled pretty gross - like a lot of amazing BPALs!) I was in a room with five men and ALL OF THEM were floored by how good this one smelled. They couldn't stop sniffing me. My boyfriend said that it smelled incensey and dark and mysterious and smoky. I agree. I get an extra sexy, smoky red sandalwood incense in an occult bookstore on a moonless night vibe from this blend. EXACTLY what I was looking for!


    I bought this bottle unsniffed...I had never done that before, and now I do not regret it, because this is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous!!!! It perfectly captures the image and the concept. This is the dark, smoky, love goddess of the night!! I will hoard this one most definitely. Love, love, LOVE!!!! Can't adequately express how head over heels in love with this blend I am!!


    :wub2: :dance: :bow:



  20. Got this one as a frimp, and I am very glad that I did, as it's one I would probably have never tried otherwise! MMmmm, wow! This is really gorgeous, and it IS both cold and warm at the same time! It's aquatic, and there is a lot of melancholy to it, but there's something really warm and blooming, too. I can pick out gardenia, but it is rolled into a host of other floral notes...and yet I don't find this blend to be too flowery for me...probably cuz it's those hothouse blooms that I like! I can picture myself wearing this one for a walk next to the lake on a summer night. I'm gonna keep this one around for hot summer nights and walks on the waterfront!

  21. This blend is like Ricola cough drops for my soul, man. :hippie: :lol: Okay, okay! I couldn't help myself, but when this one is wet it kind of smells like those lemon honey ricola cough drops. On my skin, though, the lemon is juicy and I DON'T get a lemon pledge vibe from it at all, but there's something mentholated in the mix that is what gives this blend it's cough drop similarity. The menthol almost entirely burns off as it dries on my skin, and I'm left with a nice invigorating and purifying lemon juice with soothing honey fragrance. I like it! I think I might need more of this...The smell does make me feel purified and replenished, and as a fragrance I could see myself wearing this one A LOT in the summertime! Likey! :wub2:


    ETA: I definitely LOVE this one, and NEED more immediately! I find it really refreshing and soothing. :love!:

  22. Straight off I get a lot of honey and a lil' amber, but...what the hell do oude and massoia bark smell like? I'm not getting any currant, and less than zero red sandalwood, which makes me want to cry because I lurves it so! In any case, this is quite lovely. A very feminine, warm, sexy, flushed second-skin fragrance that is reminiscent of O, but richer, deeper, and more complex.


    ETA: The full drydown is GORGEOUS and resplendent with Red Sandalwood goodness. Nothing like the earlier stages at all, and that's ok...A touch powdery, but mostly a flushed honey skin musk scent with a splash of red sandalwood. A definite keeper!

  23. Hmmmm...this one is awfully perfumey, as a previous reviewer stated. It is a very pretty, ethereal, and delicate perfume fragrance, but it is perfumey nonetheless. I was hoping for more raw herbs and misty notes from this one, but I am ridiculously sensitive to anything remotely reminiscent of traditional perfume. This is extremely pretty, though. Misty, lush, and glimmering.

  24. I haven't had much time to bond with this one yet, but I just had to review it while my initial excitement was fresh in my mind. White Light is every bit as amazing smelling and effective as everyone has been saying...Just smelling it out of the imp calmed me right down out of the funk I've been in all day. Of course, part of that is probably just because it smells AMAZING!


    First there's the creamy white florals, which are...okay (not the world's biggest floral fan), but then there's this other spicy/creamy/floral note, I don't know what it is, carnation??? In addition to something in the background a touch aquatic in the vein of Water of Notre Dame. It also has a snuggly, "fuzzy" note (for lack of a better descriptive term) in common with Luna, that is *not* the ylang ylang. Then again, I also keep thinking there's something in this blend a bit mossy, like Crossroads and Jazz Funeral (it definitely has some gardenia, in any case!) Plus, vanilla :lol:


    Hmmm....so basically, a creamy floral with everything but the kitchen sink, but blended to heavenly perfection! Overall the blend is clean and comforting, feminine, a touch spicy and creamy, a little herbal *and* has amazing therapeutic qualities! I'm gonna burn through this decant like nobody's business!!!! :heart:


